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Episode 68: The New Owner

Matt P.


Previously on Point Palace:

- London's father Gavin told London about how Blake persuaded all of the parents that they are in love, so London walks down the aisle and the ceremony began.

- Nan walked into the church after the reverend asked for objections and Jenny kicked her out. Nan threatened to tell Carlos about the kidnapping and Jenny told him that he knows everything. Jenny demands Nan to stay away from Blake and London. When Jenny goes back in, she locks the door to the chapel so that Nan cannot return.

- Blake and London say their special vowels to one another and then they become legally wed. When they exit the church, Nan watches from a far, and wonders if she has truly been defeated.

- Will placed Lenvy's purse into Trella's car but she came back to get something out of it as the two begin to have some words with each other. Trella asks Will why she hates her so much and he tells her that he doesn't. When Lenvy comes back from class, she tells Will (in front of Trella) that Trella isn't all that bad as he said she was.

- James's marriage to Laney slowly begins to crumble but with the help of Peggy, they plan to seek revenge on both James and Ava.

- At the reception, Owen and Tanisha begin to grow closer to each other. Everyone thanks Alexia for doing a wonderful job on everything, and she has her co planner Tanisha to thank.

- Alley admits to being happy for her best friend and wants to focus on her relationship with Dylan. Dylan on the other hand can't stop thinking about the night he shared with Carrie by accident.

- John and Carrie try to rub it in Alley and Dylan's face about them being together, as they dance, and John puts his differences with London and Blake beside because it was their day to have him be civil with the both of them.

- During the dinner, Blake's father Edmund, gives the most important announcement about a wedding gift for Blake. Edmund had bought the rights of the school for Blake, and now he is the owner of Point Palace University.
Episode 69:
The New Owner

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman

(Everyone is gasping in shock after what Edmund has just told the crowd at the wedding reception. No one is more shocked than Edmund’s own son. London looks at her parents whose mouths are also dropped. Katrina on the other hand is just smiling along.)

What did you say?

You heard me correctly...you are the new owner of Point Palace University.

How is that possible?

Your father was good friends with President Howard Ballinger, and he was retiring.

He wanted to give the position to me, but I’m already busy with my job, so I decided that as a wedding present, I could give you the school. All you have to do is just sign some papers and you’re it.

(Leon Kain begins to take pictures of Edmund and Blake shaking hands as Blake is still shocked by what he has heard.)

What about my age? I haven’t even graduated yet.

Age doesn’t matter, you know this school so much better then any older person could. These students, faculty members, and everyone yet to come to this wonderful place, can identify with you because you can identify with them.

Leon: (continuing to write)
Good quote!

This is...amazing!

Everything is finally going your way. You both truly deserve it. I’m not saying that to kiss your ass.

(Blake gets a smile on his face as he sits down.)

Blake: (raising his glass)
Now we have even more to celebrate!

(Ginny comes by and serves two cold drinks for Lenvy and Trella and a coffee for Will. The evening sky begins to fall.)

Can I get you all something else to drink or eat?


I’m good.

Same here.

Do you by chance have an application?

Of course we do. Let me go and get it.

(Ginny exits.)

What would you need a job here for?

Yeah, I thought you were working at that fancy restaurant. Is the heat getting to you?

It’s not that at all. I was late for a job and my boss was yelling at me. I had to explain to him that I had to take a bus because my car wasn’t working. Which I have to thank you so much for fixing Will.

He’s an amazing guy isn’t he?

Yes he is.

Well what can I say? If you have the proper tools then you know how to fix just about everything. By the way, I’m glad you found Lenvy’s joke funny, she knows just what to say at the right time.

You shouldn’t worry about your job. Just because you were late for something, which wasn’t your fault, then you’ll be fine.

The best way of losing your job is not showing up or being late!

But it wasn’t her fault.

(Ginny returns with a pen and an application.)

Here you go.

Trella: (to Ginny)
Do you like working here?

It’s an easy job and you get paid well. I guess I like working here.

(Ginny exits again.)

Plus I’m going to need all the money that I can get. Trying to pay for my new apartment and I’m still looking for Zak.

Maybe you should just focus on your job.

Everyone has a reason for doing something. I left a horrible life that I once knew, to find someone who actually cared for me, that’s why I’m not going to give up. Maybe I should just hire someone to look for him. There are things like that online, but it costs a lot of money.

(Trella begins to write stuff down as Will begins to think to himself.)

It’s all relevant now. An alcoholic drug addict and trailer trash. An alley way’s modern day king and queen.

(Will begins to laugh a little devilishly.)

What’s so funny?

Just thought of something.

Like what? That laugh didn’t sound so nice.

Oh nothing. Just thinking of how funny life can work out.

Lenvy: (looking around)
Will, do you know where my purse is?

Maybe you left it in your room.

I could have sworn I had it with me. Yeah, I could have been a ditz and just left it behind. I’m sure it’s there.

