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April 5, 2007




-In the sunrise of a beautiful but, very sad day, Alice sits by the window at the foot of her bed. She glances out the window onto a perfect day as she slowly turns the pages of one of her many photo albums. She smiles as she looks at the pictures of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren as they have grown over the years but she stares at the pictures of one very special person.

Her late daughter, Marie.

Her first picture, when she was four days old. Marie, sitting by her father as he writes another paper for the university. Her first day of kindergarden. Singing her first solo in the church choir. Her first date. A picture of her as class president of Salem High. Her senior pictures. Her first picture that she sent home from her first pilgrimage after she became a nun. Pictures of her with her children. Holding her grandson, Nick, after he was born.

And then, some of Alice’s favorite pictures. Those of her and Marie. Marie watching her bake her favorite donuts. Alice helping her open her Christmas presents when she was six years old. Marie, holding a stethoscope to her mother’s chest, listening to her heart beat. Them swinging in their backyard.

Even for a lady who has raised many children and has lived for almost a century, this is the day she was dreading. Burying another child. No parent wants to outlive their children and, for Alice, she has done it twice now. The cancer that took her daughter’s life was slow but from every letter that Marie sent her, she told her mother that she was doing well. Alice knew Marie was covering up but she also knew that it was her way. She never wanted to make her mother worried about her. Alice kept these letters to herself because Marie didn’t want the rest of the family to worry about her.

She told Alice that she was surrounded by loved ones. She also told her that if it was her time, she was ready and at peace. Alice took great solace in these letters for she knew that her child was not suffering. Marie also insisted that Alice not come and see her. Marie knew that Alice was not as strong as she thought she was and didn’t want her appearance to affect her health. Still, it was a devastating shock when she received word of her death and Alice still wishes she was there......

At her daughter’s side, as she was called home.

As Alice closes the book on Marie’s life and times, someone knocks on her door. As she looks to see who it is, the door opens to reveal her granddaughter, Hope. Hope smiles slightly as she brings her grandmother some tea. She sits it down on her end table and, as she pours it, asks her...

Hope: Are you ok, Gran? You haven’t said much since the news came.

Alice: Oh, I’m alright, dear. I just........miss my baby. That’s all.

Hope: I know. The hardest thing to ever do is bury one’s child.

Alice: And I know that you realize that, dear. But, she is at peace now. That is what is important.

Hope looks and sees that she forgot the sugar for the tea. She tells Alice.....

Hope: I don’t know where my mind is today. I know you like sugar in your tea.

Alice: That’s alright, Hope. Take your time. No need to rush through anything today.

Hope: Well, still. This is how you like it. And you should have anything you want. Especially today.

Hope gets up to walk to the door and then stops. Alice looks up at her and wonders what she is doing. Hope turns back around and looks at Alice and then says.....

Hope: It’s fine. You can bring in the sugar now.

Hope watches Alice as she sees her expression change. A person walks through the door holding her sugar. This person walks over to her, bends down, and places the sugar on her tray. Alice lifts her right hand and places it gently on this person’s cheek. She smiles and cries as the person says to her.....

Person: Hello, Grandma.

Alice: Welcome home, Nick.

Her great-grandson, Nick Fallon, leans forward and hugs her deeply. She rocks him back and forth as the loving embrace continues. Hope wipes her eyes as she tells Alice...

Hope: He got in last night and slept in Marie’s bedroom. He didn’t want to disturb you.

Alice: Well. He should have. How have you been doing, son?

Nick: I’m fine. (Pausing) I just....miss her so much. She was one cool cat.

Alice: And she loved you so very much. I still have the picture of her holding you after you were born. She was so proud.

Nick: I was proud of her.

Nick stands up and tells Hope that he will sit with Alice for awhile. Hope agrees and leaves them both to spend some precious time together.

Nick sits on the bed next to Alice and tells her...

Nick: It’s really hard waking up in the morning and not feeling her in my life right now. I know she’ll always be there but.....

