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Episode 67: The First Wedding (Part Two of Two)

Matt P.


Previously on Point Palace:

- Laney demands to know what's going on with Ava and James so Peggy decides to tell her the truth.

Blake and London's parents meet each other but after finding out that London is pregnant, everyone says how they don't want them to get married.

- Nan finds out from Owen and the co wedding planner, also Owen's date, Tanisha about the wedding and decides to get her revenge on the couple during their most precious day.

- London's siblings Bradley and Joanie (as well as her husband Derek) begin to think that the Hammerton and Tyler clan can grow because of the well known legacy that the Hammertons have.

- Will tries to stop Trella and Lenvy from finding out the truth about Zak by slashing her tires. When Trella has to leave her car there, unlocked, Will decides to use it to his advantage.

- Ava begins to miss James but wonders to herself if there is anything still there.

- Blake fixes everything with the parents as everyone respects and wishes the best for both of them.

- Dylan throws a party for Blake but when John shows up the two decide to be civil for one day, for London's sake.

- At London's party, Carrie ignores Alley who leaves early and tells London that if she breaks his heart, she'll break his face. London tells her that under the hard ass exterior that she knows there is a soft side to her, as the two begin to go on good terms.

- Alexia finds London unhappy as she tells her that without a bride there could be no wedding.

- The time has come for the wedding and when the conductor plays "Here Comes the Bride," Blake asks what's going on when London does not come out.
Episode 67:
The First Wedding
(Part 2 of 2)

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman

(In her room, Nan frantically begins to dress nice for the occasion she was about to crash. She puts on her mascara and begins to plan but nothing is seeming to add up for her.)

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it! What am I going to do? I can’t say that I’m pregnant. That’s too cheap and I’m not fat enough. What kind of a lie could I make up? One that could turn every guests head in the church to focus on me and only me! A lie so big that has London running out of the chapel with tears streaming down her face. Agony. That’s what I want to cause them, agony!

(Nan sort of freezes for a moment and looks at herself in the mirror.)

Nan: (realizing)
Instead of a lie. What about the truth?

(Nan begins to have a flash back of when she was in the hospital for the first time. Jenny, her best friend at the time, begins to comfort her during Nan’s grieving period. With the bandages on her face and the covers pulled up to her waist, Nan’s tears are all over the top of her hospital gown.)

It shouldn’t have happened to anybody. I’m really sorry about everything.

It’s okay. It’s not your fault. It wasn’t like you were the one who was behind the wheel driving. Blake got drunk because of me and I had no idea that he would have hit me. He could have killed me but instead he killed the one chance that could have ever kept us together.

But it wasn’t his baby, it was Will’s.

He doesn’t know that and hopefully he never will. It was the one thing that could have brought us together. The one thing...

(The flashback ends as Nan opens her car door. She turns the key into the ignition and stares into the rearview mirror.)

Jenny was stupid to ever betray me. Even though Will was the one who was making Blake drive into the tree, and into my pregnant self, then maybe my fighting with the both of them would have never happened. Instead of a lie, everyone should know about his devastating past!

(Nan races off to go and ruin Blake and Nan’s wedding.)
(Tanisha, who has since been appointed co-wedding planner along side Alexia, looks at Owen and mouths 'I don't know' to him.)

Dylan: (whispering to Blake)
Everything is going to be okay. London will show up and you two will be married.

You're right. There's no reason why she wouldn't come to her own wedding.

Owen (whispering back):
Then where is she?

(The music conductor plays "Here Comes the Bride" again as London shows up in the door frame. Blake notices how beautiful she looks in her white wedding dress that covers up the weight of her pregnancy, it was just the way London wanted. London looks at all of the guests and then to her father who pats her hand and walks down the aisle with her. She walks past the rows of all of the guests who were their to watch her get her man. London then gets up to the front center of the aisle, close to Blake.)

Who gives permission for this woman in marriage?

Her loving father does.

(Gavin lets go of his daughter, kisses her on her cheek, shakes Blake's hand and then sits down next to Patricia Tyler.)
(Before she can even think or speak, London begins to have a flashback of before the wedding.)

What's wrong honey?

Nothing daddy.

That's a whole lot of nothing.

