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King's DAYS

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Episode #399

  • Georgia realizes Hope hit her head and fell off the boat. She jumps in the water to save Hope!
  • Stefano calls together a meeting of his pawns on the boat...Aidan, Steve, Jenna, Duncan, Chloe, Nicole, and Peter all come together. Stefano begins to see doubt in everyone's eyes, but he reminds them all of why they are doing this. He explains the plan.
  • Georgia brings Hope from the water and resuscitates her with mouth to mouth.
  • Sarah and Billie bond over Miguel's vicious attacks towards them.
  • Will meets a sexy young man on the boat. He is on the wait staff...but he and Will cannot help but make eyes at one another.
  • Hope is grateful to Georgia for saving her life, but as she begins to recall what happened...she realizes Georgia locked her on the balcony to begin with!
  • Since he knows most of his pawns will back out if they knew the plan was to blow up the boat, he gives them all individual duties...he demands each of his pawns lure certain Salemites to different cabins. Little do they know that they will be luring these people to their deaths.
  • Nicole delivers mysterious invitations to Frankie, Melissa, Sarah, Miguel, Eric, and Greta to cabin 43.
  • Will says hi to the sexy young waiter. He discovers his name is Oscar. They share an awkward moment.
  • After his pawns leave and it is just Duncan, a controlled Steve, and Stefano, he reveals that he wants Alice Horton, Mickey Horton, and the rest of the children to be taken to the life boats and sent off the cruise ship. Duncan wants to know why...saying they should just kill them along with the others. Stefano says his vendetta is not with people too weak to defend themselves...but those who are able to face the actions of their consequences.
  • Duncan arrives and stops Hope and Georgia's fight and tells them both to meet him in Cabin 14 because they need to work this out! He is really luring them to his death. Then, Duncan leaves. Georgia and Hope begrudgingly agree to do so.
  • Steve asks Addie, Andy, Shane, Kim, and Kayla to meet him on the balcony for a surprise.
  • Aidan lures John, Marlena, Tony, and Kristen to the Dining Room. When Aidan learns who Kristen and Tony are, he wonders if Stefano knew his kids were on the boat. He recalls how he was sent to Salem to pose as John and Marlena's son...and how Stefano has visited him at the orphanage for twenty years...being his father figure.
  • Chloe cries as she asks Shawn, Philip, and Belle to meet her in the luggage room.
  • Jenna asks Kate, Victor, Billie, and Mike to join her poolside...near the indoor pool. They are all so confused.
  • Stefano explains to his kids, Peter and Nicole, that when they lure their respective Salemites to the right point...they need to get to a lifeboat and get off the ship IMMEDIATELY! Peter and Nicole begin to worry what the heck could be happening.
  • Peter lures, Austin, Carrie, Sami, and Will to the lowest level of the ship.
  • Duncan (As Bo) takes Alice, Mickey, Claire, Zach, JT, Gabe, and Roman to the lifeboats. "Bo" explains that there is an emergency, that they all need to get off the boat immediately! "Bo" explains everyone else will be following them shortly. They leave, fearing for their loved ones.
  • Stefano's mercenary, Steve, plants bombs all over the boat...
  • Stefano readies the second lifeboat...waiting for Peter and Nicole to join him so they can make their escapes. He realizes they may never forgive him for his deceiving them into helping with this plot, but he says it will be worth it.
  • Everyone begins to realize they need to get to the dock for the 4th of July Festivities!
  • Steve puts the eight bombs into place...one by one.
  • Stefano takes out a remote control in his hand. It has a silver switch on it. He smiles.

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