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April 13, 2007




-At Kayla suite, Hope and Shane are visiting and showing Kayla is reading the letter Steve sent to Alice for Marie's funeral. Hope thanks Shane for staying. Shane says it was no problem as he had to bring the letter over anyway after examining it for clues. Plus, he cares about Kayla even though she is mad at him. Kayla thanks Hope for telling her so quickly about the letter and tells them both that she thinks Steve sent this not just for Alice but as a sign that he is ok. In a way, Kayla think that Steve wants her to come and find him. Hope tells Kayla not to do what she is thinking of. Kayla says she just can't stand by. She needs to go and find him.

Meanwhile, at the Spectator, Jack is still stunned by what he sees. He says this now gives hims a greater reason to bring this damn cloaked person down. Billie, frankie, and Greta can't believe what they are seeing either. The camera then pans around to reveal Steve talking with the MCF during their meeting on the pier a few weeks ago. Jack can't beleive the MCF blackmailed Steve into working for him or her. Frankie tells Jack that they need to call Kayla. Jack is against it as he doesn't want the SPD to know what they are up to. Greta and Billie agree with Frankie. Steve has been missing and Kayla needs to be told. It's only right. Jack reluctantly agrees.

Back at Kayla's suite, Hope and Shane are trying to discourage Kayla from going out and searching for Steve. With the MCF on the loose, it's far too dangerous and who knows if Steve's disappearance has anything to do with that. Kayal tells Shane to save his breath. He is in no position to advise her on anything after everything that happened earlier this year. Shane hangs his head in shame, wondering when she and others will forgive him for his mistakes. Kayla tells Hope and Shane that Steve would've never been able to send the letter if he were in danger. The phone rings and Kayla answers. She tells the person she will be right down. Kayla tells Hope and Shane that was Jack and that he has a lead on Steve. Kayla grabs her coat and Hope and Shane follow.

-In the Dimera catacombs underneath Paris, Steve continues to follow Lexie and the team of Dimera henchmen. He is bored and finds what he is doing totally useless but realizes he has to do this for his family...to protect them and also to possibly get his life back.

Abe and Celeste continue to tail Lexie from a short distance behind. Abe says he feels like they are just going around in circles. Celeste is spacing out and Abe asks if she is ok. Celeste says she feels great danger ahead and that someone they don't know about is watching. Abe wonders what she may be speaking of.

Meanwhile, Lexie is leading the Dimera henchmen when Hector calls her out and says that this is stupid. They have been searching all of France for days and they have been searching these catacombs for hours. Hector insists there is nothing down there and they should move on. Lexie reminds him that with her father in a coma she is in charge and calls the shots. She remembers being down in these tunnels more then a decade ago right before they exploded with Rachel Blake fired her gun at her father. She notes that her father must have had them rebuilt. She tells Hector that she knows he is an expert on her father's property and secret lairs but she also knows there are more secret passages and rooms down there as Stefano did keep Marlena in captivity underground for months more then 10 years ago. Hector says he knows.

Lexie tells Hector to just listen to her instructions and there won't be any trouble. She then says that she appreciates his opinion and knowledge but instructs him to let her make the final calls. Lexie then walks away and tells the team to keep moving as a frustrated Hector looks on.

-In Carrie and Austin's room at the Salem Inn, they are laying in their bed after making love. They make a toast to their future. Carrie thanks Austin again for a beautiful afternoon. She needed it and it feels good to have something happy to think about. Austin was hoping that she would feel that way. Austin then tells Carrie that he has an idea he does want to run by her that he has been thinking about since deciding to propose. Carrie says she is listening. Austin tells Carrie he thinks they should get married as soon as possible and asks what she thinks. Carrie is stunned.

-On the east side of Salem, Kate is walking around near the boat docks trying to clear her head. She remembers the MCF's words to her on the phone and hates that she has to keep what she knows a secret. She does admit that the MCF had a point. The paternity of Carrie's baby could destroy her family and could cause a great deal of tenson between Austin and Lucas, even moreso then before. It wouldn't be good for the baby either. Kate knows the MCF means business based on how he or she has been wreaking havoc in the past few months. She knows that he or she will come after her and her loved ones and destroy them, or worse. She has no choice but to keep the secret. She then begins to break in tears again over her being forced to remain silent.

-On the pier, Nicole arrives for her meeting with the MCF and is looking around. She recalls him or her calling her back as she was leaving her suite and saying to meet on pier 53 and she is at pier 53. She then hears someone walk up behind her.

