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Episode 73: The Verdict (Part Two)

Matt P.


The second part of Point Palace is sponsored by The Wraith & Kensington Way Crossover

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(Ginny is wiping off the counter at the café. It seems to be a pretty slow day. The phone next to her rings, she answers it.)

Palace Café this is Ginny speaking, how may I help you?

Owen: (British voice)
You can help me out in many ways.

Oh really? What kind of ways?

Ways that I don't think would be appropriate to say over the phone.

You're lucky that I love British guys like yourself, because I would have thought that this was a crank call and you would have been disconnected. As well as reported.

Slow day?

Can't even imagine. Shoot. I have a customer, I'll talk to you later.

Bye love.

(Ginny hangs up with Owen and tends to her customer.)

Can I help you?

Nothing for me. You don't by chance have time to talk do you?

My break isn't until another hour or so.

Then you don't mind if we talk now do you?

There's no customers around. Talk.

You are obviously in a little crush mode with Owen.

You came to talk to me about Owen? Please, just leave.

I'm a paying customer and you will listen to me.

Why should I? You tried to ruin a perfect evening between, my date, yes I did say my date, the other night and then you come here to make demands. Who the hell do you think you are?

Someone who knows the truth about your boyfriend.

Oh what are you going to say? Make up some lie about how he's gay. I think that you're just jealous of him and I.

I'm not jealous of the fact that he is and has been lying to you since the first day he met you.


Yep. Owen made a bet with me that he could act British for a whole day and I thought he couldn't do it. Winner bought dinner. He won, but then made
you think that he was from England. Hate to tell you sister but he's from the United States of America! Have fun with your little boy friend. Didn't you tell him that you look for honesty in a guy? Well here's a piece of honesty for you, you don't deserve him! I do.

(Tanisha exits the café and Ginny's heart begins to break as she watches Tanisha walking out the door.)

(In the court, Judge Carnes looks at some papers and then leans over to the microphone.)

Judge Carnes:
Defense do you have any more witnesses to call on?

Yes your honor. The defense would like to call upon Ava Cecilenelli to the stand.

(Ava willingly goes over to the witness stand. She puts up her right hand before the bailiff begins to speak.)

Please state your name for the court.

Ava Cecilenelli.

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god.

I do.

(Ava sits down and Bryant proceeds to the stand.)

James already mentioned that he has helped you in previous times before. Do you mind telling us what exactly he did for you.

No. Not at all. The story of how I met James is probably unbelievable and bizarre. There was a time that I lost who I was. My life was in the hands of another person, well a soul actually, but you probably won't believe me. I was possessed and James got the demon out of me.

James was your hero?

Yes he was.

Then you two started up a little romance. How did that happen?

We shared an awkward kiss. He was my professor and he was much older than I was. I didn't know what to think of it. But we continued to take the kiss further.

You then found out about his wife Laney, how?

Peggy brought her in to purposely have us meet. She knew all along that James was married but I had no idea.

If you knew about Laney, would you have even started anything?

Of course not. I would have respected their marriage.

You then met Laney. Please tell us what happened.

We were nice to each other from time to time. She didn't know, so she didn't have a reason to hate me. But this next part is the truth. This is what has to be believed. The day of Laney's death, I went to go and see James because I was feeling guilty for being the other woman and went to break it off. When I got to the house, I let myself in. The door was open and I was determined to find James. There was mere silence. I walked upstairs and that's when I found her. She sort of startled me. We said some very mean things to each other. James was on his way to find me because I called him to tell him that we needed to see each other but I found Laney instead.

Like what? What kinds of things was Laney saying?

Bitch. Whore. She called me a home wrecker. A tramp. She also told me that Peggy had told her everything.

(James looks at Peggy, who notices his attention. He shoots her a mean look and mouths the words "you lied to me!" She looks to the ground.)

Then what happened?

We started to hit each other.

Where were you when this happened?

We were upstairs.

Let the court show the diagram of the Vaughne residence.

