Episode 25!!!!
Episode 25
Announcer: This is Somerset
We see a shot of Somerset Hospital
Molly: What is wrong with Sarah?
Doctor: Nothing, she is fine
Bill: Oh thank god
David: Yes!
Molly: How bad are her injuries?
Doctor: Oh she was fine,when we she got to the hospital, we got the bullet
Bill: That's great
Doctor: But she went into shock at the Diner, and almost died
Molly: Oh god
Doctor: But this man saved her life
The doctor points at David
Molly smiles
We see a shot of Victoria in Dallas
She is on the phone
Victoria: Yes One ticket, Yes. Thank you, Bye
Victoria hangs up
April comes to the door and knocks, Victoria answers the door
April: Hello
Victoria: Hello April, come in
April walks into the apartment
April: Are you getting ready?
Victoria: Yes, I am leaving tomorrow
April: So Soon?
Victoria: Yes
April: Oh, well I think you will be OK
Victoria: April?
April: Yes?
Victoria: Why don't you come to Somerset with me?
April: What?
Victoria: Yes, Please come with me?
We see a shot of India and Robert in there hotel in Springfield
India: So Somerset Tomorrow?
Robert: Yes, you know it has been years for me, almost 20 or more
India: Same here
Robert: Well it will be good to see it again
India: Yes, I hope Ellen is happy to see you
Robert: She probably will not be
India: Yes, I can just Imagine her reaction
India hears a scream on the T.V
India: Exactly
We see a shot of a office
We see the Hand/Deep Voice at the desk
Deep Voice: Now, I have everyone exactly where i want them
The Hand/Deep Voice takes out A Photo album, The first picture is Julian Cannell
Deep Voice: You should of left well enough alone Julian. Opening the Mr. Big case again was your fatal mistake!
The next Picture is Leo Kurtz
Deep Voice: Leo, Well we finally got you!
The Deep Voice laughs
Deep Voice: And we loved every minute of it!
The next picture is a group Picture with Stan, Terry, Ginger and Tony
Deep Voice: Ah, The rest Of the Kurtz bunch, If you thought the shooting was bad, just wait!
The Next Picture is Victoria
Deep Voice: Oh Vicky, You will get yours soon
The Deep Voice laughs
We see the Deep Voice/ Hand sitting at the desk, Tiny walks in
Tiny: Hello Boss
Deep Voice: What?
Tiny: Did Joe call yet?
Deep Voice: Yes, and the job is done
Tiny: Good
Deep Voice: Have you been down to the basement to check on our guest
Tiny: Not since last night
Deep Voice: Well get to it
Tiny: What is that?
Tiny points at the photo album
Deep Voice: Nothing
Tiny: Fine, I will go check on our guest
Deep Voice: Fine! Wait!
Tiny: What?
Deep Voice: I will go with you, I think it is time he saw who I was
We see a shot of Somerset Hospital
Doctor: You can go see her anytime, she is in room 112
Molly: Thank you doctor
The doctor walks away
Bill: So you saved Sarah?
David: I just gave her CPR
Bill: Well you saved her, thank you!
Bill shakes David's hand
Molly: Yes, Thank You
Molly hugs David
Bill: Let's go see our baby
Molly: Yes
Molly and Bill walk away
We see a shot of India and Robert in Springfield
India: Well, I think it is time for dinner
Robert: Yes
The phone rings
Robert: I will get it
It is Jill
Robert: Hello
Jill: Hello, Who is this
Robert: Robert
Jill: Delaney?
Robert: Yes
Jill: What are you doing in India's room?
Robert: Who is this?
Jill: This is Jill Grant
Robert: Jill!
India: Jill?
Jill: What are you doing in Aunt India's room, Robert?
India grabs the phone
India: Hello Jill!
Jill: Aunt India, What is going on?
India: What? You mean Robert?
Jill: Yes, That's what I mean
India: Well, we are married again Jill
Jill: What?
India: Yes, Don't tell your mother?
We see a shot of Victoria
Victoria: Well?
April: Well?
Victoria: Why Don't you come with me, I will really need your support?
April: Of Course I will Come honey
Victoria: Thank You
April and Victoria hug
April: I will have to call my boss
Victoria: Yes, Thank you again
April: Of Course. I am here for you Victoria
April and Victoria Hug
Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset
We see a shot of Somerset Hospital
We see Molly and Bill walk into a room, Sarah is laying in the bed
Molly: Sarah?
Sarah opens her eyes
Sarah: Hello Mom, Dad
Bill: Hello Baby
Sarah: Oh I feel tired
Molly: Yes
Sarah: Boring day
Bill and Molly Laugh
Bill: I'll say
We see David at the door, Sarah sees him
Sarah: David
David walks into the room
David: Hello Sarah Ryan
Sarah smiles
We see a shot of India and Robert
India: Don't tell your mother, Jill Please?
Jill: Oh God India, She is going to have a heart attack
India: I know, That is why i am going to tell her tomorrow
Jill: You better! Oh god, I don't want to be in the room when she finds out
We see a shot of Victoria and April
April is on the phone
April: Thank you, bye
April hangs up the phone
Victoria: So?
April: I can go
Victoria: Good! Now I must check the weather
April: Fine, I will call the airport
April picks up the phone. Victoria walks to the T.V and turns it on, The news is on
Announcer: Again, A cop was shot in front of the Dallas Police Department, The officers name is Jake Edwards
Victoria: Oh my god! Not Again!
We see a door in a basement
We see Tiny open the door
Tiny: Come in Boss
We see a man in the corner. It is Leo Kurtz
Leo: Who is there
The Hand/Deep Voice walks in
Voice: Me
Leo: Oh my god
The camera pulls up to the face, It is Tom Conway
Tom: Hello Leo
Leo: You
Tom: Yes me
Tom Laughs
Tom: Surprise
Announcer: This is Somerset
Credits Role
Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset
Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
7.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
8.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
9.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
10.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
11.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
12.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
13.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
14.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
15.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
16.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
17.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
18.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
19.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
20.Charles Grant As Joe
21.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards
Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway
Locations in Somerset
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