Will: (looking at Trella)
Or maybe somebody stole it!

(London and Blake drive off in their limo to go on their honeymoon as all of the guests begin to say goodbye to one another. John and Carrie begin to talk to the Tylers.)

John. It’s been awhile.

Yes it really has. How have you all been?

We’ve all been great.

Surprised to see you here.

It took a little work but I convinced him to come.

Joanie: (to Carrie)
And you are?

His girl friend, Carrie.

(John looks at her and smiles.)

London and I are still good friends with one another, there is no reason why I wouldn’t stop talking to her, or act like a jealous jerk.

It’s good to see you again John.

What do you plan on doing about your future with London?

So you know about the baby?

We recently found out.

Are you happy about it?

Don’t really know what to say about it. Except for I want to know what you plan on doing once the child is born.

I guess you will just have to wait until that day comes!

(John takes Carrie’s hand and leaves.)

(On the way back to the room Dylan drives in his car with Alley by his side.)

That was a beautiful wedding.

See, you’re glad that you went.

Yes I am. Blake was happy and how about the fact that our good friend is now the new headmaster of the school. He is going to own all of Point Palace.

It’s so surprising.

We should have a part with it. Yeah he’ll probably give a job to London, but I’m sure he can do something for us.

That would be great, but isn’t that a little selfish?

Selfish? No way am I trying to use my best friend. I just think it would be nice if we can help him with his newfound success.

What exactly could we do to help him?

Give him ideas, maybe gets some people kicked out, and practically help him run the school.

Let’s just hope that the power doesn’t go to his head.

I know the first thing I would do if I were the owner of the school!

What’s that?

Make sure to expel a specific student with the first name Carrie and last name Slondsbid!

Dylan: (jokingly)
It’s a good thing that you aren’t owner. The power would have definitely gone to your head or to your fists.

(Later that evening London walks out on to the balcony of her hotel room. It over looks over the beach, since they took road to the sandy beaches of California, as the sun begins to go down.)

Am I dreaming? Because sometimes I feel as I am.

(Blake comes up from behind her and kisses her neck. He has his tuxedo shirt unbuttoned as London is in a blue satin robe. She embraces him when he puts his arms around her.)

Sometimes I ask myself the same exact question.

What are you thinking about right now?

How beautiful you really are.

You’re just saying that because you have to.

I’m saying it because I want to.

You want to make love don’t you?

It’s our wedding night. Our honeymoon. We haven’t done it before.

What about the baby inside of me?

(Blake puts his hands on her stomach.)

It doesn’t matter what you look like. I love you. Today has been one of the greatest and most memorable days of our lives. Then I will go as gentle as possible.

(London turns around to face him.)

You’re too much. Maybe that’s why I married you.

(As the sun goes down even further, Blake and London kiss each other passionately.)

(The next day at the hospital Carlos clocks in and goes over to the desk to find Jenny talking to Agatha.)

How was everything?

It was beautiful, just like a true wedding should be.

Typical girl stuff.

Just wait until the big day comes for you Carlos.

Far way off.

Well I’m going to get going. I have class soon. Don’t work too hard.

(Jenny kisses Carlos when Dr. Quarr comes by and witnesses it.)

After today he may not even be able to work at all!

(Before class Owen sits next to Tanisha as they wait for their professor to come in.)

Yesterday was awesome!

You and Lexi sure did do a great job with the wedding.

We almost had a runaway bride, but in the end all that starts well, ends well.

Good point.

Now that only leaves me to ask you something.


What are your doing in this class? I thought you wanted to be a chef.

I do, but I also want to own a restaurant. That’s why I’m taking business management. What do you want to do?

Probably just become an assistant for Donald Trump.

Big dreams and big aspirations.


(Owen begins to giggle.)



Tell me.

I’m embarrassed but-

Just tell me.

You’re probably going to think that I’m a dork when I say this, but I’ve always wanted to open up a British like restaurant.


Because I can fake like I’m British.

Prove it!

Owen (in a British accent):
That’s so daft of you to say.

(Tanisha begins to giggle.)

That’s hilarious, but I bet you couldn’t act British for one whole day.

I’m such the betting man. When Lexi and I first came to this school we made a bet with one another for whoever gets someone first, wins. We called it off, so maybe I’m going to accept, but what does the loser have to do?

Tomorrow you have to act British for one whole day. I’ll be by your side the whole time. Loser has to buy winner dinner.

(The professor walks in.)

Owen: (whispering)
You’re on! Oh and by the way, I like lobster.


(Carlos glares at Dr. Quarr.)

What exactly do you mean by that?

The last time you worked I asked you, no more like made my point across, that there was no way of getting out of your schedule. But you didn’t show up when you needed to. You’re-

Are you going to fire me Nick?

Gentlemen, maybe you would like to settle this in a more private place.