(London tries to hold back some tears, but a few drop out. Gavin puts out his finger and wipes them away for her.)

Are you going to tell me now what's wrong?

Yesterday. Everything that went wrong did. None of you, and when I say you, I mean the Hammertons and the Tylers want us to get married!

What? That's not true at all!

You all hate each other and don't even want me to be around Blake, so I can't even go through with this wedding.

Honey you made it this far. Besides Blake talked to all of the parents last night and convinced us that you two are truly in love.

He did?

Yep, and we made amends with the Hammertons. They're nice people now that everything is settled down. I love you London but I know someone out there who loves you even more.

(Alexia comes into the dressing room in a frantic hurry.)

Tanisha just signaled for me. It's time!

(London stands up, looks into the mirror, and for once smiles.)

London (to Gavin):
Blake is the best, that's why I love him so much!

(The flashback ends as London comes back to reality to realize that her wedding day is just beginning.)

We are gathered here today in holy matrimony to witness the gathering of two people, Blake Henry Hammerton and London Dina Tyler, who are in love, and will share that love with one another through the highest power that one can receive, through marriage. Is there anyone here who objects, please speak now or forever hold their peace.

(In the back Tanisha notices the doors opening and Nan walks in.)
(Knowing full well that Lenvy has classes, Will goes outside to Trella's car. He opens the door and easily looks inside.)


(Will takes Lenvy's purse and places it in the back seat of Trella's plain, white El Caminio with Leather Interior.)

Will: (sarcastically commenting on the car)
Not bad for some New York ghetto trash!

(Once Will shuts the door, he is startled to turn around to find Trella in front of him with confused eyes.)

What were you doing?

(As the ceremony continues, Jenny turns around and notices Nan. Being that she's sitting on the outer part of the aisle, she gets up and covers Nan’s mouth with her hands. Then she pushes her outside as both girls stand face to face on the outside steps.)

Get your hands off of me. I'm not going to get into one of our many infamous cat fights in a church.

You're too late!

No I'm not. There is not going to be a wedding after I say my peace and I will not let you stand in my way!

Looks like your plan isn't going to work this time.

Are you going to get out my way or would you like for me to tell Carlos about how his not so innocent girl friend kidnapped me, with the help of the school’s bastard student? I’m sure that he would love to hear that.

You could tell him that a million times and I still wouldn’t care.

Oh really, and why is that?

Because I already told him.

You did?

Yep, he knows everything. He knows why I did it, when I did it, and how I did it. Just like I told you before, he was totally on my side about the whole thing!

And what about the journal entry that you stole from my sister or from me or however that went down.

I still have it and now that I’m not scared about you telling Carlos, I can do whatever I want with it!

I want it back!

We all can’t get what we want. You want to get back at everyone who has ever stood up to you, like me or Blake and you know what? You’re not going to get your way.

I’ll still go in there and make a huge scene.

The minute I step back into this church, I’m going to lock you out so that you can’t ruin another life! Who has won the battle now?

(Nan lunges her way towards the door but Jenny grabs her hand and pushes her back. Jenny quickly turns around and goes back into the church slamming the door into Nan’s face and quickly locks the doors behind her.)

Nobody, not even you or Blake or anyone, will ever stop me!

(Jenny flashes Tanisha a thumbs up, and Tanisha sees that everything is okay, as Jenny returns to her seat.)

What happened out there?

Just stood up for myself once again and saved Blake from a walking disaster.

(Since no one has rejected to the wedding the Reverend has gone on.)

Blake and London will now present their vows to one another. We will start with Blake first.

London. From the first day that I met you, I was fascinated with your personality. Your looks were amazing too. To think how there could have been a pretty girl with a brain.

(Everyone begins to giggle at his comment.)

Aside from what you looked like or how you act, I really wanted to get to know you. When I did find out the reason why you came to Point Palace, I wasn’t scared away. It made me more enthralled with who you were. When you agreed to go out with me, I knew that we could be much more then just girlfriend and boyfriend. Out of all of the things that we as a couple had to survive, like the many people who tried to destroy us, health scares, and even a bad storm that could have taken our lives. We still survived all of that. That’s why we’re standing here right now, this instant. That’s why I love you London Tyler, and why I’m so happy that I’m marrying you.

