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Episode 85





(EXT: London, England- Messenger service)

---Augusta comes running into the small shop and startles the dainty young man behind the desk. She rants and raves about having made a terrible mistake and how Lady DiMonde is going to have her head. The clerk tries to calm her down but she's like a tornado.

"You don't understand- the masquerade ball is tonight! Lady DiMonde wanted everything to be just so for sweet Anna's engagement party, but... oh what a fool I am! Can you help me? This invitation......it was supposed to have gotten there last week....I thought I mailed it with the others but I....I....oh...."

"It's alright ma'am, it's okay, I can help you."

"You can?"

"Of course, no need to be so dramatic. I'll gladly courier it over there myself and send your apologies."

"Oh thank you, thank you so much."

"Now just fill out this paperwork here and we'll be all squared away."

"I don't know how I can ever repay you, thank you. You're a lifesaver!"

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---CC finishes going over the plans for Gina Jeans with Joann. CC tells her that he wants Gina to be kept extremely busy for the next couple of weeks. When Joann inquires as to what he's up to with Gina, he reminds her that Gina is never to be trusted and at the moment, he needs her neutralized. The best way for him to do that is to keep her occupied.

"One thing about Gina, say what you will about her, but she takes pride in whatever she does, however trivial or vile it might be to people like you and me. She'll put her blood, sweat, and tears into fifty dollars worth of denim, especially if it has her name on them. Mark my words."

"You don't think she'll wonder about why I'm working her so hard?"

"That's the beauty of it, Joann, you just have to give her the ball. She'll run with it all on her own."

"True. This is Gina we're talking about."

Kathleen interrupts them and informs CC that his son-in-law is there to see him.

"My son-in-law is dead! How insensitive can you-"

"Your other son-in-law," Ashton says, stepping in front of Kathleen toward Joann "I'm terribly sorry, I don't believe we've been formally introduced. Ashton Lavery. I'm Kelly's-"

"Yes, I know who you are Mr. Lavery, pleased to meet you. Joann Walsh. And I was actually just going. I have some....matters to attend to downstairs. CC."

"Thanks again for your help Joann."

Joann leaves and shuts the door behind her. "One of your newer minions CC?"

"What do you want Lavery?"

"Actually, I was dropping by to fill you in on a little trip I'm going to be taking with my wife."

"You're not going anywhere with my daughter. This marriage was a mistake from the beginning, one Kelly has clearly entered into blindly."

"Oh, but this should be an eye-opening trip for her, I'm sure. We'll be visiting my father in London, as well as attending to some business I have there."

"Over my dead body. Kelly under no circumstances will ever, ever come within a hundred miles of that man. I'm going to make certain of that. You can count on it."

"This should be good- and how do you plan on doing that?"

"Don't you worry about it my boy. I've dealt with men more clever, more diabolical, more capable and charming than yourself. But know that when I'm done, Kelly will have no desire to meet your father. And your marriage will be over."

"Who do you think you are?" Kelly says, entering CC's office


"The days of me letting you run my life ended years ago, daddy."

"And look at the mess you're making of it. Maybe it's time you start listening to your father. For once."

(EXT: London, England)


---Sophia finishes helping Christine out in the kitchen. Christine muses that Dr. L should be arriving home shortly and likes his lunch promptly. The doorbell rings and Sophia offers to answer it, but Christine insists. She tells Sophia to watch the fish on the stove, because if it's overcooked, it will lose it's flavor. Christine rushes to the door and the clerk from the messenger service stands there with an envelope and two zipped outfits.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I need to speak to the gentleman or the lady of the house."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but if ya didn't notice, this is a castle here. The gentleman and the lady don't come to the door for any individual. Who let you in at the gate? Solicitors are prosecuted by-"

"I'm afraid I've misrepresented myself. I'm actually delivering an invitation and costuming for tonight's masquerade ball given by Lady DiMonde..."

"Lady DiMonde? Oh my, it's Anna's engagement party today, isn't it? I was reading about it at the newstand this morning."

"Yes, Lady DiMonde deeply regrets the tardiness of the invitation. Apparently, someone from the help misplaced it, and, well..."

"Oh believe me I've been there."

"She hopes that Dr. Lavery & Mrs. Lavery will accept the costumes as a token of her apologies."

