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Tuesday July 17, 2007-THE AFTERMATH!!




It is a new day and the cruise ship survivors are still on the coast guard cutter, which is searching for the missing Jack and Billie. They have finally been giving some food, drink, and dry clothes. The storm is still going strong outside as a coast guard officer enters the room...

-Bo walks up to the coast guard officer, along with Hope. The officer says there is no word on Jack and Billie. He reminds Bo of the fact that they have been out in that storm for hours. Bo nods and thanks the officer for the update. Chelsea, Kate, Lucas, and Philip approach Bo. Abby calls out to Bo and asks for word on her father. Bo says there is nothing yet but, he isn't going to lie, it isn't looking good since they have been out there for hours. Forrest comforts Abby, promising her it will all be ok. He is there for her.

Kate breaks down in tears, saying this is her punishment for her actions. Lucas and Philip hate her, Austin is dead, and bow Billie may be dead. Lucas tells her to calm down. Sami comforts Lucas and says she is praying for Billie. Will reiterates the sentiment. Lucas thanks them. Belle approaches Philip and tells him she hopes his sister is alright. Philip thanks her. Belle walks over to Caroline. Philip sees Greta and approaches her. He asks her what Victor and her talked about while walked in the boiler room. Greta tells Philip that he needs to ask his father. She isn't about to overstep her bounds. She then walks over to join Frankie, Caroline, and Belle. Carrie is walking a crying Evan around as Nicole watches. Carrie tells her not to get any ideas and walks away as a stoic Nicole watches.

Victor is with Maggie, who tells Victor she is worried about going home. She will have to face charges and the media is going to have a field day. Victor urges her not to worry. He will take care of everything. Maggie says she is also worried about the re-igniting of his war with Victor. Victor says it was bound to happen and he plans on being the first to strike once they get home. He isn't about to give Stefano a chance to hurt his family.

Cassie embraces Stefano, telling him she is so happy he is alright. Stefano thanks her. He sees Lexie and asks her if she is happy as well. Lexie doesn't answer and walks away. Stefano sighs. Tony asks Stefano what he expected. He betrayed his daughter and she has finally realized what he really is. Stefano tells Tony that he only did what he thought was best for the family. That is all he has ever done. Anna rolls her eyes, saying she has heard that BS before. Stefano tells Tony to shut her up. Tony tells Anna to come with him and tells Stefano that he is the one that screwed up and now he must deal with it. Tony and Anna walk off as Cassie comforts Stefano, telling him it will be ok. He still has her. Stefano smiles.

Abe walks over to Lexie and asks if she is alright. She has been acting strangely since Celeste and himself were found locked in the cabin room. Lexie tells Abe she is fine and just doesn't want to be bothered. Celeste then comes over and asks Lexie if there is anything she would wish to talk to her about. Celeste adds that she senses great upset in her. Lexie tells her mother and Abe to back off and to let her be. Lexie walks off, leaving behind a bewildered Abe and Celeste.

Cal hugs Caroline, who tells him she is happy he now knows everything about his past. Kayla and Frankie reiterate that sentiment. Kayla walks over to Steve, assuring him that Jack will make it. Steve tells Kayla that he finally is back to himself and it would suck if Jack wasn't around. He really wants to reconnect with him. Kayla embraces him, telling Steve she knows.

Roman sits by Marlena when Caroline comes over, asking how she is. Roman says the ship's doctor says she is fine but he would like Barbara to examine her when they get home. He needs to make sure Marlena really is back. Belle and Sami both come over, telling Roman they are sure she is. They family needs her and she senses that. Carrie walks by with Evan. Roman tells her to come over. Carrie does so. Roman asks how Evan is. Carrie says he seems very upset but that is no surprise given what has happened. Roman looks into her eyes and tells her it will all be ok. They will all get through this as a family.

Caroline, Roman, Sami, Belle, and Carrie (holding Evan) stand around Marlena, all huddled together, as Cal watches. Katherine asks Cal if he is alright. Cal tells her he is fine. He knows all about his past now and he has her. That is all he needs. Katherine smiles and embraces him as Cal continues to stare over in Roman's direction, whispering "At least that is all I thought I needed." Katherine asks if he said something. Cal smiles and says he didn't. She then embraces him again as Cal looks over at Roman, seemingly jealous.

Julie looks at Doug longingly as he is comforted by Hope across the room. Shane asks Julie if she is ok. Julie shakes her head. Shane leaves. Julie's eyes fill with tears as she says she will never be ok again until she knows Doug and her are ok. Nico then taps her on the shoulder and offers her some tissuers. She smiles, saying that he is always a gentlemen. Nico insists he was always taught to treat a beautiful women with respect. Julie smiles and thanks him for his kindness. Nico assures her that Doug will come back to her. Any man would be stupid to leave her. Julie smiles and thanks him. Nico smiles back.

Max asks Chelsea if she is ok. Chelsea says she will be fine. They look over and see Abby still being comforted by Forrest/Fred. Chelsea says that Abby has family on board to comfort her yet she is always with him. Max admits he is hating this situation more and more by the minute. He just doesn't understand the fascination that Fred seems to have with Abby. Chelsea says she doesn't either and it is creeping her out more and more.

Philip decides that he needs to ask Victor about Greta as he knows something is going on there. He is about to go over when a coast guard officer enters. He says he has an announcment. They are going to head to a port nearby where all the cruise ship survivors can disembark. Travel back to Salem can be arranged from there. Victor says he can handle the travel arrangements back to Salem. He will call in a favor. The officer nods in agreement. Bo asks about the search for Jack and Billie. The officer says they will continue to search and will update the appropriate people as warranted but conditions still haven't improved and the chances of survival are dropping rapidly. He thinks they should all prepare for the worst.

Abby breaks down in tears as Forrest comforts her. Kate turns away in horror as Sami comforts Lucas. Philip is stunned and walks aimlessly in circles. Kayla comforts Steve. Max takes Chelsea in his arms. Hope asks Bo privately but he thinks the chances are. He simply shakes his head as Hope embraces him.

The scene then shifts to the stormy waters where a badge of some kind is floating. The camera pans in to reveal the item floating to be press badge. The name on it is none other then Jack Deveraux's. The scene then frezzes on Jack's press pass and then fades to black.




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