Alice: She is, son. Your grandmother believed, if for nothing else, that the afterlife is where we are closest with one another. Remember that. She is now but a loving thought away.

Nick: I know, Grandma. (Looking at Alice) How do you get used to the people that you love not being there anymore?

Alice: (Taking Nick’s hand) You never get used to it. You just look forward......to seeing them again. And cherish the memories that you have of them. Ok?

Nick: (Voice shaking) Yes ma’am.

Nick then gently rests his head on Alice’s shoulder and cries softly. Alice pats his hand and hums to him, the very same way she used to when he was a baby boy. She slowly rocks back and forth and lovingly comforts Nick as he thinks about his grandmother.

An hour and a half later, guests are beginning to arrive for Marie’s funeral. Hope walks downstairs and rounds the staircase, walking towards the kitchen. She is stopped, though, when a voice from behind her says just two simple words.....

Person: Hello, cousin.

Hope turns in her tracks to see the face of her beautiful cousin, Melissa. They both break down crying as they run into each other’s arms and embrace. They then pull back and look at each other, with Melissa saying the very obvious thought they both were thinking.....

Melissa: Why do we only seem to see each other when someone has passed?

Hope: I don’t know. (Wiping her tears) We really need to change that.

Melissa: Not with everything we have been reading about. By the way, how is that handsome husband of yours?

Hope looks away and grows quiet.

Melissa: Oh, Hope, no. What has happened?

Hope: I don’t know, couz. He has turned away from me. Something has really gotten to him and he has shut me out. I don’t know how to reach him.

Melissa: Well, you know him better than anyone. He’ll find his way back to you, in time. He always has. Have faith in that, Hope.

Hope: I have to, Melissa. There isn’t much left to have faith in. I”m trying to find some now.....just to get through today.

The cousins embrace and walk back to the kitchen and are greeted by Julie and Maggie, as two more people watch them leave. These two turn and look at each other and then walk into the living room. They hold hands and smile slightly as one of them says to the other......

Laura Horton: First Mickey and Jennifer, then Marie. How much can Alice take?

Mike Horton: I don’t know, Ma. I just wish this cloud that is hanging over our family would lift. I’m tired of coming home for funerals. Mickey's gone and so is my sister and now there's Aunt Marie. I mean, what did we do to deserve this?

Laura: This is life, son. Marie was very sick. She didn’t want anyone fussing over her. You know how headstrong she was.

Mike: (Laughing slightly) Yeah, I sure do. I always heard from dad of the fights her and Uncle Mickey used to get into when they were young.

Laura: That’s because Marie wouldn’t get off the phone and keep it quiet when Mickey was studying law. From what I heard, Tom and Alice had to separate those two more than once because of it.

Mike: Well, at least now.....they are all together.

Laura: Yes. And I hope that Marie is finally at peace. It takes times like this to remember......

At that moment, Laura sees Abby wheeled through the door with Jack and Jack Jr.........

Laura: What family is all about. Excuse me, please.

Mike: Sure, Mom.

Mike watches Laura walk over to Abby, who is near a picture of Marie when she was a teenager. Laura says hi but, when Abby turns around, she smiles slightly and wheels away. Laura knows that some of her actions have alienated her from her grandchild and has to live with the consequences, despite Abby saying she had forgiven her. Laura sees Jack mingle with some other members of the Horton family, when she overhears him say...

Jack: Oh, Jennifer. Take care of your Aunt Marie up there. I know how much you loved her.

That is when another voice says....

Person: We all did. Very, very much.

Jack turns around and smiles when he sees........

Jack: Hello, Don.

Don Craig: Jack, how are you doing?

Both men shake hands.

Jack: About as well as could be expected. And you, sir? How is life treating you abroad?

Don: It’s satisfying. Been spending a lot of time working in Santa Barbara. Wonderful place. I fly back and forth from there and Europe.

Jack: The Capwells are there, aren’t they?

Don: (Pausing) Yes, Jack. They are. C.C.........is a friend of mine. Good man. One of my favorite people. As Marie was.

Jack: A lot of history between you two, wasn’t there?