MCF(via voice changer): Hello, Nicole. I am pleased you could make it.

Nicole: Did I have a choice? So...you are the infamous cloaked figure.

MCF: In the flesh. Now, let's get down to business as I don't want to be seen.

Nicole: What's the deal with the voice changer thing?

MCF: It hides my identity. No questions. Just listen. I already stated to you my desire to help you as I have my reasons for wanting you to hold on to Carrie's child.

Nicole: Ok. Tell me something I don't know.

MCF: I will help you conceal the truth, much like I did today with stopping Kate, but you must be willing to help me when the time comes in whatever endeavor I wish to use you in. Understood?

Nicole: Well, I don't want to kill anybody or kidnap anyone...look, I know what you are capable of. I mean, you did shoot Roman from what I hear and I did hear you shot Stefano I guess. I know your dangerous and I just don't want to commit cold-blooded murder.

The MCF grabs Nicole.

MCF: You must be willing to do what is necessary!! You love that child?! Do you want to lose everything?!

Nicole: No! Of course, I don't and I love Evan. I have since I first found him. And you do realize your hurting me.

The MCF lets go.

MCF: Sorry. Look, I am the one that intercepted the baby and made sure you and Eric found it. I can easily make sure you lose him just as...

Nicole: I get it.

MCF: I should also say that I know all about you and Victor. In fact, I have your little faux interlude for Maggie's benefit on tape. Now, what would Eric say to that? What would everyone who thinks you have changed say...

Nicole: Fine. Right now I don't really care what Eric thinks but...

MCF: You still love him and want to try to work things out. I can see it.

Nicole: Yeah...

MCF: Well, I just want to make sure we understand each other. Do you agree to my terms? When the time comes, you must be willing to aid me.

Nicole: Yeah. Fine. Whatever I have to do.

MCF: Good. Now there is one thing I want to do as I must get going. I can't always be around but I am giving you another ally to help you should you need something and I'm not available.

Nicole: Who?

MCF: Come on out!

Nicole is stunned to see Alan appear from behind some crates. Nicole wonders what the hell is going on. The MCF reveals that Alan has been working for him or her all along and that he is available for her becking call. Alan cautions Nicole not to take advantage as he isn't a whipping boy. The MCF tells them both that he or she will be in touch and tells them to discuss matters amongst themselves. The MCF reminds Nicole of their deal before leaving as Nicole tells the MCF for the last time that she is fine with it. The MCF leaves, snickering. Nicole then looks at Alan, who is staring at her, and she asks him what he is looking at.

-At The Spectator, Kayla has arrived with Hope and Shane and Jack is showing her the surveilance tape from the pier. Jack says it was from one the camera installed on some of the piers so to a growing amound of muggings. They are randowly placed along the piers. Kayla says she now understands why Steve left. The MCF threatened those he loves and also was behind his having those memory setbacks. She says it all makes sense now as the MCF was drugging Steve to stop him from remembering his whole life in hopes to use Steve for his or her own gain. Kayla says she needs to go after Steve as she now knows he is in Paris after hearing the discussion on the tape.

Shane then takes Billie aside while the others are talking and asks her if they discovered anything else. Billie begs Shane not to tell the SPD, Roman, or anyone else. Hope comes over to and Billie begs her to do the same. Billie tells them both that they are getting more done the the SPD or ISA since they are running an investigation under the radar. Shane and Hope realize she has a point and Shane agrees to be silent as long as he is kept in the know about everything. Billie agrees. Hope says she will still silent too and tells Billie to let her know if she can help as she is a cop on sabbatical. Billie thanks her. Hope returns to Kayla, Frankie, Greta, and Jack as they all try to discourage Kayla from going but she insists. She says her husband needs her and they can fight the MCF together. She tells them all that they can't stop her no matter how hard they try.

Meanwhile, Shane asks Billie if they found anything else out from the surveilance tapes. Billie says they now know that the MCF was the one that blew up Sami's apartment. Shane isn't surprised. Billie then says they also found out Alan is in cahoots with the MCF. Shane is shocked and wonders why Alan would be. He then remembers he left Carrie at Alan's mercy for months while covering for her. Shane is appalled that he put Carrie in that kind of danger. Billie tells him he made a mistake and people will forgive him in time. She knows the feeling. Shane then remembers something else...about the night Carrie went into labor. Shane recalls seeing Will on the pier with Alan. Shane is alarmed and tells Billie he has to go and to tell Hope and the others he will be in touch. Billie asks if he is ok but he doesn't answer as he leaves in a rush. Billie wonders what that is about.

