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Episode #187

  • Austin and Carrie brainstorm who they’d like to see be Roman’s godparents.
  • Stefano takes advantage of Nicole and Peter’s weak states. They open up to Stefano…and each other…about not having anyone in Salem.
  • John attacks Aidan and twists his arm around his back. He nails Aidan to the desk and asks who he is. Aidan tells John to let him go because he’ll regret it if he doesn’t. Marlena begs John to let him go and let him talk. John lets him go and tells Aidan to start talkin’.
  • Jenna tries to get close to Dr. Mike Horton.
  • Mike is informed he is in the lead for the chief of staff position…and Mike wonders if that is really what he wants.
  • Georgia and Hope have a bitter encounter. Hope tells Georgia to stay away from her children. Duncan as Bo intervenes and later, encourages Georgia not to take anymore from Hope.
  • Meanwhile, the real Bo is chained to a prison wall in the basement of the Dimera Mansion, but he has no idea for sure where he is or who has kidnapped him!
  • Aidan speaks to Marlena and John in Spanish. John tells him he’s had it with his crap and stalk talkin’…in English! John asks if Stefano has sent him.
  • Austin and Carrie agree Will would a wonderful godfather to baby Roman.
  • Billie has a romantic dream about Mike.
  • Now with her “father’s” permission and support, Georgia stands up to Hope and says she won’t put up with her treatment no matter how much of a bitch she is. Hope approaches her. Jeremy intervenes. Hope tells Jeremy not to be silly, saying she’d never do anything to Georgia. Hope asks Jeremy if his father knew he was hanging out with trouble like Georgia, and Jeremy tells Hope to back off because she is venturing into a territory she ain’t ready for! Hope asks Jeremy whose side he is on here…the Horton side or Georgia's? Jeremy replies that he is on Georgia’s side and urges Hope to back off! Hope is appalled.
  • Aidan says he has grown up in Madrid, and he recently saw Marlena and John on the streets there…he asks what they were doing there. Marlena reveals to Aidan that there is a portion of her life she does not remember…she says she was kidnapped then and that she believes she spent some of her time during those years in Spain. Aidan confirms that Marlena did spend some of her years there. John and Marlena are confused…but intrigued.
  • Nicole says she never thought Stefano could be so paternal and nurturing…claiming she’s heard the awful stories. Stefano says they are mostly fabrications that have been indulged and spread by the Brady’s and Horton’s since they have all overpopulated Salem with their incestuous behavior.
  • Austin and Carrie agree Georgia is a good candidate to be their baby’s godmother. Austin agrees to ask his niece.
  • Will and Georgia are both honored to have been asked to be Carrie and Austin’s baby’s godparents. They agree.
  • John asks Aidan how he’d know where Marlena was then. John says Aidan must have been a baby when Marlena was in Spain…if she even was.
Aidan says… “A baby? No, I wasn’t a baby. I wasn’t born yet. Let me back up here and explain to you a little about me, eh?”

John replies… “Please do.”

Aidan continues…“My name is Aidan. I was raised in Spain my whole life.”

John interrupts… “Really? Good English.”

Aidan fires back… “Good Schools.”

Marlena intervenes…“John, please. Continue.”

Aidan continues, flashing John a dirty look…“I was raised at a small orphanage in a little town not far outside of Madrid. I was left there. Abandoned. By a woman who wept so loud she woke up every nun in the orphanage. The story goes she left a trail of tears behind as she turned and left me on the front stoop.”

John says… “Get to the point, kid.”

Aidan concludes… “I was left with two things…the blanket I was wrapped…and this picture…whom the nuns at the orphanage confirmed was the woman who left me. The man in the picture…I could only assume…is my father.”

Aidan hands John and Marlena an old, aged picture. Marlena’s mouth falls open.


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