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#84 Wednesday, August 1




Dru has some serious explaining to do when she's caught red-handed

Dru stumbles trying to meet Neil before he has a chance to come into Olivia’s room. Neil again questions why she’s in her room. Chuckling, Dru tells Neil that she gave Olivia some mail and believes that a letter from Devon was lost in the exchange. Raising an eyebrow at his wife, Neil tells her that he doesn’t recall any letters from Devon being delivered. Dru says that she is sure that one came but she believes that it got crossed in Liv’s mail. Neil is about to broach the situation again, but a phone call stops him. Answering it, he grimaces when he’s instructed by Victoria that he is needed at the office to go over some campaign possibilities for Chaos with Ji Min while she is away. Hanging up the phone, Neil tells Dru that he has to go back to the office; but before heading out, instructs her to mind her business where Liv is concerned.

Hanging up the phone, Victoria is awaiting the receptionist to call her in for her appointment. She lets out a sigh when Brad, who insisted in coming with her, walks in and takes a seat beside her. Victoria tells Brad there was no need in him coming along with her. Brad, however, points out that as long as she’s carrying his child, he will play an active role in their life. Before either one can get into a ‘discussion’ on the matter, the doctor instructs them to come in. Once inside, Dr. Jacobs goes over the test results that were done and is pleased to announce that the baby is healthy. Brad instinctively rubs Victoria’s shoulder, pleased by the news. As they are walking out, Dr Jacobs hands Victoria a sonogram picture of their baby.

At the Newman tact house, Phyllis is feeding Summer when Michael drops in for a visit. Hugging her, he apologizes for not being there for her welcome home party. Pretending to be offended, Phyllis asks Michael what was so important to keep him away from her. Sitting down, he admits that he had some unexpected business to care for. Handing Summer over to him, she is curious to know what business he was dealing with at that time. Cooing at the baby, Michael tells his best friend that he went to pay his biological father a visit in Atlanta. A puzzled Phyllis asks how he managed to find him. Smirking, Michael says the ole son-of-a –bitch had nerve to write him to see if he’d take the bait. Phyllis tells Michael that if he wants to talk further, he knows who to come to. Giving her a kiss on the cheek, he hands Summer back to her.

Knocking on the door, JT surprises Amanda with a bouquet of flowers at her office. Walking in, JT closes the door behind him, drawing Amanda into an embrace. Sniffing the bouquet, Amanda asks what brings him over. JT admits to having an angle for coming over. Not only does he want to take her out for dinner, but he wants to ask her something important. Not wanting to wait for the news at dinner, Amanda tells JT to fill her in now. JT, realizing that she’s not going to be one to wait till later, approaches her with the opportunity to move forward in their relationship. He asks her what her thoughts are on moving in with him. Amanda kisses him, letting him know that she needs time to think something so big over first.

Awaiting for Gloria to meet him by the plexi glass, Michael sighs a little when he sees her with the guard. He tells his mother that he is sorry that he hadn’t been by to visit her as often as he promised. Gloria tells Michael she knows that he’s been busy the past few days. Not wanting to let on that she is aware that he went in search for his father, Gloria asks him what type of business has kept him away. Taking in a deep breath, Michael tells Gloria that he received a letter from Lowell Baldwin, and went in search for him. Closing her eyes briefly, Gloria asks if he was able to find him. Michael tells her that not only did he find him, but he learned that not only does he have a family in Atlanta, but he’s been keeping tabs on them regarding the case. Gloria begs Michael not to stay involved with him. Michael quickly assures his mother that he wants nothing to do with Lowell Baldwin.

Tearing into the attaché once again, Dru, determination set in, continues to dig through Olivia’s paperwork. Seeing a folder sticking out of the stacks of papers, Drucilla immediately seizes it, curious to see if this is something that can show some sort of proof that Phyllis is involved in her sister’s recent behavior. She’s going through the documents, but is disappointed that nothing pans out. Not wanting to give up, she puts the items back in the case, and begins to make her way for the night table. She quickly spots that Olivia left her Palm organizer behind. Sitting on the bed, she begins to turn it on and scroll through it; in hopes to see something that involves her arch nemesis. Dru is so caught up into looking through Liv’s planner that she jumps when she hears the door slam shut. Looking up, she’s face-to-face with Olivia; who is demanding to know what the hell she’s doing in her room, going through her personal belongings.


  • Olivia and Drucilla argue over Dru’s snooping;
  • Sharon walks in on a happy moment between Brad and Victoria and jealousy sets in
  • An insecure Sharon wants to seal her relationship with Brad by telling both Abby and Noah of their union


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