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It's late in the evening and the MCF enters an abandoned warehouse and looks around to make sure no one is there. He or she then breaks into a supply room and closes the door.

MCF (via voice changer): Damnit!! I lost my damn hideaway and now I have to roam around aimlessly until the cruise ship gets here. Ugh...just need to calm down. The cruise ship will be here in a day. I will just need to keep a very low profile. Much more then usual.

The MCF's cell vibrates and he or she answers it.

MCF: Yes?

Ernesto: It's me. We will be in Salem by sunset tomarrow.

MCF: Excellent.

Ernesto: I recieved the message you left. So, lost your lair, eh?

MCF: Yeah. Reed, Deveraux, and their merry band of investigators caught up with me a bit. It's no matter. Tomarrow is the day we have been waiting for my friend. Tomarrow...is what all our planning was for. We will see our dreams finally realized.

Ernesto: Are you sure everything will go according to plan? I mean, we are relying alot on people learnings things for themselves.

MCF: If they end up not being smart enough to figure things out on their own, I will just send out little invites like I am to some of our friends. Either way, we will have our full guest list in attenance tomarrow night. One way or the other.

Ernesto: Excellent.

MCF: How are the prisoners?

Ernesto: Fine. No problems. It seems the beautiful Anna is mad at the Count for something. I find that funny.

MCF: Indeed. Quite humorous. Well, then I better get off. I don't need anyone hearing me and there is no telling if someone is around or not. The police are canvasing the area around my former hideaway and they very well may search where I am right now. Contact me as soon as you are in Salem waters. Ok?

Ernesto: Will do. I can't wait until tomarrow night. I mean, it's been so long in the making.

MCF: Yes. Indeed it has.

Ernesto: We will both finally have the revenge we so crave. I guess I will see you tomarrow.

MCF: Yes. Safe journeys.

The MCF hangs up the phone and laughs.

MCF: Correction, my friend. I will have the revenge I crave. You, on the other hand, will share your fate with the rest of our "friends." Once you fulfill your purpose to me, your on your own, dear Ernesto.

The MCF hears police nearby and bolts for the back door out of the warehouse.

MCF: I just need to make sure I don't get caught before tomarrow. I have waited too long and did far too much for it to end now. It won't end now. Not when I am so close. I won't let it.

The MCF exits the back door of the warehouse as the screen fades out and into...



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