-Back in Carrie and Austin's bedroom, Carrie isn't so sure getting married so soon is a good idea or even possible. Austin says he talked to Fr. Jansen before proposing just to find out and he has some dates in mid-late May. Carrie isn't sure that gives her enough time. Austin reminds Carrie of how precious and short life is and how much time they wasted already. They should know...there has been so much pain and loss. Carrie looks down and says she knows that too well. Austin says that is why he doesn't want to wait. They can make it official and this time make it for forever. Then, whatever comes their way, they will be together and face it together. At least they can be happy and, if something happens to one of them, they can at least leave this earth knowing they made the dream come true and that they were truly happy.

A crying Carrie smiles and says that she can't say no to all that. She agrees to marry him ASAP but says they need to begin planning now and talk to Fr. Jansen. Austin agrees and tells Carrie she has made him so happy. She says he has done the same for her. They then kiss and Austin promises her that this time what they have is forever. Carrie smiles and they then begin to make love.

-On the pier, Nicole tells Alan she thinks he is slime but they will just have to get along. He gives her his cell number and tells her to call if she needs anything. Nicole asks him why he is involved in this and acting like some foot soldier. Alan says he doesn't have a choice. It's the only way he could get his revenge. Alan tells Nicole to call if she needs anything as he has to go before being spotted. Alan says he will see her around and leaves as Nicole wonders what kind of mess she is involved in.

Meanwhile, on the east side of the piet, Kate is walking when she hears someone following her. She asks who is there and no one answers

Kate: Who's there? COME OUT, DAMNIT!!

MCF: Well, if it isn't the divine Ms. Roberts.

Kate turns around, horrified at seeing the MCF in person.

MCF: It's always much better to talk in person, isn't it.

A terrified and trembling Kate holds on to the railing, trying to maintain her balance as she faces down the person who has been terrorizing and manipulating Salem for months.

-Back in the catacombs below Paris, Lexie is leading her team through the tunnels. Hector is getting more and more agitated and turns around a little. He notices Abe and Celeste, who quickly jump behind a corner to hide but, not before Hector has noticed them. Hector whispers into Lexie's ear they have trouble. Lexie tells him to take care of it. Steve can see that something is up and wonders if he has been spotted. He manages to sneak around Lexie and her men unseen and finds a small supply closet full of candles and tools to hide in.

Hector opens a secret room door in a wall and tells Lexie and the team to get inside. Lexie asks what he is up to. Hector says he is getting rid of the pest and tells Lexie to get in the room to protect herself before he blows up the east tunnels. Lexie is stunned that he would blow up any of the tunnels and tells him to just set a trap for whoever is following them and then lock them up or something. Hector says that won't do. Whoever those people are, they must be exterminated so they don't mention a word to anyone about anything.

Hector opens a small control panel on the wall inside the secret room just as Abe and Celeste, who are hiding behind a wall, come out thinking they are in the clear. Abe and Celeste, not know Lexie and her crew are in the secret room, think they are far behind Lexie and her team and begin to walk fast to catch up. Hector puts his finger on the button, telling Lexie one push and their problem is solved. Just then, Lexie sees Abe and Celeste from the secret room. Lexie makes eye contact with both of them and then sees Hector about to push the button

Lexie: You listen to me!! Don't do this!!

Hector: It must be done!

Hector places his finger on the button and pushes down.

Lexie: NO!!!

There is then a loud explosion. Steve, who is hiding in the closet, covers himself from falling debris. Abe tries to shield Celeste from falling debris. They end up separated. Abe then looks above him and sees a big piece of debris break off. He yells out to Celeste to "LOOK OUT!!". She doesn't hear so Abe lunges for her and the debris collapses on both of them. Hector then prepares to push the button again.

Lexie: What are you doing?

Hector: Time to finish them off...with the big bang. Just one more push...

Lexie: NO!!!

Hector pushes the buttom and the screen fades to black as the sound of a huge explosion can be heard.


Kayla to Frankie (and Hope): You two can't stop me. I am going after Steve. I am going to find my husband.

Jack to Billie (with Greta): I think it's time we pay a visit...to Marlena.

Kate to MCF: Why are you doing this?

Shane to Sami: There is something you should know.

Lexie to Hector: If my husband and mother are dead, I will make sure that you suffer as much pain as they did!

Steve (looking at the destroyed tunnels): Man...now what?


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Alan and Nicole in cahoots? This ought to be a trip. Great way to end the week, with Lexie possibly killing Abe and Celeste. I truly hope you haven't killed them!

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