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#72 Monday, July 16




Olivia has to call Nick with some very startling news about his loved ones

Jack is flipping through paperwork when he realizes the time. Rubbing his eyes, he closes the folder marked Genesis, and places it in the file cabinet. Grabbing his jacket, he is heading out of his office when Jill bumps into him. Jack jokes that he thought he was the only one working late. Jill admits that she wants to make sure Genesis is off to a good start. Looking at his watch, Jack asks Jill if he would like to accompany him back to the mansion to hash out some more ideas. Smiling, Jill is more than willing to take him up on his offer.

Dialing his cell phone, Nick becomes frustrated when Phyllis doesn’t pick up her cell phone. Dialing Daniel’s number, he asks his step-son if he heard from Phyllis at all. A confused Daniel asks Nick if he’s aware that Phyllis is with Lauren. Nick tells Daniel that Lauren called to ask if Phyllis was still coming with Summer. A worried Daniel tells Nick he’ll try to call her cell phone and go to some of her spots to see if he can locate her. Nick says he’ll continue to call to see if anyone has seen her.

Getting out of his car, an older gentleman notices the upturned car. Running towards it, he realizes that a woman and a baby are in the car. He immediately calls out to the woman, asking if he can hear him. Phyllis, who is in the car, faintly cries out for him to check on her baby. When he sees that the baby is not stirring, he immediately dials 911, instructing for an ambulance to meet him at an accident scene.

Olivia is having dinner with Neil and Drucilla when they both ask her about her living situation. Olivia admits to getting a room at the athletic club. Dru waves her hand, telling her sister that it’s silly to blow her money on a place like that when she can stay with them. Shaking her head, Olivia worries about putting them out. Neil tells his sister-in-law that she will stay with them until she finds a place of her own. As they are talking, Olivia gets a page from the hospital. When she calls, she finds out that two accident victims are being brought in. She excuses herself to head to the hospital.

Sharon and Brad are lying on the couch, fully enjoying one another’s company. Brad tells Sharon that she looks beautiful. Smiling, she tells him flattery will get him everywhere. As the two are cuddled together, Sharon points out that they will need to take things extremely slow; for the sake of the children. Realizing that she is right, Brad tells her that he will do whatever he can to make the transition acceptable for both Noah and Abby. Looking at him, Sharon tells him she loves being with him. Both seal their conversation with a kiss.

Knocking on the door, Victoria barges in on Nick, who is still calling to see where Phyllis is. Without giving him a chance to talk, Victoria tells Nick that she made a fool of herself at the athletic club. Nick, who is clearly agitated, tells Victoria that she’s going to have to cut to the chase. She tells him about her meeting with JT, only to see him with Amanda. Nick points out that JT and she don’t have a relationship, and that she’s going to have to get over her dislike for Amanda. Victoria is set to tell Nick how she feels when Nick gets a call. When she notices the change of expression in his face, she asks what’s wrong. Nick says that Olivia called to tell him to get to the hospital; Phyllis and Summer were in an accident.


  • Family rush to the hospital after receiving news about Phyllis and Summer
  • Jack and Jill's fun horseplay leads Jack in having to take Jill to the hospital
  • Amanda and JT give into passion, making love for the first time


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