(Bryant pulls out a diagram of the house.)

She was on the edge of the steps. I tried to pull her back, but she didn't trust me. She screamed to let go of her. Then she turned the other way. When she did, she went rolling down the steps. Before she hit the last step, Peggy walked in.

And that is the truth?

If the court wants me to take a test on a lie detector, I would, because that is the truth.

No further questions, your honor.

(Bryant sits down and Davis goes up to the stand.)

I am going to keep this short and simple. After Peggy saw you, what did you do?

I-I yelled at her.


Ava: (admitting)
And slapped her because she was in hysterics.

Slapped her? That sounds like you were trying to shut her up from what had truly happened.


No further questions your honor!

(Blake spends time alone with London in Blake's room. London starts to make the notion to wanting to move by packing up a few things. Blake gets what's she's trying to tell him.)

When am I going to move in with you?

Soon enough.

We can be one big happy-

Married couple.

Of course.

And family. Once your baby comes along.

When the time comes, we'll figure something out.

(Blake nods. He then gets a phone call on his cell phone from Leon.)

Hey Leon what's up?

You didn't hear the big news?

What big news?

You better brace yourself for this one. There are rumors flying all around the school that you sexually harassed and or raped Nan Sheridan!

(Blake stands up from sitting down on his couch.)


What's going on?

Yeah so I need to know your side of the story.

Please don't tell me that you're going to print the story.

Blake, I'm sorry there's nothing that I can do about that. The story is going to come out one way or another but I think that you deserve a statement.

(Blake throws his cell phone on to the floor.)


London: (to Blake)
What is it?

Nan is claiming that I sexually harassed her! This is what she was planning with Bryan Daniels! I can't believe her.

(London picks up the phone.)

Hello Leon?

London how are you doing.

I'm a lot calmer than Blake right now.

Would you like to give a statement?

Yes. Yes I would like to give a statement. Please write down every word I have to say. There is no way in hell that my husband would ever cheat on me. Nan Sheridan is sick in the head. She has serious mental problems and deserves to be locked up in an insane asylum. I slander her name in vein!

Is that all?


This story just keeps betting better. Thanks.

(London hangs up with Leon. She walks over to Blake and hugs him.)

Don't worry about anything.

The only thing that I'm worried about is my reputation through this school and on the school board. She will not get away with this!

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(All is silent in the court room. Ava looks at the Judge, who is not making any eye contact with her. She then looks at the jury members. Some are looking at her, with straight faces, and some look away.)

Judge Carnes:
Would the defense like to call upon any other witnesses?

No your honor.

Judge Carnes:
And for the prosecution?

No your honor.

Judge Carnes:
Both sides will make their closing argument. Starting with the prosecution and then to the defense. After the defense is done there will be a short recess in the court. During that recess, the jury will be asked to make their decision.

(Davis stands up and slowly walks over to the jury members. He begins to pace back and forth.)

What this case is based upon is immorality. Two consenting adults let something, that was very wrong and that should have never happened, get way out of hand. All of the witnesses, including the defendant herself, have said something that the first witness, Mister Allan Wendell claimed that Ava had done. Incrimination. Let's the face the facts. She was upset that James was married. It happens all the time. She's trying to cover it up to make it look like an accident. It is kind of psycho to smack someone. Was she trying to shut Peggy up? Because she certainly shut up Laney, for good.

(Davis goes back to his table. Bryant stands up and goes over to the same place that Davis was at.)

An accident has happened. Not a crime but an accident. My client even opted to take a lie detector test to show that she was that innocent. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe it was wrong of her to get involved with a married man, but you heard her tell you that she wanted to break it
off so many times. She didn't get a chance to do it because she ran into the angered wife. Obviously a fight would break out, but she wouldn't deliberately commit a murder. It's also a little strange that Peggy walked in at the exact moment that Laney met her bitter end. A little too strange. Accidents can
happen at any time. Without knowing, something can happen to you and I. It was an accident and my client has been innocent since the day she was arrested. She has done her time and she begs of you not to doubt her innocence.

