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May 24, 2007




-At her office at University Hospital, Katherine helps Cal deal with what he remembered while under hypnosis. Katherine tells Cal he is making more progress quicker then they both had hoped. Cal is pleased but then complains of a headache, much like he had at Carrie and Austin's wedding. Cal says he needs to get up and walk around. When Cal gets up from the couch, he goes over to the window. He looks out of it and starts to get more flashes of memory. It is at this point that he sees the face of the man who he now realizes is behind much of the pain that he has been going through. When Katherine goes over to comfort him, he then admits that he saw the face.....

Of Ernesto Toscano! Katherine holds Cal in her loving arms as he cries deeply and the scene slowly fades to black.

-At the Brady family picnic at Salem Park, Lucas walks around, trying to find Sami. He spots Frankie, who is talking to Greta, and walks over, asking them both if they had seen Sami. Frankie says that the last time he saw her she was with Hope, playing with JT. Lucas thanks them both, and rushes off to find her. Greta remarks how much of a positive influence Lucas has been on Sami. Frankie concurs, saying that if it wasn’t for his love for her, no telling where she would be right now. They both walk to the buffet table and walk right past.....

Roman, who is looking around at all of the security men. He turns to Kimberly, telling her that he knows there has never been a time when this picnic was loaded for bear like this. Not even when Stefano was up to his usual tricks. Kimberly tells him that these are different times now. Stefano isn’t the only problem. This nutcase running around has destroyed families, ruined lives. He's just doing what he has his whole life.......protecting and serving. Roman smiles and happens to look over at Bo, who stares daggers into him, then turns, and walks away.

Roman tells Kimberly that he doesn’t feel like much of a protector. This reminds him of when he thought Marlena had been killed by the Salem Strangler. He felt just as guilty then as he does now. He never should have kept that from Bo. Kimberly tells him that she is just as guilty as he is and, besides, they both thought they were doing the right thing. Roman agrees but says this is not like rescuing Marlena from Stefano or Bo and him going off on some wild adventure with the fate of the free world hanging in the balance. This makes them both laugh.

This is their brother. And he failed him. More than he ever has. Kimberly sees Kayla, who turns her head sharply and walks away, and then turns back to Roman, telling him that no one is perfect. All they can do is the best they can do. And let them be found guilty of only one thing.....caring and protecting their loved ones.

Roman smiles at Kimberly and then receives a phone call. He tells her he must take this and Shane walks up to see Kimberly. She says that she is going to get something to eat and Roman kindly asks Shane to look after her. When Kimberly says that she can take care of herself, Roman and Shane smile and Shane wheels Kimberly over to the table. Roman then steps off to the side, and starts his conversation....

Roman: It’s good to hear from you.

Man: Likewise. Look, Roman, I tried my best to find out anything on this person that you are looking for but without a positive I.D., nothing is going to come up.

Roman: I don’t want to hear that. Do you know the hell he or she has caused here?

Man: Aye. I’m used to hell, brother. All I could find out is that Kiriakis and DiMera are just as big heavy hitters out here as they are in your neck of the woods. Besides, if they can’t find this cat, what makes you think I can help you out?

Roman: I know that neither of their empires are just contained here in Salem. They must stretch to the corners of the country. I’ve got to find out something, anything on this MCF. My family is at stake.

Man: I hear ya on that. Look, I’ll keep digging and, when I turn something up, I’ll let you know.

Roman: Thanks, man. I owe you one.

Man: No problem. And, one more thing.

Roman: Shoot.

Detective Vic Mackey (Michael Chicklis): If you need anyone to bust this cat’s head down to the fat meat, just let me know, deal?

Roman: Deal. Later on.

Roman hangs up the phone and turns around, long enough to see Bo standing right there. Bo tells him that he looks like he’s playing cop again. Lord Knows that he hasn’t done that recently. Roman tells Bo that he is sorry for what has happened to him but he is starting to really get sick and tired of his childish attitude. Bo takes one step forward and tells Roman that if he is having a hard time trusting him Roman shouldn’t wonder why.

Roman stands face to face with Bo, telling him in a louder voice that he is still acting like the same spoiled punk that he was when he was a teenager. Sami walks up with Hope and Kayla as Shane wheels Kimberly over to the argument and Frankie, Greta and Max watch on, helplessly. Frankie tries to intervene but Bo tells him to stay out of it. This has been going on for far too long. Bo tells Roman that he has done a rotten job being the “head” of the family since Pop died. Roman stares at Bo as he tells Roman that no matter how he looks, he’s still the same bastard that he hated for all those years.

Roman is stung. Hate, Roman says. He asks Bo if he hates him. Bo pauses and backs off on that but he says to Roman how does he expect him to react? Bo tells him that when others keep secrets from him he feels he has the right to get on his high horse and preach to everyone but, when he does the very same thing, everyone should just deal and understand. This makes Shane smile slightly. Bo tells him that he needs to stop acting like he’s judge and jury around here.

Bo then walks off and Roman starts to follow him but Kayla stands in his way, telling him to back off and leave Bo alone. When Roman says that he and Bo are not finished, Kayla says that he should have thought about that years ago. Kimberly then jumps in, saying that this is no way for family to behave. Kayla snickers, saying that’s rich coming from an ex-hooker. Kimberly is stunned as is Caroline and Sami, who tells Kayla that she was way out of line. Kayla says this can’t be coming from the same girl who drugged Austin, slept with him, and then lied to him about Will being his son. She asks Sami........is she preaching to her?

Lucas steps in and says to Kayla that that will be enough. Family or not, she doesn’t have the right to just start jumping down everyone’s throat. Kayla tells Lucas to stay out of it but then Frankie speaks up, saying that for someone who didn’t bother coming home for 15 years, she sure is one to talk about family. Caroline then steps up and shouts that this whining will stop right now! This is her picnic and she was doing this long before any of them were born. The lack of respect that was shown today by everyone sickens her and it is time that this family gets back on track.

Bo walks back up and announces that they all can get back on track without him. Everyone looks at him with stunned silence. He says that this family makes him sick and it’s about time that he got on with his life, away from all of them. So, as far as he is concerned, this will be the last time any of them sees him ever again. He says goodbye and good riddance.

With that, Bo storms off and leaves his family shattered behind him. The scene then shifts from one Brady to another and ends on Caroline’s face as she breaks down crying. Hope runs over and takes her into her arms, holding her tightly and rocking her back and forth, as the episode slowly fades to black.


Kate to MCF: I want answers...now!!

Austin to Carrie: What's wrong? Why are you so nervous?

Belle (looking at a file): What the hell is this?

Tony to Anna: DAMNIT!! Talk to me, will ya?

Lexie to Abe and Celeste: Oh my God...we're in Salem.

Forrest to Abby and Chelsea: I can only imagine what is in store for us.


We then see a clip of this...



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Wow. What a fight. I just want to slap Kayla. When did she get so sanctimonous? I can't wait for next week! Its going to be so good :)

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