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August 8, 2007




-At the Horton house, Julie is already dressed for the funeral and heading out. Maggie is sitting with Alice and asks what her rush is. Julie says she is going to church early so she light a candle and pray for Sami and Eric's souls and to also light another candle to save her marriage. Maggie tells Julie to just give it time. Julie doesn't think she can because a part of her knows it's probably over and another part of her doesn't think it is and is trying to hang on to hope. Maggie urges her to listen to that side. Alice agrees. Julie embraces Maggie and Alice and thanks them for their help. She says she will see them at the church. Julie leaves.

-Kate arrives at the crematorium and sees Carrie there with Belle. Evan is in his carrier. Kate walks up and says she is surprised Carrie called her with all that has happened. Carrie reminds Kate they are both partially to blame and that she is Austin's mother. She should be at her son's cremation. Kate asks where Lucas and Will are. Belle says that Will called and said that Lucas wasn't up yet. He is finally talking some but is still depressed and hasn't woke from bed yet. Kate is worried about him falling off the wagon. Carrie urges Kate not to think like that and to just pray for Lucas and Will. Belle adds that they all need all the prayers they can get.

Philip then arrives, shocking everyone. Philip tells them that Austin was his brother and, despite his current feelings toward his mother, he knows she has no one else to be with her right now so he is here for her. Kate thanks him. The funeral home director tells Carrie everything is ready and asks if there is anyone else coming. She shakes her head, saying they all have another funeral to go too. Carrie and the others take their seats and watch as Austin's coffin is rolled into the flames ahead of it. Carrie breaks down, taking Evan in her arms and telling him to say goodbye to daddy. Belle comforts Carrie as Kate begins to break down as well, saying she can't believe she lost her son. Philip hesitantly reaches out to her and embraces her, telling his mother that Austin is at peace.

Meanwhile, at Sami's apartment, Will walks out of his bedroom and notices that his dad is still in bed. Realizing that the funeral is only hours away, Will thinks about waking Lucas but opts to wait a little while longer. While in bed, Lucas keeps seeing Sami's death play back in the form of nightmares over and over. He quickly opens his eyes and wipes the sweat off his forehead. He looks at his alarm clock and realizes the funeral is only hours away and that he already missed Austin's cremation, which he regrets. Lucas isn't sure if he can do this. He looks above and tells Sami he is falling apart without her. He doesn't even want to live. Everything feels dead to him, including himself.

Lucas then looks at a picture of Sami and sees Will walk by on his way to the bathroom. Lucas realizes Sami needs him to go on...for Will's sake. He needs to be at the funeral and needs to start taking care of his son, something he hasn't been doing much of lately. Lucas gets out of bed and begins to get his clothes ready for the funeral, saying:

Lucas: It's going to take every ounce of strength to get through this but I have to. For Will...and for me...

-Back at the Horton house, the doorbell rings. Maggie answers to see Bill Horton, Mike Horton, and Don Craig on the doorstep. An emotional reunion ensues as the three men then come in and reunite with Alice. Bill says that Tommy sends his best regards and was unable to make it to support Lucas. Don is happy to see that Maggie has come a long way and seems to be in a much better state. Maggie says she made alot of mistakes. Don says he knows all about them and tells her he knows she is sorry. He asks if she is happy. Maggie smiles and says very. Bill tells Maggie that they all have regrets and have made mistakes but it's how you deal with them and learn from them that matters. Maggie agrees.

Mike feels horrible about what happened to Carrie and asks when Austin's funeral is. Alice says that Austin is being cremated this morning. Mike feels horrible as he wanted to be there. Maggie says he may still be able to make it if he goes now. Mike tells everyone he will meet them at the church and races off.

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor is looking out the window in deep thought when the doorbell rings. Henderson moves to answer it but Victor insists he knows who it is. Victor opens the door to reveal Bo, who promptly walks in. Victor tells Henderson to leave them and he obliges. Victor tells Bo he could sense the urgency in his voice when he called earlier this morning and asks what is going on.

