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WICKED: Episode 31




Zander's Warehouse --

Cory and Wade stood watch outside the warehouse, while Greg secured the inside. He lurked about the shadows of the warehouse and checking on the office door more then twice in the last 10 minutes, Greg was nervous and worried that his counterparts outside were on to him and his discreet dealings with Lorenzo. The uncrated product sat in stacks as Greg stared at the millions of dollars that sat in front of him. It wouldn't take but a minute for him to take his own cut and no one be the wiser.

He walked over to the tallest stack and snatched a bag from the top. Greg quietly and cautiously made his way to the back of the warehouse and out into the alley where his car sat parked in the shadows. He propped the warehouse door and then scurried to his car, popping the trunk so it was open when he got there. He pulled back the carpet in the trunk and stashed the bag he had hidden underneath his jacket, and pulled the carpet back into place. He closed the trunk quietly, and rushed back inside, looking over his shoulder being sure no one was watching him. He stepped inside the warehouse and closed the door behind him. He leaned up against the inside of the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he did so, he was taken by surprise by a blaring light in his face.

"Taking a break, Greg?" Cory asked as he held his flashlight on his friend.

"Yeah, I just needed some air." Greg replied as he tried to hide that his heartbeat was racing and he was out of breath.

Cory was suspicious of Greg and his excuse, but needed more then just theories and suspicions. Cory turned off the flashlight and turned his back on Greg as he started to walk away. Greg knew just by Cory's behavior that Cory was suspicious about him and there was no way, Greg was going to wait to be caught and face his boss for betrayal. Greg drew his 9mm from his waistband and swung the butt hard against the back of Cory's neck. Cory fell to the ground like a bag of bricks, face down in the dark, Greg turned and ran out the back door of the warehouse. He jumped in his car and took off down the alley, leaving Cory, not knowing if he was dead or alive.

Wade had heard the squealing of car tires and saw the bright red tail lights speed down the street and he jumped into action. With his weapon drawn, he entered the warehouse, hoping to find Cory lurking about in the shadows. Instead he found Cory face down on the ground, just beginning to stir.

"Cory .. what happened?!"

"Greg happened! He blindsided me with the butt of his gun." Cory replied as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Why would he do that?"

"I told you before, that something strange was going on .... this just proves it!"

"Zander is not going to be happy about this, Cory."

"Yeah no kidding and I want to be the one size up Greg for cement shoes!" Cory infuriated at Greg for hitting him in the back of the neck.

Greg took off down the street as fast as his car would take him. The product nicely tucked away in the trunk of his car, he headed to the one person he knew of that would be interested in taking down Zander and taking the territory right out from underneath him.

Wade helped Cory to his feet, Cory still massaging his neck. "We gotta call Zander."

"I hate to do that, but I think in case we have to." Cory replied and Wade pulled his cell phone from his pocket.

"You do it." Wade said as he handed the phone to Cory.

"Why me?" Cory replied as he looked down at the phone.

"Zander like's you best." Wade chuckled.

Cory rolled his eyes and took the phone from Wade. He dialed Zander's room at the hospital and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello ..." the voice answered on the other end, Cory recognizing it was Zander who answered.

"Boss ... we have problems."

"What kind of problems?"

"Greg ... he knocked me out and took off with a bag of the shipment."

"Are you alright?" Zander asked worried about his guard.

"Yeah, I'll have a headache till next week, but I'll be fine. What do you want to do about Greg?"

"Find him, and bring him to me. I'll deal with Greg!"

Zander hung up the phone and Cory and Wade rushed out the door on the hunt for their former friend, Greg.


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