(Blake kisses London’s hand as London begins to sniffle and cry out of tears of happiness.)

It is now London’s turn to say her vows to Blake.

Blake, I was lost in a school that was new to me. You were the one who showed me the way around. I can remember the first thing we ever talked about, ice hockey, and I still think that the Colorado Avalanches are better then the Pittsburgh Penguins, but that’s just me.

(Everyone begins to giggle again.)

You badgered me for sometime because I was like an enigma to you. Why would I come to Cody, Colorado? Why would I go to some snooty private college? When I told you the real reason, it didn’t scare you off like the way I thought it would. If you hadn’t asked me out then it probably would have been my doing, but you did and I’m so glad that you did. We have been through so much but that was only a test to show how our love can overcome any obstacle, strike down any challenge, and push over any bolder or person who could or would ever try to bring us down! I love you Blake Hammerton and I always will.

That was both very touching. Now Blake will you repeat after me please. I, Blake Hammerton.

I, Blake Hammerton.

Do solemnly swear.

Do solemnly swear.

To take London Tyler, in richness or in health, for better or for poorer.

To take London Tyler, in richness or in health, for better or for poorer.

To have and to hold until death do we part. For as long as we both shall live.

To have and to hold until death to we part. For as long as we both shall live.

Now London please repeat after me. I, London Tyler.

I, London Tyler.

Do solemnly swear.

Do solemnly swear.

To take Blake Hammerton, in richness or in health, for better or for poorer.

To take London Tyler, in richness or in health, for better or for poorer.

To have and to hold until death do we part. For as long as we both shall live.

To have and to hold until death to we part. For as long as we both shall live.

By the power invested in me, by this church and by the state of Colorado, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.

(Blake leans in and like many times before, tenderly kisses London, as this kiss is special to the both of them. It’s their first kiss as a married couple. Photographer Leon Kain begins to flash picture after picture for the couple and the crowd begins to lightly applaud. Then the two end their kiss and hug each other.)

May I introduce to you all Mister and Misses Blake Hammerton.

(Will is surprised at Trella’s arrival.)

Me? You want to know what I was doing? What do you mean by that?

Don’t you understand English? I saw you by my car, what were you doing in it?

Just checking it out.

Oh really?

Yeah. See I’m not a real bad guy.

Never said you were. It just seems weird when I come back from getting some coffee, to see you by my car, and not knowing what you’re doing to it.

Maybe you should learn to lock your doors. That way you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone, like myself, getting into it.

Great. I’ll take that advice. So where’s Lenvy?

She has a class.

That’s right I forgot. Do you mind if I wait for her until she gets back?

Knock yourself out.

Look I want to get something out in the open. It’s obvious that you don’t like me for some reason and I want to know why!

I never said that I didn’t like you. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t be trying to fix your car for you.

(Lenvy comes back from classes and notices Will and Trella together.)

Well, it looks like you two are getting along a lot better. See Will I told you that Trella isn’t a bad person as you made her out to be!

(Blake and London walk down the aisle, hand in hand, out of the church. All of the guests begin to throw rice at the newly married couple.)

Blake (to London):
We did it.

You’re right we did.

This day is so amazing.

Not half as amazing as you are. I heard what you did.

Did for what?

For us. I heard how you fixed everything with your parents and with mine.

Of course, we were meant to be together and I wanted them to know that for sure!

(Blake open the door from the limo for London and she gets in, wedding dress and all. Then Blake goes in too. From a far, Nan is ducking behind some bushes, spying on everything. Nan begins to have tears but then wipes them away and gets an evil look on her face.)

Am I truly defeated? NO WAY! NO HOW!

(In her living room, Laney sits on her couch with her best friend Peggy by her side. James walks in and sees the two.)

Well hello to the both of you. It’s great to see that you two are spending so much time together again.

Why wouldn’t we? Best friends can never be separated.

Peggy has been telling me the most interesting news lately. She’s always my source of gossip when I need her to be.

Gossip? Curiosity did kill the cat. I have some tests to grade. If you need anything I’ll be upstairs.

(James kisses Laney on her forehead.)

Goodbye Peggy.

Seeya James.

(James exits.)

