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August 3, 2007




-At the pier, the mysterious person who was stalking Shane at the courthouse is watching him again. Shane feels himself being watched but thinks it's his imagination. Kim then shows up and wheels over. Bo asks what she is doing there. Kim explains that Shane called her. She is so relieved about Roman. Hope says they all are. Kim explains that she heard from Shane that Roman is a mess. She is so worried about him. Abe then turns around and notices Marlena is gone. Hope says that means Marlena went after Roman. Bo worries as that may cause even more problems.

Meanwhile, Roman is making his way down the west side of the pier when Marlena races up in front of him, saying there is more then one way to get around the pier. Roman tells Marlena to go home and to leave him along, like he said. Marlena says she knows better. He is a mess and she begs him to come home with her so they can talk. They need each other to get through this. Roman shakes his head and says she doesn't need him. No one does. He's a failure to all of them and doesn't deserve their love.

-At the Dimera mansion, Cassie arrives home from a day of shopping and tells Stefano she is glad that she was able to make it home in time for dinner. He laughs and asks how much she spent. She says enough. Stefano admits he is surprised she didn't go and see Marlena. She is her mother, afterall. Cassie says she feels like she isn't as they been apart so much, especially with her illness. Cassie adds that Marlena is going through alot and that she, personally, doesn't think she fits in with that side. She loves the Dimera life, even if she isn't a blood Dimera.

Stefano chuckles and says she has proven herself to have the makings of a great Dimera. Cassie asks if that means she is going to be by his side in all of his plans for his enemies. Stefano smiles and tells Cassie she has much to learn. Cassie pledges her loyalty to Stefano and says she will do anything for him. She knows what life is like as a Brady. That was never her and being good never suited her or got her anywhere. She wants a life of prestige and greatness. She wants to be the person he can count on. Stefano seems pleased and admits those words warn his heart.

Stefano foresees a great future for Cassie but informs her that she has many tests to pass before he can be sure that she has what it takes to be involved actively in his plans. He needs someone to leave control of the empire to and he is not opposed to giving it to a woman. Cassie asks if he would consider her if she proves herself. Stefano nods and says he would for sure. He gently stokes Cassie's cheek and tells her he thinks she has what it takes and that she will succeed. All she needs to do is confirm it to him by showing him. Cassie vows that she will as she embraces her grandfather, who smiles proudly.

-At the pier, Tony arrives to meet Lexie, telling her he got her call. They embrace as Tony remarks how it feels nice to hold her again and how this will be the first time in a long time that they have sat and talked. He tells Lexie he wants to have a fresh start. Lexie says she wants to as well but needs his help in doing that. She asks him to not share any of what she is about to tell him. He agrees. Lexie fills Tony in on catching Abe and Celeste kissing on the ship and all that happened in his absence, including how Stefano hired Tek to seduce her away from Abe and proceeded to expose her on the island last summer. He wanted her to lose Abe. She also explains to him how Stefano used her desire to fight for Theo to mold her into the perfect Dimera.

Tony: That's what Stefano does. He tried to do it to me but realized he couldn't. That is where Andre came in.

Lexie: He told me he made sure the judge would rule in our favor but he did nothing, knowing full well we would lose and I would have to depend even more on him to help me get my son. All he wanted was me to be another one of his soldiers, all so he can get his revenge on his enemies.

Tony: Sadly, yes. It's good that you have realized this now, Alexandra. I know you gave him another chance but I hope you realize now what he is truly about.

Lexie: I do. The problem is that it wasn't just him that betrayed me. All the people I thought were my friends turned on me. Abe and my mother didn't even side with me. Of course, I was drifting towards father and my Dimera heritage and Abe was still upset over Tek.

Tony: Alexandra, it seems to me so many of them turned on you because you weren't yourself. You were allowing father to mold you and make him into what he wants, not what you truly are.

Lexie: I just don't know what to do now. I can't even see Theo. I was supposed to see him yesterday but I am such a mess. I just don't want him to see me like this. I don't know what to do or how to live. Stefano betrayed me and so many others did as well. Your the only one that understands this feeling, Tony.

Tony: All too well. My advice to you, Alexandra, is to do what is best for you. You know...this brings to mind an interesting thought. I'm not a Dimera by blood but I still maintain a desire to improve the family image. I want to make the Dimera name one that is not associated with evil. I want to be proud of it and want future Dimera's to be too. That is something I have desired for many years. I can't do it alone and I have been wondering who could help me and I think you are perfect.

Lexie: Me?

Tony: Your a Dimera by blood. Alexandra, if you and I partner together we can change the course of our family. We can make this family one of honor, strength, and good will. One that we can both be proud of. You can get to Stefano. You seem to have a way with him. You can make yourself appear to be on his side and, in reality, you and I can work together on ending the reign of terror associated with this family so we can rebuild it and it's image. What do you say?

Lexie: Father is too smart, Tony. He will catch on and then what? He will release an onslaught of evil the likes of which none of us have seen.

Tony: You can do it, Alexandra. I will help you along the way. All you need to do is present yourself and act like you did in the past year with him. Make yourself the perfect daughter to him and strive to please him. You know how...

Lexie: Yes. I do. You really think this is something that could work?

Tony: Yes and, if you think about it, it could help you get back into the good graces of so many loved ones that lost their faith in you. You can prove yourself, Alexandra. Together, we can remake the Dimera family image and bring forth a new era. One that won't cast a pall on all that currently stands against it. (holds out his hand) Are you with me?

