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Episode #191 - Monday, June 11th, 2007:

  • Stefano plots and schemes with his army of pawns - Nicole, Peter, Duncan, Steve, and Jenna. Stefano reveals to them that he has other pawns in place…and he needs to make sure everyone is in place before they make their ultimate move.
  • Addie and Andy’s date goes extremely well and ends with a romantic kiss.
  • Hope is baffled by Bo’s pushing her away.
  • John remains suspicious of Aidan, but he is glad to see Marlena and Belle bonding with him.
  • Sami and John bond when she opens up to him about being suspicious of Aidan. She thinks he could be a pawn of Stefano’s. John agrees. He tells Sami that Stefano is back in Salem. Sami is horrified.
  • Jeremy and Georgia continue to bond while working on the second floor of the Habitat house. They hide out from the site manager in a small alcove of the unfinished house as a joke.
  • Addie realizes if Andy ever finds out she was posing as E.C. and manipulating him then their relationship will be over.
  • Laura begins her hypnosis session with Maggie.
  • Georgia and Jeremy are shocked to realize their plan backfired…and the site manager took the ladder down from the site…unknowingly trapping Jeremy and Georgia on the second floor!
  • John and Marlena go on to tell Sami, Eric, Belle, and Greta that Marlena was meeting with Stefano and spending time with him in order to extract clues from him about her missing years. She reveals Stefano was giving her one clue for every visit. Belle, Sami, and Eric tell Marlena it was too dangerous to do, but Marlena says it was worth and it and fawns over Aidan.
  • Sami tells John to arrest Stefano! But John reveals when Kristen had baby Gabe and exchanged him for the pardon absolving her for her crimes…that also included the rest of the Dimera’s! John says they have no grounds to arrest Stefano now.
  • Jeremy and Georgia bond. Jeremy tells her he will help her get revenge on Hope and teach her a lesson if she wants. Georgia doesn’t want to, but Jeremy pushes it…and Georgia agrees.
  • Sami decides to have a little visit with Stefano!
  • Maggie while under hypnosis begins remembering pain and aguish last December when Jennifer was presumed dead and Mickey had a stroke at her “funeral.” Laura begins there and pokes and prods around those memories. Maggie begins crying and talking like a little girl. Laura realizes she’s hit pay dirt.
  • Andy decides to track down his ex roommate, E.C., and see if he is ok since he mysteriously disappeared.
  • Georgia begins to grow cold so Jeremy holds her trying to warm her up. Georgia feels the touch and comfort of a boy for the first time.
  • Maggie opens up to Laura during the hypnosis session and reveals she fell off the wagon the night Mickey had his stroke.
  • Sami arrives to the Dimera Mansion…and storms in to see Stefano…if she arrived seconds later, she would have seen Peter and Nicole…who are now hiding on the terrace. Sami tells Stefano she needs something from him…and she won’t leave until she gets it!
  • Addie gets word that Andy is trying to track E.C. down! Addie realizes she needs to act fast.
  • Stefano is very intrigued by Sami’s demands. He says Sami has grown up to be quite the little firecracker. Sami tells Stefano she knows he has used memory erasing tactics on the Brady’s and Hope before…and now she wants him to use it on her. Sami begs Stefano to have his doctors erase her memory…all memories of Lucas! Sami begs Stefano…saying she cannot go on living in a world without Lucas. Peter is devastated to hear this. Stefano rolls his eyes at dramatic Sami.
  • Laura is shocked when Maggie speaks of a fire in the middle of her session. Laura assumes Maggie is talking about fire she set to kill Alice on Christmas Eve…but she soon learns Maggie is talking about a fire that was set on the Simmons farm when Maggie was only five years old! Maggie flashes back to being a little girl cornered against the wall of a barn and a fire raging. She is screaming and crying. Suddenly, Maggie begins thrashing around in the session and crying out like a madwoman. Laura tries to calm Maggie down, but she bursts out and away from Laura’s arms. Laura falls to the ground, unconscious. The police come in and restrain Maggie.

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