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April 19, 2007





-Tony and Anna are still talking with Ernesto while inside their cell. Tony says he knew it was Ernesto. He recognized his voice, even while he as whispering, based on the time he was held captive by Andre and Wendell and also because of the time that Ernesto was being cared for by Stefano after he "died" with "Hope" in he cage. Ernesto sarcastically comments on how smart Tony is. Anna asks him why he is doing this. Ernesto describes how he never truly got his revenge on his enemies last summer. Andre, Wendell, and then Stefano screwed with his plans. The island schemes were his ideas and they were ruined. Stefano made them his plans and, in Stefano's absence, Andre and Wendell messed with them too and made it all about them.

Ernesto explains how he went into hiding following last year's island fiasco. Tony knows nothing of that but Anna explains to Tony what happened based on what she heard and read. Ernesto says he was presented with a deal a few weeks later. The deal was from a person with whom he shared some comment enemies. They agreed to team up and that is what led to this. Tony asks Ernesto who his boss is. Ernesto insists that it's a partnership. Tony laughs and says it's no partnership. He can sense Ernesto is just being used and informs Ernesto of something Stefano told him about Ernesto years ago. Tony says that Stefano told him:

Tony: Ernesto is weak. He doesn't have what it takes to ever follow through. He can make all the threats he wants but, when it comes down to it, he can never finish the job.

Ernesto fumes as Tony shows a devilsh grin.

-At Salem University Hospital, Cassie is visting Stefano. She is telling her grandfather about the mess she is in with the MCF and how she doesn't know what to do about it. Her cell phone then rings and she realizes she forgot to turn it off. She looks to see if anyone is watching and answers it after not being able to recognize the phone number. She says "Hello" and received no answer.

MCF (via voice changer): Hello, young Cassie.

Cassie: You...what do you want?

MCF: The time has come...it's time for you to recieve your orders.

Meanwhile, in the psych ward, Jack and Billie are dressed like a doctor and a nurse. Both are wearing glasses with Billie in a red wig and Jack in a blond one. Bille is in a nurses uniform and Jack is wearing a lab coat. Billie tells Jack he better hope no one realizes that her uniform and his lab coat are stolen. Jack tells her to chill. Billie is worried about being caught but Jack says he knew it would be easier to do this at night during the late shift and shows Billie how far they have come. Billie tells him to shutup and to keep moving. They don't have time to inflate his ego.

They reach Marlena's room and both take a deep breath as they enter. Marlena is in her strightjacket. She is looking right at Jack and Billie as they enter and laughs uncontrollably.

Marlena: You call those disguised. Fools...

Jack: You know...

Marlena: Yes, Jackass. Only an idiot wouldn't.

Billie: Fine. Look, Marlena, We need your help.

Marlena: Good luck with that. Hate to break it to you but Marlena is gone and never coming back. Only Samantha is here and I have no interest in helping you.

Jack: So that is who you are today? Who will you be tomarrow? Marcy? Martha? Someone else who isn't on your medical chart.

Marlena: If I wasn't in a straightjacket and if the staff would listen to my ravings, I would call for security right now. Hey, Billie. How is that whore of a mother of yours? She make any moves on my so-called husband yet? God knows the last time I was locked in a prison and was out of the picture...

Jack: I know the real Marlena is in there so, please, give us something...help us end this person's terrorizing and manipulation.

Marlena: Ah...I see now. You want me to help you with the cloaked one. Not going to happen. Hey, when are all you idiots going to realize you can't stop this. The plan is in motion. You are all setup already to be sent to your complete and utter destruction.

Jack and Billie look at each other, wondering what she is hinting at as Marlena shows an evil smirk.

-Hope brings Bo back to their house and welcomes him home. Bo reminds Hope that this is only for one night and he is going to the Pub in the morning and staying there. Hope understands and says she already called his mother to tell her. Hope asks Bo where he would like to sleep. Bo thinks it's best if he sleeps on the couch. He doesn't want to push anything right now. Hope understands and says she will go get some pillows and blankets after she pays the babysitter. Hope goes into the kitchen to pay the sitter as there is a knock on the door. Bo answers it to find Kayla there. She is happy to see him and jumps into his arms, telling Bo long time, no see.

-At their hotel suite. Cal is expressing his excitement over the wedding being tomarrow. He asks Katherine if she is excited. She nods and asks if he is sure he is ok to do this with his episode earlier. Cal insists he is fine. He has recovered from it and is actually happy to be having memories. He just has to accept that they are going to keep coming and overwhelming him.

Cal realizes it's nearly midnight and tells Katherine he is going to his room now so he doesn't see the bride before the wedding. Katherine laughs and says she can't beleive he is into superstitious stuff like that. Cal thinks it makes it fun. He tells her he will be right next door and gives her a kiss, wishing her good night. She echoes his sentiment as he leaves. Katherine then pulls out her wedding dress and lets out a deep sigh.

Later, Cal is asleep in his room and is reliving the memory flashes he had earlier. There are explosions, loud screams, him arguing with a man...and then he finally jumps up. He is sweating and is overcome by the intensity of the memories. He knows as Cal Winters he was an awful person to some like Kim and Kayla but these memories are of things he doesn't know. It's the unknown he fears he can't handle or control. He then wonders what will happen if his past comes back to haunt him and how it may affect him and Katherine. He thinks about the fact that something that he doesn't remember could prove dangerous or end up hurting Katherine and he contemplates whether he wants to marry her and put her through that.