It seems as if everything that I have ever known to trust, like James, has just gone down hill. Never in a million years would I have ever thought of James doing such a thing to me.

Guys will be guys. That’s like telling a cat not to go after a bird, if they have the opportunity to do it, they will.

If you hadn’t told me, I wonder how it would have all came out. Maybe I would have come home and caught them in bed. Do you think that they are sleeping together?


Not sure about that. Too bad she’s not seventeen years old, you could have had him charged with statutory rape. She’s eighteen or nineteen. When he introduced her to me, I knew now, I felt that something was bad about her.

(Laney stands up and begins to pace around.)

Well there’s only one thing to do. Either beat him at his own game or divorce him. I’m not going to make things easy for him and he doesn’t know that I know about his affair with Ava. Mark my words, he’s going to pay Peggy. They both will!

(Leon takes pictures of everyone at the wedding.)

That one is going in the book!

(Alexia huddles around everywhere trying to get things going. She goes up to Tanisha who is dancing with Owen.)

Girl you need to calm down. You’re going to have a heart attack at age twenty.

Alexia: (jittery)
Is everything going good? I just need everything to be perfect, just perfect. No not just perfect, spectacular. I need everything to be spectacular!

Everything is amazing! You both did a wonderful job.

Are you sure?

Blake and London are happily married and all of the guests are smiling and are having a good time. You did good kid. You both did.

(Dylan and Alley begin to slow dance and when they do, Carrie and John begin to dance too.)

How are you feeling about this day?

Would feel a hell of a lot better if my ex best friend and my ex boy friend left, but other then that I’m doing fine.

That wasn’t what I was asking about. How are you feeling about Blake and London?

(Alley looks over at Blake who winks at her as he dances with London in his arms.)

He is finally happy. Everything is going great for him, and that means that I’m happy too.

See they’re both meant for each other.

Kind of like us?

(Dylan begins to think of rolling around with Carrie on her bed.)

Yeah. Kind of like us.

(John and Carrie are along the way and Carrie’s eyes meets with Dylan. They sort of give each other a quick little “what are we going to do?” look.)

Blake and London look really cute together.

Do you know who looks even cuter?

Let me guess are there names Carrie Slondsbid and John Snaldry?

Of course it is.

This is how I wish my wedding day will be. Maybe even more beautiful then all of this. London gets to be a princess, that’s what any girls wants, especially me.

You probably have your whole wedding down in your head. From every date to every detail.

Yep, but I’m not ready to get married just yet.

I wasn’t asking you to because I’m not ready to propose again.

How are you taking everything?

Alley and Dylan are probably grumbling over us and that makes me smile deep down inside. Knowing that they hate seeing us together. It hurts a little bit to look at London. I was rushing into something that I wasn’t even thinking about. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a day, a week, or even a month wouldn’t be enough time to win London back. This is her day, and Blake gets what he wants.

You’re very mature about this.

You and I have each other. We’re the luckiest two here.

(At the wedding reception dinner everyone is gathered around at the table. Edmund begins to clink his glass as he calls for everyone’s attention.)

This is a very important announcement. It affects pretty much everyone in this room. As a wedding gift I have invested my money into something that I know my son will put his heart into.

You bought us a car?

Something even better, I bought the rights to the school. You’re the new owner of Point Palace University!

On the next episode of Point Palace:

Find out how powerful Blake will become when he becomes full owner!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Very great episode Matt. The best I've read yet. I was really PRAYING NAN would stop the wedding. She in the bushes so I don't know what's about to happen. But I love her. I fell in love with her in this episode. She reminds of Natalia on STEAM. And they do look alike. Hmm.. I guess right now I am impartial with the cliffhanger. Although. it is very interesting. I know tension will rise between every one. I was also hoping for more drama between the parents, I love Linda Dano, and "Edmund". But it is also nice they came together for the wedding. And again I cannot wait for the next episode and I hope I don't have to wait long ;)

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Thanks so much for the compliments. Nan does look like Natalia, I'll have to tell the actress who represents her to try and look her up. There are tons more of stuff to come and the school will not be the same. If you like Nan now...you'll like her in the upcoming episodes because if there is one thing that Nan likes more than revenge, it's power.

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