(Bryant sits back down next to Ava. He touches her arm sympathetically and smiles at her.)

Judge Carnes:
The court will take a short recess. Jury please make you decision.

(Will and Lenvy drive up to Cemetery Hill. Trella is standing in front of Zak's grave. Tears have been streaming her eyes.)


Get away from me.

We came to show our support.

She's right, we did.

How does it feel Will?

Pretty horrible. There's a churning feeling in the pit of my stomach that probably won't go away until this is all over.
I bet Zak was a good guy.

He was.

Trella. I am sorry for what I did. If I could change the past-

No. You already did this song and dance, so save it for another day.

He's trying to be sincere.

Was he trying to be sincere when he killed Zak?

Why won't you look at us?

(Trella turns around to face them.)

That grave should read the name Will Pazner. Murderer.

(Trella looks at Lenvy and then to Will with glaring eyes. She then exits.)

(The bailiff walks into the court.)

All rise. Now honroring Judge Lionel P. Carnes.

Judge Carnes:
You may all sit down. Has the jury come to a conclusion?

(A middle aged thin male stands up with a piece of paper in his hand.)

Yes your honor we have.

Judge Carnes:
Will the defense and the prosecution both rise.

(Davis, Bryant, and Ava obey. Ava nervously waits.)

Judge Carnes:
How do you find the defendant?

We the jury find the defendant, Ava Cecilenelli to be...

Find out if Ava is guilty or not guilty on another exciting episode of
©2000, 2004


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Could you tell us more about this crossover? or pm me

What a CLASSIC cliff hanger. Wow. Talk about being on the edge of your seat. I really hope I don't have to wait long but I can't believe how fast it's going (Ava's trial). Your dialog was really great too. Very witty the last two episodes, I loved Tanisha's xchange with Ginny. I didn't think she would blow his cover. I hope she realizes that Owen may be upset with her. The court scenes were GREAT. I also really loved what London had to say to Leon. I am still disturbed that Lenvy is so non shalant over the fact he is a murder and if Ava, now Lenvy, and Trella know, why didn't he pay for his crimes? Why didn't Ava just go to the police from the giddy up?

This was an episode of pure GREATNESS!!

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Awesome comments let me see if I can answer all of your questions and comments. Tanisha decided to blow the cover because she wants to eliminate the competition and of course this will effect how he feels for her if he finds out.

The reason Lenvy forgave Will so quickly is because she truly loves him. He saved her from Patrick in Ireland and when he took her virginity away from her, she still has this special bond with him. She knew what kind of person he was he told her everything except for that so of course Lenvy is a little mad but she knows that it's his past.

Ava and Blake couldn't go to the police because Will blackmailed them in season one. Blake's charges for drunk driving (which were caused by Will) and crashed into a pregnant Nan which he would've gone to jail for vehicular manslaughter went unseen when everyone covered for Blake. Will knew the truth and threatened to tell Officer Wendell. Ava already had a past with Will and he knew that she was an underaged alcoholic (because of him) in which he threanted to throw her off of the campus if they went to the police as it is illegal. Also she didn't want anyone knowing about her relationship with Will and asked him to keep quiet. Will had escaped the school only to come back to help Jenny and to wreak more havoc.

Lenvy is the only person who sees the good in him. Will was a horrible person and the reason he killed Zak was to get to Ava, because Zak got Blake drunk in which Will had no one else to blame but himself for listening to Jenny, and Zak was also Will's dealer but wanted to drop him as a customer. Zak was a tough edged Queens student who killed Trella's abusive brother because Trella's brother Paco killed his best friends, he fled to Point Palace, and never thought to see Trella again and instead met Ava.

The crossover is with my other series Kensington Way (2003-2006) and another webseries called The Wraith. A few of my characters from KW are making an apperance in The Wraith. It's going to be a lot of fun to write.


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