Lexie looks at Tony's hand and, after a moment of hesitation, takes it and they shake.

Lexie: Ok. This seems right. This seems like what is right for me right now. If you really think we can make this family better for the present and the future, then I am with you. Let's do this.

A pleased Tony smiles and thanks Lexie while embracing her.

-Back at the pier, Hope mentions to Bo that he should talk to Kim. He already told Roman he forgave her so he should tell Kim the same. Bo agrees and goes over to Kim, telling her he would like to speak with her. Kim nods and they move a short distance away to talk alone. Bo tells Kim that he told Roman tonight he had forgiven him for keeping the truth about his molestation for all those years. He tells Kim he just wants to tell her he forgives her too. Life is too short and their family is in enough pain. They don't need anymore. They all need to be there for each other, now more then ever.

He adds that he is more understanding now of the reasons for what she and Roman did. Time heals all wounds and he wants to put the past behind them all and just look to the future. Kim is pleased and tells Bo she really is sorry. Bo says he knows they both are and embraces her, saying it's time to just focus on each other and to work on getting through all this together. Kim agrees.

Hope asks Abe if he thinks men should be sent out to find Marlena. Abe shakes his head, saying that Marlena may be able to help Roman if she finds him. Hope says that normally she would think so but Roman is starting to sound like Bo did last year when he sided with Victor, only this time it's not an undercover mission. Abe tells Hope they just need to pray that Roman comes out of this somehow.

Shane still has the feeling he is being watched. He turns and sees the shadow of what looks like a woman running away. He slowly sneaks out so no one notices and so the person doesn't get scared off. He draws his gun and gives chase. He races down the pier a ways and doesn't see or hear anything. Just then, he hears a slight movement behind him and slowly creeps over. He lunges behind a crate and is able to grab the hand of a woman. He is shocked when he sees the face of this woman (PLAYED BY FAMKE JANSSEN). Shane asks what she is doing in Salem.

Woman: Oh, come on, Donovan. You don't remember me? Agent Miranda Grey, your former partner in crime? It hasn't been that long. Don't tell me you forget so easily!

A stunned Shane is speechless.

Meanwhile, Marlena tells Roman he is not a failure and that his family loves him. She loves him. They all need him right now.

Marlena: We all need to be together right now, not apart!! We're all hurting, Roman!! Don't make it worse!! Come home and let's just hold each other. Come home so we can all be there for each other.

Roman: You should be recovering at the hospital. The family will need you.

Marlena: Nevermind me. We all need you too. (grabs Roman and turns him around, grasping his face tightly) You didn't give up on me!!! You fought for me to come back!! I'm not giving up either. Never. Those words you said earlier...that wasn't you. That goes against all you believe in!! Your losing yourself!! Don't let that happen....let me give you strength to fight that urge for revenge! Let all of us give you strength. Please...please (as tears well in her eyes).

Roman: I am sick of our family being targets. I am sick of losing people we love. Two of our children are dead!! They will be avenged!! Anyone who has ever hurt our family...I will see to it they suffer just as much as we have all been made to suffer. No more of this by the book crap...NO MORE!! THAT ROMAN IS GONE!!!

Marlena (crying): Please...

Roman: Go home, Marlena. Go home or wherever. Just stay away from me. I have business to tend to. I have to do this. For all of those we lost...for our loved ones...for you...for me.

Marlena: NO!! I WON'T LET YOU!!

A crying Marlena forcefully embraces Roman and holds him tightly in her arms.

Marlena: It will all only lead to more pain. This isn't you!! Please!! Come home!! Don't do this!!

Roman: I have....

Marlena: No...we all won't let you. I won't let you!! NO!! NO!!

Marlena then breaks down in Roman's arms as Roman's reserve breaks down as well. Roman then begins to cry as the scene pans up overheard and freezes on Roman and Marlena crying in each other's arms and fades to black.




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Roman deserves everything that he has coming to him. He had the power to stop Orpheus and now his two kids are dead and the father of his grandchild is dead. Ok, maybe Austin and Eric's death's he couldn't prevent, but Sami's he definately could have. I have no pity for him whatsoever. To me, I don't see how this can be redeemable and if I was Marlena, I would kick him to the curb.

I would love to see the grieving process of Lucas, Belle, and carrie, even Nicole. They lost a lot and I hope it's addressed.

I love the cassie and Stefano interation, it was great! Plus Tony and Lexie, that is the REAL Tony, the one I fell in love with so many years ago and not a cartoon. Exellent fleshing out of his character in that one scene, it really made me smile. Again, great episode and I can't wait to see more Tony!

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Roman deserves everything that he has coming to him. He had the power to stop Orpheus and now his two kids are dead and the father of his grandchild is dead. Ok, maybe Austin and Eric's death's he couldn't prevent, but Sami's he definately could have. I have no pity for him whatsoever. To me, I don't see how this can be redeemable and if I was Marlena, I would kick him to the curb.

I would love to see the grieving process of Lucas, Belle, and carrie, even Nicole. They lost a lot and I hope it's addressed.

I love the cassie and Stefano interation, it was great! Plus Tony and Lexie, that is the REAL Tony, the one I fell in love with so many years ago and not a cartoon. Exellent fleshing out of his character in that one scene, it really made me smile. Again, great episode and I can't wait to see more Tony!

Glad you liked it. The Dimera story should be something you will enjoy!

We have already dealt a great deal with the grieving process of those characters and we will continue to do so going forward. It's crucial to our stories so you will see it.

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