Don: Yes. Yes there was. I still can’t believe.......(Tears welling up)........that she’s gone.

Jack places his hand on Don’s shoulder and tells him....

Jack: She’s at home now, Don. I really believe that this is what will get the family through. Trust in that.

Don: From your lips to God’s Ears, Jack.

Jack places his arm around Don’s shoulder and they both walk outside to breath in the day air. It is at this point where Nick comes downstairs and tells everyone that Alice is getting ready and that the funeral procession will start as soon as the limousines arrive, which has started happening out in front of the house. From her bedroom window, Alice can see the cars pull up and more family and friends arriving. Hope walks back into her bedroom carrying a scarf that Marie always loved and places it around her neck and shoulders.

As Hope stands back up to leave, Alice grabs her hand tightly. She then says, through a shaking voice...

Alice: Oh, God. How can I bury another child, Hope? I can’t do this.

Hope: Gran, I will be right there. Your whole family has come home for two reasons.....to say goodbye to Marie and to help you through this. You are not alone. Believe me when I say that.

Alice: Then......you will have to be my rock, dear. Just like you have been since word came. Please? I need you now, ok?

Hope: (Stroking her hair) I’m not going anywhere, Gran. I’m right here.

Hope kisses Alice on her cheek and then sits next to her on her bed. As she is hugging Alice, a knock comes at her bedroom door. When Alice tells the person to come in, she breaks down when she sees the faces of her two sons, Tommy and Bill.

Hope stands up as they both look at Alice, with tears streaming down their faces. Alice slowly lifts her arms up, reaching out for her children who slowly walk over, kneel down, and embrace their mother. As they cry in her arms, just like when they were little boys, she looks down at both of them, who are now looking at her for comfort and, with Hope standing next to her uncles, crying, she tells her boys.....

Alice: Now, you two know that your sister wouldn’t want you crying like this. She loved you two so much.

Bill: (Standing up) Yes, ma’am. (Wiping his tears away) You’re right, as usual.

Tommy: (Sitting next to her) She didn’t hurt much, did she?

Alice: No, son. At the end, she was at peace. I can feel it. When any of my children are in pain or joy and happiness has filled their day, I can feel it. A gift from God, I guess. No. Your sister was the happiest she has been in her whole life. You both keep that with you. Ok?

Bill: We will, Ma. I just......miss her so much. This house used to be full with laughter and arguing and good times.

Alice: And it still is, Bill. I hear it every day. This house is still full. With the love of a family who has grown. Together.

Alice reaches her hand out and takes Bill’s hand.

Alice: And now........it is time to take Marie home. To her final resting place. I’ll need you all for that today. So (as Tommy and Bill help her stand up) Let’s be strong and show what the Hortons are made of, ok?

Bill: Yes, ma’am.

Bill and Tommy help Alice walk downstairs as Hope walks behind them. As they descend the stairs, other family members and friends watch the quiet strength that Alice is showing and are gaining strength from her as well. She stops at the entrance to the living room and quietly says.....

Alice: Marie would be so humbled to see you all here. Probably as humbled as I am. Thank you so much for going the last mile with her.

More of her family members step forward to give her hugs and kisses. People that Alice hasn’t seen in so very long but have kept in contact. One by one, each one tells her.........

Sandy Horton: It’s so good to see you.

Spencer Olsen: Sure is. You still going strong.

Sarah Horton: That's Gran. It's all about that strong constitution of hers.

Jessica Blake Fallon: As always. It is our honor to be here today......to say farewell.

Joshua Fallon: That is the honest to God’s truth.

Nick looks on and smiles as he stands next to Hope and Melissa. What Melissa doesn’t know is that someone else is standing behind her. And, a moment later, she hears one voice say......

Pete Jannings: Aye there, pretty lady.

Melissa turns around and gives Pete a big hug, thanking him for coming to this family event. Pete tells her, in front of everyone, that he knows how much Marie meant to her, and he didn’t see himself anywhere else but right there. By her side. Melissa smiles at Pete and holds his hand tightly, telling him that she will need him to get through today. Pete responds, saying.....