Bo: Things are out of hand, Victor. My family...everyone in Salem...we've all suffered enough at the hands of madmen like Stefano and Orpheus. It needs to stop.

Victor: I agree and, as always, I am monitoring things and contemplating taking my own action.

Bo: Well, that is what I am here to talk about. I may be back on the force but we both know doing it by the book is not going to accomplish anything. The system is a mess and even Roman has now come to realize this after what has happened.

Victor: I see. So, how do I fit into this?

Bo: Well, don't worry because I'm not scamming you again. This isn't an undercover ISA operation. It's just me seeking your help to protect all of those who are near and dear to us. I know you have sent men out to protect some of our loved ones but we need to take more action then that.

Victor: I intend to. Do you have anything in mind?

Bo: Not at the moment but I was hoping we could meet later and discuss it as I have to go get Hope and get to the Pub before the services.

Victor: Alright. So, can I assume we are in an alliance then?

Bo: Yes. I would think.

Victor: Only this time we are on equal ground. There is no hidden agendas. We both have our cards lying on the table.

Bo: Yep. That's right.

Victor: Oh, one more thing. Are you going to get Roman in on this as well? You mentioned he has begun to realize that my way isn't exactly the wrong way.

Bo: I don't know. Roman is a mess right now. We'll see. I'll see you at the church. Later.

Victor: Goodbye, son.

As Bo leaves, Victor smiles and says that it will be great working alongside his son again. Meanwhile, Bo gets a call as he is leaving from Kayla, who is at the Pub and tells Bo that some guests are arriving already and asks when he and Hope will be there. Bo says he is leaving Victor's now and going to get Hope so they will be there shortly. Kayla asks why he was at Victor's as Steve overhears from behind Kayla. Bo says he had some things to discuss with him and it's no big deal. Kayla hopes he isn't lying and that he isn't getting involved in Victor's business again. Bo says he isn't and that nothing is going on. He just had to see him. He says he and Hope will be there soon and hangs up.

Meanwhile, a curious Steve asks why Bo was at Victor's. Kayla smiles and asks why he was eavesdropping. Steve smiles and admits he was checking her out from behind and just happened to overhear. Kayla chuckles and says that Bo told her it was nothing but she has a feeling it was something. She just hates to think of him getting involved with Victor, especially if it's not for investigative purposes. He has already been through enough. Steve, who still seems intrigued by Bo being with Victor, embraces Kayla and tells her that Bo will be just fine.

Just then, Stephanie arrives and races into her parents' arms. Steve and Kayla are both glad to see her. Caroline, Shane and Kim then greet her. Stephanie says she is going to stay for a bit after the funerals for a brief visit, which makes everyone happy. She admits that it's horrible what has happened to their family. The Pub doors then open again to reveal Andrew and Jeannie Donovan. They race over to Kim and Shane and a happy reunion ensues. Andrew and Jeannie are then greeted by everyone else and Caroline remarks on how good it is that most of the family is going to be present. They will need all the love they can get today. Love is the only thing that will keep them strong and help them through this difficult time.

-Back at the crematorium, Mike arrives and sees that he is too late. Carrie and Kate are now crying over the urn containing Austin's ashes. Carrie looks at Evan and says that Austin will live on...through his son. She explains that the ashes are his bodily remains but that all that made him who he was lies within Evan. Belle agrees. Carrie sees Mike, who approaches her and apologizes for her loss. They embrace. Carrie thanks him for coming. Mike says he came for Lucas but also for her. He still cares about her. Carrie admits feeling the same way. She hates that she hurt him though. Mike says it's in the past. They have both been through alot, especially her. Belle says they need to get going so they be at the Pub for the procession. Carrie agrees. Mike says he will go with them. Carrie says he doesn't have to but Mike insists.