Christine takes the envelope and the costumes. The man reaches out for his tip and Christine reaches out and shakes his hand.

"Christine Gorrow. It was a pleasure meeting you too sir. I'll make sure Dr. L gets this."

The clerk tries to explain but she shuts the door on him. Sophia comes down the corridor and tells Christine that the fish is ready. She looks at the envelope in Christine's hand and the clothing. She asks Christine what it is & she excitedly explains that Edmund & she have been invited to a huge high society event taking place that night. Sophia asks if Edmund often receives such extravagant invitations, but Christine says he mostly keeps a low profile. Sophia unzips the dress & mask and remarks how gorgeous and intricate the ensemble is. She presses it against her as Edmund walks through the door.

"It's beautiful Loretta, wherever did it come from?"

"Lady DiMonde, Dr. L. You and Mrs. L here were invited to the big engagement ball tonight."

"Funny, it's a little late for such an invitation, quite unlike her to send something like this on the day of the event. Are you sure it's from her?"

"That's what the messenger told me."

"Must have been the little man on the way out."

Edmund directs Sophia to put the dress back, saying that it isn't something that they should attend. Sophia is disappointed, saying that the whole thing sounds so grand and romantic. Edmund says he had wanted to just spend a quiet evening at home, with just the two of them. Sophia says that sounds nice, but it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

"At least let me try it on, darling. It just seems like she's gone to all this trouble, we could at least accept such a lovely gesture."

"But I barely know the woman, aside from seeing her at some charity functions and her contributions to my research, but it's been years..."

"Her daughter's engaged, darling, she wants the world to celebrate with her. Please. Can I at least try it on? If it doesn't fit or you don't like how it looks on me, we don't have to go..."

"That's not fair, Loretta, you know if you put that on I'll...."

"I'll be right back. Come Christine. Help me with my hair. Your lunch and the mid-day newspaper are sitting on the dining room table for you darling, as you like" Sophia says, kissing him on the lips & dragging Christine up the stairs.

Edmund unzips his count-like costume and looks again at the invitation. He phones the messenger service that delivered them, but the clerk informs him that the employee who delivered to his address hasn't returned yet. Edmund hangs up, again looking at the invitation.

(EXT: Newark, New Jersey)

---Pearl drives Mary, Mason, and Maureen down the suburban roads toward Mark & Sherri's house. Everyone in the car is silent, anticipating the confrontation. Pearl receives a phone call and is told that more activity on Sherri's credit card has come in, indicating that they're still in Newark. Pearl tells a relieved Mason and Mary the good news. They anxiously ask Pearl how much further it is and he tells them they're actually about there. Pearl pulls just past a small white house with black shudders. He asks Maureen if she's ready and she assures him that she is. Maureen gets out of the car and walks back toward the house. She rings the doorbell and Sherri answers.


"Hello Sherri- how are you?"

"Fine, we weren't expecting you, come in, please...."

"Is Mark here?"

"He actually isn't home yet, but should be in just a little bit. Can I get you something to drink?"

"No, I'm fine."

Sherri asks Maureen what brings her to town and she explains that she'd recently contacted Mark. She said that by the tone of his voice and what they discussed, she was sure that he wasn't doing very well. Sherri asks what she means and Maureen specifies about her visit with Mason and Mary.

"Yes, they came to see me too. It was strange seeing her again, after all these years. My goodness, I remember when she was brought in and what a wreck Mark was. It was such a miracle seeing her doing so well, so healthy. It was just a shame what I had to tell her about her child."

"What, that you had to LIE to me?" Mary says, entering the room.

"Mary!....What are you-"

"The jig is up Nurse Rhodes. Or is it Nurse McCormick?"

"Mary- I-"

"Save it. Save it Sherri. After all I'd been through, after what Mark put me through- How could you? How COULD You?" Mary says. Mary raises her arm and slaps Sherri square across her face, sending her to the floor.

"Oh my God!" Mark says from the doorway.

They turn around and see him running back toward his car. He jumps in, turns the key in the ignition and throws it in reverse, but he's cut off by Pearl & Mason, who block him in the driveway with the rental. Mason gets out of the car and approaches Mark's window.

"You're not going anywhere Mark. Not when I'm done with you."

THE END.........................for TODAY


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