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#014 Thursday, April 26th



#014 Thursday, April 26th

Claire calls someone on the phone and tells them that she has a good story about a member of the Donahue family, for a price. Just then, Cody comes back in and says he left something in his pocket. When he asks Claire why she has the note, she hangs up the phone quickly and says that she was just about to call him and tell him that he left something in his pocket. He takes the note from her and leaves. After he leaves, Claire slams the counter upset that he retrieved the note. After thinking for a second, she calls the person she called before and tells them that she will need a little more time to get the story.

Carolee arrives at the airport and takes a cab directly to the McGregor mansion. She knocks on the door and the butler, Freeman answers it. Carolee says that she is here to pick up her children and Freeman says he's been given orders not to let her in. She shows him a court order that says she's allowed visitation, but Freeman says that he's not going to let her in regardless of what she has. Carolee then suggest that maybe she should call in the authorities to settle this and pulls out her cell phone and Freeman shouts for Anna to come downstairs. Anna rushes downstairs and asks Freeman what's going on and he explains that Carolee is trying to force her way in and take the children. Freeman steps aside so Anna can talk to Carolee. Anna says that she's not taking the kids anywhere and Carolee once again holds up the court order, but Anna snatches it out of her hand, tears it up and says that the court order is worthless. Carolee tells her that she'll be sorry that she did that and Anna says that threats don't scare her, because she's come up against people worse than Carolee. Carolee says that she's going to see her children and Anna tells her that they aren't at the mansion and even if they were she wouldn't be allowed to see them. Carolee demands to know where her children are and Anna says that they are somewhere safe from her and that they'll stay there until after the court battle. Carolee promises that the judge will hear about this, but Anna tells her she's not worried about the judge and to get off her property immediately or she's calling the police.

Yvette sneaks into McGregor mansion through the back door and quietly takes the back stairs up to the attic. Once there, she starts looking through a box of her father's old papers, looking for anything that could possibly overturn the will. She comes across an old ledger, that shows that her father made several payments to an unnamed person at an address in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She digs deeper in the box and finds more ledgers with the same information. She shoves the papers into her purse, closes the box and places it back on a shelf, before turning out the light and leaving the attic. She then sneaks back down the stairs and quietly out the back door.

Jim is late getting home from work. Lynette tries his cell phone, but can't get an answer. She then calls Alma and asks her if she can watch the kids while she's at work, she's already late as it is. Just then, Jim comes in. Lynette tells Alma that Jim just walked in and hangs up. Lynette is furious and asks Jim why he is late. Jim tells her that he had to take care of some business and Lynette asks what business, but he says it was just personal errand he had to run. Lynette then accuses him of being late on purpose because to make her miss her shift, but Jim says that is nonsense. Lynette says she knew he hadn't really accepted her working, but she didn't think he'd do something like this. Jim says that he's not in the mood to argue and that they should just drop the whole thing. Lynette says that he better make it the last time that he pulls a stunt like this and then storms out the front door.


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