Meanwhile, Katherine is sleeping in her room and is having a nightmare about life after marrying Cal. Him and her are arguing and regretting getting married so fast because it's turned out to be a bad decision and a marriage full of fighting and tension. Katherine wakes up from the dream quickly and realizes she doesn't think she can do this. She had never felt love until Cal and she wonders if this is the real deal. She wonders if she is ready for marriage and a lifetime committment and begins to think she isn't.

-Bo and Kayla catch up and she tells Bo how angry she is about Roman and Kim keeping the truth from him. Bo tells Kayla he doesn't want to be responsible for destroying the family. He tells Kayla it's ok for her to get along with Roman and Kim. Kayla says it was horrible what they did but Bo cuts her off, saying he doesn't want to talk about it nor does he want Hope to find out. Kayla understands. Bo says that Hope told him about Steve and her plan to go after hime. Kayla says she is going to. She promised that she would wait 24 hours but that is it. Bo reminds her that they only know he is in Europe and that is hardly anything to go on.

Kayla understands that but thinks she can track him down. Bo shakes his head and laughs at her being his typical, stubborn sister again. Bo reminds her of her promise while they were talking a few minutes ago about how she would do anything for him and he asks if that still stands. Kayla says it does. Bo asks her if she will stay in Salem and wait to see if more turns up on Steve. He asks her to do it for him. He wouldn't be able to deal with her taking off with no specific location in Europe in mind and he has enough to work through. He begs her to take the sensible route and just let the SPD and the right people work on this and find out more specifics. He even agrees to help out. Kayla is reluctant, saying she feels he needs her.

Bo tells Kayla he needs her here and the family does too, as well as her patients. Kayla agrees to stay but tells him that the minute they get an exact location on Steve, she is going to him. Bo agrees to that. Kayla stresses she is doing this for him. Bo tells her she is doing the right thing. Hope returns and says hi to Kayla while embracing her. Kayla says her and Bo were just catching up. Hope says that's good and then tells Bo there is someone who is still up and wants to see him. JT then comes running out and Bo greets him with hugs and kisses, saying he missed him. JT says he missed him more.

JT asks if Bo is back to stay. Bo says he will be around now but he will be staying with grandma Caroline. There are some things he has to deal with. JT asks if he will come and see him. Bo smiles and says of course. Hope tells JT he is up way too late and to go upstairs. She will up in a second. JT kisses Bo and Hope, as well as his Aunt Kayla, goodnight and goes upstairs. Kayla says she has to go too but tells Bo she is happy to see him and to give her a call. She embraces both of them and leaves.

Bo tells Hope he convinced Kayla to stay. She says that's good. Bo then says he is going to go take a shower and hit the hay. He tells her goodnight. She says the same as he goes upstairs to the bathroom. Hope then looks at a picture of their 1985 wedding and says to herself that they have alot to work through...but she isn't giving up. Never.

-Ernesto tells Tony that he will show him and Stefano. Once this grand scheme reaches it's finale, they both will see. This time it will be a success. Ernesto then walks away, angry. Anna tells Tony she can't stand this. She can't take not knowing who is the top dog behind this and she can't take not knowing what will happen to them. She tells Tony it's hopeless. Whatever is in store, can't be good and they may never see the light of day again. Tony tells Anna he isn't giving up and either should she. They then lovingly embrace as she says she is glad she is being held captive with him...again. She beleives she could never get through this without him. They both laugh and he says he is pleased to be in her company too.

-Back at University Hospital in Stefano's room, Cassie asks the MCF what she has to do. He or she tells her to be at the Deveraux house tomarrow night at 8:00 sharp. There will be two men there and they will tell her what to do. He or she orders her to follow instructions and there will be no problems. Cassiei s reluctant but, after the MCF reminds her what will happen if she defies orders, she agrees. The MCF is pleased and wishes her luck on the mission before hanging up.

Cassie then looks at Stefano and begins to cry. She says she wanted revenge on Max, Abby, and Chelsea but not like this. She doesn't want to kidnap Abby and Chelsea but she has no choice. If she doesn't help, they are all in danger and the MCF might finish Stefano off. She hugs her grandfather and says she has to do this for him and their family. She kisses him and says she will be back soon to visit again. She confesses how much she misses him and how much she needs him here right now. She then leaves as Stefano's hand moves and begins to slightly close into a defiant fist.

Meanwhile, in the psych ward, Jack asks Marlena what she is talking about. Marlena laughs and says wouldn't he like to know. Billie asks Marlena how often the MCF held meetings with her and his other accomplices. Marlena stays silent and then says that they aren't getting nothing out of her. However, Marlena tells them both she will give them something to take with them. Hell, they can even print it.

Marlena: I WILL get out of here. And, when I do, the cloaked one...will look like child's play compared to me. Those that wronged me will be brought to their knees and that includes the mysterious cloaked figure. Take that with you and print it.

Jack and Billie realize it's a hopeless cause and leave as Marlena laughs, sadistically.

Marlena: You have been warned. The cloaked one may start the fun but I am going to finish it...by taking you all out...in a blaze of glory!!! My glory!!

Marlena continues to laugh as the scene slowly fades to black as her evil, haunting laughs continue to be heard.


Caroline to Roman, Kayla, Kim, Bo, Hope, and Shane: I won't stand by and let this family fall apart!!

Carrie (with Austin) to Eric, Sami, and Lucas: We're getting married...in two days.

Billie to Jack, Greta, Frankie, Nico, and Victor: I have an idea. One that could finally trap our cloaked friend.


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Marlena was scary! Man she is freaky. Great job showing the depth of her madness. I also love the interaction of Anna and Tony and Ernesto. Great episode!

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