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May 23, 2007




-Katherine places Cal under hypnosis. Before she does, she asks him if he is ready. Cal responds, saying that now is as good a time as any. She starts the process, slowly making Cal drift into a very deep, relaxing state. Once he is under, Cal starts to once again drift back to times years ago. He starts to remember things at a much more rapid rate.

He sees his mother’s face......his brother’s face.....he remembers his rank as a Captain in the Army during Vietnam.....the friends that he lost during that war......The major fight he had with a man, right before he left home, for the last time.....and the battle wound that he got in the war, almost destroying his face.

He then starts to remember a man who took him in and gave him a home. He worked for this man for many years, afterwards, and then became one of his top lieutenants. Cal remembers looking into the mirror and wondering why he looked so different. The man kept telling him that it was for a special assignment that he was sending him on. The man told Cal to learn all that he could about one single man.....

Roman Augustus Brady, then Captain of the S.P.D.

He was to learn about every single facet of this man’s existence and, when the moment drew, he would become Roman Brady. This entire plan, and his entire life, was now coming back to him in waves. Cal was thrashing back and forth and Katherine was yelling at him that she was going to bring him out of it. At that moment, he sees the face of the man who had affected his life more than any other person that he knew, and, it was at that moment.....

That his eyes, suddenly flew open, and he sat straight up. Katherine looked at him and asked him if he was ok. Cal said, for the first time in a year, that he now has almost of the answers he was looking for. The one answer he now wants to know is....

Who was the man he saw in his memories? Katherine looks at Cal’s sweating face, and he stares out into the distance, as the scene slowly fades to black.

-At the Brady's Memorial Day Picnic at Salem Park, Hope sees Bo and wants to walk over to him. Kayla, who has just arrived, sees Bo ignoring Hope, who is looking dead at him. What she also sees is all of the uniformed and undercover security men who are loaded with weapons. When she walks up to Hope and asks what’s going on, Hope replies that with this madman or woman running loose, it is a wonder that this scene hasn’t happened before now. Roman, Shane and Abe wanted everyone to be safe if the MCF tried something at the picnic. Kayla remarks that it’s about time her brother protected someone in the family and walks off, leaving Hope to react to her words.

Roman and Kimberly then arrive at the picnic and the tension can be cut with a butcher knife. Bo sees Roman and, while holding JT in his arms, turns his back to him. All Kayla can do is walk away when Kimberly starts to wheel herself towards her. Caroline witnesses all of this and can’t stand to see her children at each other’s throats like this. Hope walks over to her and tells her that she can’t remember any other time when the family was split like this. Caroline says she can.....the time when everyone found out Bo was Victor’s son. Caroline didn’t know how the family would ever be the same after that. She then turns and looks at Hope, saying that it was the night of Roman’s welcome home party.

Everyone was laughing, joking and celebrating. Her oldest boy had came home. Didn’t matter to her how different he looked. Caroline says she always knew, from the moment she met him, that there was something special about him. Bo and Roman always loved each other so much but never got along. There is nothing either of them wouldn’t do for the other but this whole thing has torn her four children apart and she doesn’t know what to do.

When Hope asks her what has torn them apart, Caroline tells her that, with all due respect, she is starting to get tired of Hope always asking her that question. She tells Hope one more time that Bo will come around when he is ready. She needs to have faith in that and stop trying to force him to tell her something that he apparently is not ready to talk about with her. She tells Hope that if the only thing she has to talk about with Bo every time she sees him is asking him about what is wrong with him, one day she will push him so far from her that he will stay gone......forever. Caroline walks away after patting Hope on her cheek, leaving Hope to ponder her words as the scene slowly fades to black.

-Meanwhile, at a huge ranch, two men are standing in a living room, discussing the latest proceedings that have been going on back in Salem....

Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy): I am really sick of hearing this from you. You act like, after all of these years, that I don’t now what the hell I’m doing.

J.R. Ewing (Larry Hagman): I just can’t believe that you would let the man who killed Daddy get away.

Bobby: I haven’t let him get away! My contacts in Salem are in close communications with Roman Brady, the Commander of the police force there. He has dealt with men like this before.

J.R.: But what about Stefano DiMera? Daddy and him were business partners and it is not by accident that we have found out that Stefano was the one who engineered for Daddy to go to South America right before his death. For all we know, he was the one who not only had Daddy killed, but......

Bobby: He may have been responsible for sending Wes Parmelee here, making us think he was Daddy. He’s famous for that. From what I have gathered, Roman Brady looks completely different from how he looked twenty five years ago and that’s all due to Stefano DiMera.

J.R.: So, then, maybe it’s time we head to Salem, find Stefano, and put an end to this man once and for all.

Bobby: You know, for the very first time......

I think we both agree on something.

Both men pick up two glasses, filled with the finest bourbon, and toast each other to the successful destruction of Stefano DiMera.

-Meanwhile, back in Salem, Bo holds JT in his arms, and spots Hope looking off into the distance. He stares at her and thinks back to their life together - the moment where he saw her after she left boarding school, the kiss she gave him in a kissing booth, right after he saved her from marrying Larry Welch, her in the hospital after she was shot, their first wedding in England, her tragic “death” at the hands of Ernesto Toscano, and all of the times that he told her how much he loved her. Bo knew that he was treating her wrong but he just couldn’t bring himself to stop it. He was convinced that she would look at him as much less of a man if she found out.

And that’s what he was worried about. Not the fact that he lied to her about his and Roman’s recent sting operation on Victor or any of the other things that he has kept from her in the past. But all he could think about now was this woman that he loved. So, he slowly walked over to Hope, and as she turned around to see him, not one word was spoken between them. All Bo did, was take her hand.....

And kiss it lovingly. He then stepped forward and kissed her gently on her lips. They looked at each other lovingly as one tear came out of Hope’s eye. The scene and the episode ends with a freeze-frame on both Bo and Hope’s faces, as they look at each other for the first time in a long time, as two people.....

Who deeply love each other.


Caroline to Hope: I just don't know what to do anymore. My family...it's in shambles.

Bo to Roman: You and me?! There is no you and me!

Sami to Lucas and Will: I don't know what is going on but this family picnic has more tension then waiting for a serious medical test. What the hell is going on?

Cal to Katherine: What could this mean?


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I love that you have the Ewing brothers in here. It always makes me giggle. Looks like this picnic will not be one for the Bradys. Great job making Caroline into such a formidable force! Make her show everyone who the boss is!

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