Part V: Lillian gets a boy toy! Teen angst!
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Furious that his vengeful plan had flopped so badly, and feeling guilty than an innocent woman had become his unwitting victim, Kirk took action. He disguised himself as a kindly hospital orderly, Carter Wilson, and befriended an unsuspecting Annabelle. As Annabelle and Tony began to drift apart, yet again, due to his guilt, and her struggle to cope with being blind, Annabelle bonded more and more with Carter. To her, he was more like a confidante. Unfortunately, the madman became obsessed with Annabelle, and when she began to put the pieces together and determined his identity, he kidnapped her! Kirk fled to the Springfield city dam, where he planned on killing Tony and Rick once and for all. Again, Tony raced to Annabelle’s rescue, confronting Kirk on the edge of the dam. Tony nearly lost his life by nearly falling off the edge until Rick saved him. Tony and Rick were able to locate Annabelle, but Kirk got away before finally being apprehended in nearby Oakdale. Meanwhile Tony and Annabelle marriage began to improve, as the two were closer than ever now.
Lillian started suffering from severe headaches and sought treatment from a young successful doctor named Craig Tourner (Wally Kurth). It was soon revealed that Lillian was suffering a brain tumor. As Beth and Lizzie rallied around their treasured matriarch, Craig operated on Ms. Raines. As Craig became her doctor, the two grew close and soon became lovers. Ed saw the relationship blossom between the two and was totally antagonistic to the idea of the two being together. This left Craig confused, and Holly mildly nervous at the fact that Ed was getting so upset over Lillian’s new relationship with a younger man.
Craig helped Lillian buy half of Hawk Shayne’s bar; named Sarah’s (Lillian wanted to prevent Hawk from losing the bar to a vengeful Alan Spaulding.) Chuck Reynolds ended up floating Craig the loan, but Craig took all the credit for it, thus pushing Craig and Lillian closer. It was that night that the two made love. After Lillian became part owner of Sarah’s, Lillian and Hawk began to grow close while running the bar together. Craig’s true colors began to show over the following weeks when Craig grew increasingly jealous of the two and threatened Hawk to back away from Lillian. Hawk did not understand how serious Craig was until Sarah’s ended up getting vandalized and Craig hinted that he was behind it. Hawk backed off, but let the cops in on his suspicions. Despite Hawk’s reservations towards Craig, Gus and Harley shot down his idea that Craig was behind it, being that Mr. Tourneur was well respected doctor in town. Meanwhile Chuck was outraged to learn that Craig took responsibility of the loan he floated to him, and confronted him on it. This was when Chuck began to suspect that Craig was not who he said to be. (Meanwhile Ed was beginning to accept the fact that Craig and Lillian were together.) As Chuck began to focus his attention on his ex Lillian, Felicia began to feel as if Chuck was drifting away from her. In reality he was. He still harbored feelings for Lillian, and could not stand seeing her with another man, especially a man who was younger than him. Beth and later Ed warned him to back off, but Chuck would not listen. Then Chuck met Craig’s former sister in law Estelle Gardner. Chuck then learned form Hawk about his suspicions of the guy. Chuck decided to do a background check on the guy. He learned that his wife, Julia had been murdered in a supposed robbery gone wrong at their home. One of the things that were stolen was a rare jade statue. Chuck then paid a visit to Julia’s sister in the nearby town of Bay City and learned that she suspected that Craig was responsible for the murder of her dear sister.
Meanwhile Bill would uncover the truth about Billy embezzling money from the pension fund of those that worked at Lewis. The city council had elected several nominees for businessman and businesswoman of the year. On the men’s end were Alan-Michael Spaulding, Joshua Lewis, and Bill Lewis. On the women’s end were Vanessa Chamberlain, Amanda Spaulding, and Holly Lindsey. The nomination couldn’t have come at a worst time for Josh, for he had kept mum about his brother’s embezzling from Lewis. So when Holly and Josh was announced the winner, Josh was falling apart inside. Then at the luncheon Bill had learned what his father had done and crashed the luncheon demanding to speak with Josh. Billy would arrive at the luncheon to hear a private conversation between Josh and Bill, where Bill expressed how much of a disappointment his father had always been to him. Storming out, Billy did not hear his son retract the statement after Josh showed him that Billy was trying to be a good father to him. Billy nearly ended his sobriety (and took his life) until Vanessa stopped him, and it was then that Vanessa and Billy began to grow close again. The next day, Bill and Billy came face to face, and Billy handed in his resignation from Lewis. The news got leaked to The Springfield Mirror, owned by Sebastian, Blake, and Alan-Michael. Sebastian curiosity was piqued at the news of this and decided to investigate.
In 2006, Kevin and Jason Marler were shipped off to boarding school. Now both Kevin and Jason returned to Springfield after Kevin got into trouble at Lincoln Prep School. Though he was found innocent, he decided to enroll in Springfield High School where he met the sweet Tammy Winslow. Although Marina was deeply attracted to Kevin, his focus was on the alluring Tammy. As Marina continued to pine after Kevin, she met the handsome Spaulding stable hand, Peter Reardon and immediately decided that he was the one for her. The fact Peter was in love with another young woman, that young woman being Tammy, did not matter to Marina and she went after him. Meanwhile Kevin learned that Tammy had feeling for his best friend, who happened to be Peter. However unbeknownst to everyone, Kevin had come to town with every serious drinking problem, which only his brother Jason knew about. He almost died when he passed out drunk in his car and carbon monoxide fumes overcame him. Despite the seriousness of Kevin’s alcoholism, Jason kept quiet out of fear that Kevin would see this as a betrayal. Kevin’s turn into becoming an alcoholic came through with the help of Marina who wanted Peter for herself and Marina certainly helped to ply Kevin with alcohol and also encouraged Kevin to pick fights with Peter. Soon his problems got the best of him and he was arrested for drunk driving! Fortunately for Kevin, Blake sympathized with her son (much to Jason’s protest.) and convinced Ross help pay for bail. Meanwhile, Tammy was finding her life spiraling out of control, with her problems with Peter and Kevin going at each other, and now her father, Rob Layne, deciding to drop back into her life, culminated with the constant bickering that happening between her mom and dad, Marina convinced Tammy to run away to Chicago to escape these so called problems. In Chicago, Tammy got in trouble working for an unsavory man named Gavin Kruger. After an extensive search Tammy was located in Chicago at Gavin’s club. At first when Tammy saw the five people (Kevin, Jason, Peter, her mother, Cassie, and Ross Marler) she told them to get lost, but then one of the patrons, at Gavin’s “club”, started getting rough with her and then another started roughing up her mom, Cassie, Tammy started getting the feeling that her mom, Ross, Kevin, Jason, and Peter were all right all along and all she wanted to do was go back home. Unfortunately, the two patrons who roughed up both Tammy and Cassie started threatening Ross, Kevin, Peter, and Jason and started to pick a fight with them. Then Gavin out in the middle of the fight (which Ross, Kevin, Peter, and Jason were starting to get the upper hand in) and he tried to get them all to stop. Unfortunately, Peter’s fist went right into Gavin’s face and that about the end of Gavin! Ross also had a backup plan to help get Tammy back home. Ross had contacted the Chicago Police Department and they came and finally closed down Gavin’s “club” and also arrested him (apparently the District Attorney in Chicago had already been investigating Duke’s “nightclub”, suspecting that it was really a prostitution ring, especially designed for pimping out young virginal girls.)
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