It doesn’t involve you Agatha.

The reason why Carlos didn’t show up to work was because he had to be with me. I felt as if, us spending time together, was way more important then him working.

This doesn’t involve you either!

Don’t talk to Jenny or to Agatha like that. Not after all they have done for you. Jenny has been nice to you, after I warned her not to be. And Agatha? Well we all know that she covered for you when your wing of the hospital burned down!

Spending time with your girl friend is more important to you then making money?

It’s more important then coming here day after day and getting treated like [!@#$%^&*]! You have had it in for me from day one. Usually I don’t quit, but you are just impossible to work with. You’re a horrible human being and I don’t know how you have the heart to save people’s lives when all you really do is destroy them! Go to hell!

(Carlos takes Jenny’s hand and nudges Dr. Quarr’s shoulders.)

You’re lucky that I didn’t get an assault charge today. It would have been worth it to punch your sorry ass out!

(Carlos exits and when he does, an older woman who witnessed the whole thing, puts down the magazine that she was reading and follows him.)

(While in her room, Ava calls James’s cell phone. The phone begins to ring which makes Ava pace back and forth in a nervous frenzy.)

Where are you at?

You better watch what you say.

Are you afraid that our cell phones are being bugged?

Maybe. When people are angry or jealous they like to do crazy and stupid things. It’s only human nature.

Who would be angry?

My wife. I think that she knows something.

You don’t think that your good old friend Peggy told her anything?

I’m not sure about that.

Is there anyone at your house?


Then I’m coming over!

Ava wait-

(Ava hangs up with James and begins to head out the door.)

What is going on with you Peggy?

(Nan begins to walk down the main avenue and stops to read the headlines of the Point Palace Inquiry. A picture of Blake, London, and Edmund catches her eye. Plus the headline above it.)

Nan: (reading)
New Groom is New Owner. What the- ?

(Nan goes through her purse, digs out a quarter, and puts it in the slot to retrieve a newspaper.)

Nan: (reading)
Blake Hammerton who recently got married is now the President of Point Palace University. His father, Edmund Hammerton bought the rights of the school off of ex-President Howard Ballinger, who actually had intentions of Edmund to be the owner. Edmund instead gave the rights over to his son.

(Nan throws the newspaper down and walks into The Palace Café.)

Hi can I-


Ginny (muttering):

(Nan makes her way to one of the computers and types in the school’s website address.)

There has to be somebody on the board who I can convince to have Blake thrown off!

(She begins to scroll down until she sees the school board.)

This must be old. The president here is still Howard Ballinger. Secretary Lanoi Dickson, Treasurer Benjamin Cliffside, and what do we have here? The youngest one of them all. Vice President, who I’m sure was next in line. Bryan Danniels. This looks like fun, a little seduction, and I’ll get what I want!

(Ava almost knocks on the door into James’s house but lets her self in. She looks around to find the house empty.)


(Ava looks up to find a light on in a room that is located on the second floor. Ava walks up the narrow stair case, which are footsteps from the front door, and walks in to what seems to be the bedroom.)

(Instead of finding James, she finds Laney.)

Expecting my husband?

Where is he?

You little home wrecker. I know everything about you and James, Peggy told me.

I was sure that sooner or later your little bitch friend would leaked it. When you see James tell him to give me a call, he has my number.

(Ava walks back out toward the stair case and the balcony that over looks the first floor foyer. Laney grabs Ava’s shoulders.)

How dare you! How dare you come into this house and our lives!

(Laney slaps Ava across the face.)

You shouldn’t have done that!

(Ava grabs Laney’s hair as Laney grabs hers and the two begin to struggle toward the balcony and closer to the steps.)

It’s not my fault that you can’t satisfy your husband!

(Laney pushes Ava which makes her fall to hard onto the carpet. Ava gets back up and grabs a vase and throws it at her, but it doesn’t hit her. Ava then dives onto Laney and begins to strangle her. Laney pushes Ava off of her as the two stand back up to face each other.)

You’re nothing but a tramp!

(Laney grabs onto Ava’s shirt and Ava turns her shoulder the other way, when she does Laney rips off a part of Ava’s shirt, but loses her balance and falls backwards down the stairs.)

Oh my god!

(Peggy opens the door to see Laney fall to the last step as blood begins to seep out of her neck. Peggy looks up at Ava, who is shocked, and then goes over to Laney’s body.)

You killed her!


Join us next time for another exciting episode of Point Palace!

1 Comment

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Hello Matt I am so glad to see a few eppies posted in my absence. Another great eppy, GREAT CLIFFHANGER. I really love Nan. I loved how she walked into the café and she cut Ginny off and she called her a Bitch.

I am so thrilled that Carlos finally told that ass Quarr off. He is a miserable Bastard for sure. Welcome to California Blake and Laney, stay away from Pasadena, we got a crazed stalker on the loose. ;)

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