Pete: Your wish is my command.

And then he kisses her on her cheek. This makes Alice smile, as she tells everyone.....

Alice: Well, I guess it’s time. Is everything ready?

Bill: Yes, Mama. Marie’s hearse is here. The limousines are all out front.

Tommy: Shall we go, Mother?

Alice: Yes. It’s time (Her voice shaking) to take Marie home.

Everyone watches as Tommy and Bill walk Alice out to her limousine, as everyone files out and into their respected car. Nick is the last one out and locks the door. He then takes a few steps forward and looks up at the sky, as he tells the heavens........

Nick: Well, Grandma, it’s going to be a full house. I knew you could pack ‘em in. See you at the church.

Nick then walks towards the limousine and gets in, as they all start up as one. The hearse then slowly pulls off and heads down the street, as the fleet passes by all of Marie’s old stomping grounds. Salem High School, the soda shop on the corner, a hamburger place that she ate at after school, and many other sites where she spent her youth. Members of the community, reading about Marie’s death, and knowing that today is her funeral, stand on the sidewalks, at the corners of streets, and come out of their stores and shops to pay their quiet, kind respects to a member of one of Salem’s best families. They take their hats off, members of the police department and veterans, some of whom worked with Marie, salute and others waive, expressing their sorrow for Alice and her family during one of Marie’s last rides.

Nick then passes the driver a disc and asks him to play it. The driver tells him no problem and when he puts the disc in the CD player, the song that starts playing is Sweet Jane by The Cowboy Junkies . Nick knew that this was one of her favorite songs and had heard her humming it when he spent the night with her. That is why he always thought that she was so cool. An old soul, Alice called her. As the song played and as they get closer to the church, Bill looks towards a playground and sees himself with a young Marie, pushing her on a swing. A tear comes down his face as he remembers his sister then.

At that moment, she gets off of the swing, turns around, and waves at Bill. Bill smiles and slightly waves back, hoping no one saw him. When he looks, he sees Hope looking right at him, smiling. He smiles back at her and when he turns his head back to look at the playground, Marie is gone. He breathes deeply and clutches his mother’s hand again, gaining strength from her at this time.

As the song ends and the camera crews from the local news record the funeral procession as it arrives at the church, the scene very slowly fades to black.

On the Next Salem Lives...



Recommended Comments

  • Members

That was beautiful. I wish I had been watching Days when Marie was on there.

I loved Melissa seeing Pete. They were cute together.

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This was so beautifully written. You knew I would come back to comment. I had tears, still do. It's a sad month for the Horton's. Alice is like the grandmother I never had and you wrote her to perfection. Seeing all the people from the past is amazing. I have to admit though, there is one I don't recognize. Who is Spencer Olsen? I'm stumped

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This was so beautifully written. You knew I would come back to comment. I had tears, still do. It's a sad month for the Horton's. Alice is like the grandmother I never had and you wrote her to perfection. Seeing all the people from the past is amazing. I have to admit though, there is one I don't recognize. Who is Spencer Olsen? I'm stumped

Steve's, Julie's brother, son. We never have seen Spencer or heard much about him except that he was born of some kind of affair. I think. Hope Phoenix does not mind I answered!

Anyway, this episode was FANTASTIC!! Like Tishy, I have tears. This is so sad and PLEASE POST THE NEXT PART VERY SOON!

Phoenix, you and Roman are WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL writers and don't you two EVER FORGET THAT! :):D

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Thanks Daysfan.

You know, I couldn't comment at first because I was so upset. This is so wonderfully written.

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Thanks guys and thanks daysfan for answering.

Tishy, daysfan is right about Spencr and Steven.

We brought those two back last summer too during

Mickey's funeral and we kind of opened the door for

future story there as Spencer was the product of an

affair. Steven has never told his on who his mother

is and Julie called him out on that last summer. It's

a source of great tension between Spencer and Steven

and it's one that we will explore in the future so keep an

eye on it. :)

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