Kate and Philip are then left alone. Philip tells Kate he will see her around. Kate begs Philip to stay so they can talk. Philip says he needs to get to the church for the funeral and he really has nothing to say to her. He only came for Austin and because she had no one else to help her through this. Kate says she is sorry. Philip tells Kate it's going to take alot more then that. He tells her to stay strong and take care of herself. She is still his mother and he cares about her. He just can't stand to look at her right now. Kate begins to cry. Philip says goodbye to her and leaves.

Kate then decides to call Lucas and check on him since he won't let her in if she visits. She calls the house. Will is in the bathroom and Lucas doesn't pick up the phone, letting the machine get it. Lucas overhears Kate say that Austin has been cremated and that everyone understands his not being there. She knows he is in pain and she says she will be at the church to support him and Will. Lucas becomes enraged and picks up the phone, telling Kate she is not wanted at the church. He wants her to stay away from him and Will and to stay out of their lives. She is no longer his mother. She is nothing to him. Lucas hangs up as a stunned Kate breaks down in tears, dropping her cell phone on the ground and proclaiming she deserves this for what she has done. She has lost all her children. She has lost everything. Kate collapses to the crematorium floor, crying hysterically.

-At the Pub, Carrie arrives with Mike and Belle. They are greeted by those already there. Carrie introduces Evan to those who haven't met him. Frankie and Greta (who has come to support Frankie) have arrived. Belle asks Frankie where Max is. He tells her Max went ahead to the church to handle some last minute things. Cal and Katherine also are there. Katherine thanks Cal for being civil when they arrived to everyone. Cal says it's not the type of day to cause tension. He admits still being upset about being left out lately but today he vows to be on his best behavior. Katherine thanks him. Her phone rings. She excuses herself and takes the call. She seems stunned by what she is hearing and asks if the offer is legit.

Just then, Frank and Martha Evans arrive. Belle embraces them, happy to see her grandparents. Martha explains they were going to stop to see Marlena but thought it best not to. Frank and Martha embrace Carrie as well while Rex arrives with Jonathan and Chloe. Everyone is happy to see them, especially Belle. She asks about Mimi. Rex says she has opened her own hair salon and is doing good. They are planning to wed in a year or so. He says she came down with the flu and couldn't make it. Jonathan asks Belle how their father is. Belle says it isn't good but it's good to have mom back to help. Jonathan agrees that Marlena being back is a big help and that she is needed. He just hopes their father is alright and that they can all make it through this.

-At St. Luke's, Julie is there lighting candles when Don and Bill show up. They all share an emotional reunion. Bill says they went up ahead because Alice can't sit long in church so she is going to come at the last minute. They are just going to hold the seats. Julie says she could've done that. Don and Bill look at each other. Julie realizes Maggie and Alice sent them to check on her. Julie says she is fine. Don tells her to just give it time. Doug loves her. He will come around. Julie's eyes well with tears as she nods.

Meanwhile, Max finishes a discussion with Fr. Jansen and thanks him for all he is doing. He then walks down the main aisle of the church and sees Forrest wheeling Abby in while Abe and Celeste are walking in with Theo. Max gets upset and frustrated as he doesn't know what to do to help Abby.

The scene then shifts outside where Nicole shows up dressed in black. She pulls out a picture of Eric and fights back tears, saying she didn't plan on coming but she is doing this for him. Despite everything. she did love him and still does. She knows he would want her to be at his funeral and she wants to be there too. She wipes her tears and approaches the door. Just then, two men in suits pull her away from the door. A stunned and confused Nicole asks what is going on.

The two men introduce themselves as security and say she is not welcome at the funerals today. She can either leaving willingly or face arrest but she is not going to be allowed into St. Luke's. Nicole says that she is Eric's widow. She belongs in there. The two men ignore her pleas and walk away, leaving a shocked and heartbroken Nicole behind as tears well up her eyes as the scene fades to black.




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