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April 2, 2007




-At the Horton House, Hope arrives and tells Alice that everything is all set the the funeral. She just hopes everyone's flights arrive on time. Alice doesn't answer and Hope asks if she is ok. Alice says:

Alice: It's going to be one of the hardest days of my life. Your children aren't supposed to leave this world before you.

Alice begins to tear up, saying she has to be strong and wants to be. Hope embraces her and tells her she is strong but that she needs to just grieve and let her emotions out. They both comfort each other as tears fall from their eyes.

-At University Hospital, Julie arrives in Maggie's room for a visit. She greets Maggie with a smile and asks her how it feels to be going home tomarrow. Maggie says she won't be going home or to the funeral tomarrow....because the police are on their way to question her about the fire at Chez Rouge. Julie displays a look of panic. Maggie says the jig is up and that she has no intentions to fight it. She is just going to turn herself in. Julie tells her not to that and says:

Julie: You didn't set that fire, Maggie. That is what you are going to tell the police.

-At Salem Place, Austin and Eric are stunned when Sami and Lucas reiterate what they observed when they were with Carrie earlier. Both Sami and Lucas add that they are really worried about Carrie, which makes Austin and Eric feel the same way.

Meanwhile, outside Ballistix, Nicole asks Carrie what she is talking about as Kate watches and overhears. Carrie tells Nicole again that the baby she is holding is her baby. Nicole says that isn't possible....this is the baby Eric and herself found. Carrie admits she feels a connection to Evan and says that's it's like a maternal instinct. This is her child. She knows it. A panicked Nicole doesn't know what to do and wonders why Carrie is feeling and acting this way.

As Kate watches, she sees how worried Nicole seems to be but reminds herself that anyone would be worried if someone else was claiming their child as their own. Kate recalls her conversation with Henderson about Victor and Nicole and decides to head over to talk with Victor.

-Back at University Hospital, Maggie reminds Julie that she has already remembered committing the crime so she has to confess. Julie points out to Maggie that she claimed her memories were blurred so she may not be remembering correctly. Julie also tells Maggie she has something to tell her that she waited to tell her until she was well enough. Julie admits that she saw Marlena exiting Chez Rouge after smoke began pouring out of the restaurant.

Maggie says that doesn't prove nothing. Maggie looks at Julie and asks why she wants her to lie and why she is trying to push all this on Marlena. Julie says that Marlena is the prime suspect. She was in the area and her current condition and behavior wouldn't make it surprising if she did set the fire. Maggie is adamant that she knows she did it. She can remember enough to know that she is responsible and has to pay.

Julie reminds Maggie to think about her family and friends. The Horton's are going through a difficult time right now and her being arrested and all the press and media around them because of it...it would be too much. Julie doesn't think the family can deal with that kind of thing right now. Plus, Julie points out, Marlena is going to have to be locked up for a long time. She needs help so pinning the crime on her would not keep Marlena from being freed anytime sooner. She will be declared insane in court regardless so she isn't being hurt if the fire is pinned on her.

Maggie feels guilty as Marlena is her friend. Julie says she is her friend too but the family doesn't need any more problems and the family needs Maggie to be there for them. Maggie says she can't coverup her crime and that it's just asking too much. Mickey's death still eats awat at her and this would too, especially since it put Doug in a coma. Maggie asks Julie why she would want to help her after the fact that she started the fire that put her husband in a coma. Julie says she loves Maggie and she is her aunt. She would do anything for her.

Maggie smiles as a police officer from the SPD knocks outside, asking Maggie if he can come in. Julie looks at Maggie and says the choice is hers. Maggie invites the officer in and the officer asks Julie if she can leave so he can have some privacy with Maggie. Julie agrees and gives Maggie a knowing stare when she leaves. The officer sits down as Maggie thanks him and the entire SPD for giving her and her family the time and space to recover before questioning her about the fire. The officer says they all understand what a hard time it's been and the Horton's are a well-respected family. The officer then tells Maggie that it's time to get down to business and asks her to recount the circumstances surrounding the fire, if she could. Maggie takes a deep breath and contemplates what to do.

-Back at Salem Place, Carrie continues to maintain that Evan is her son. Nicole is getting worried about Evan and wonders if Carrie has snapped. She tells Carrie to give her Evan. Carrie refuses and the women's arguing gets louder. Meanwhile, Austin tells Sami and Lucas that he needs to find out what is going on with Carrie before she goes over the edge, which it seems she may be close to based on what they told him. Eric rejoins them with a cup of coffee and says something big is going down near Ballistix as alot of people are watching something. Austin, Eric, Sami, and Lucas go check it out.

When they get to Ballistix, they are stunned to see Carrie and Nicole arguing. Austin and Eric step in the middle, followed by Sami and Lucas. Nicole fills them in on what is going on and Austin looks at Carrie, who tells Austin she has their baby. Austin looks at her, worried along with everyone else.

-Kate arrives at the Kiriakis Mansion and rings the bell. Henderson answers. Kate asks if Philip is around. Henderson says no but, if he was, Kate would have to leave. Kate asks where he is. Henderson says he went to talk with some lawyers about the Belle situation. Kate asks if Victor is home and gets an answer quickly as he comes up behind Henderson, asking Kate what she wants.

Kate says they need to talk. She enters the mansion and Henderson leaves them alone. Victor asks what's going on. Kate says they do need to talk about Philip but rshe has something else on her mind...Nicole Walker-Brady. Kate tells Victor she wants to know about his involvement with her of late.

-Back at the Horton House, Hope returns to the living room to find Alice sleeping in her chair. Hope puts a blanket on her and covers her. She then kisses her forehead and tells her:

Hope: Good night and sweet dreams. God knows...you deserve it.

Hope then leaves as Alice continues to rest in her chair, peacefully.

-Back at University Hospital, the officer exits Maggie's room as Julie watches, wondering what Maggie's decision was. The officer goes over to Julie and tells her he as a question for her. The officer mentions that Maggie said that Julie could back her up on something in her story...and that is that she saw Dr. Marlena Evans leaves Chez Rouge shortly after the fire began. Julie realizes Maggie lied and pinned the crime on Marlena. Julie says that's right. Marlena is who she saw leaving. She just blocked it out with so much going on with the family and all. She just kind of let it slip to the back of her mind.

The officer asks Julie if she is sure and she nods. The officer thanks her. Julie asks if Marlena is the one and only suspect. The officer says it seems she isn't a suspect as based on what she and Maggie told him, Marlena is the one that torched Chez Rouge. Julie pretends to act horrified. The officer says he has to go but he will in touch when more details about the case are available and if he or the SPD need anything else. He apologizes for their family's loss, to which Julie thanks him, and he leaves.

Julie races back into Maggie's room and smiles. She tells her she did the right thing. Maggie says she hopes so but it doesn't feel right at all. Maggie tells Julie she only did this for their family. Julie understands. Maggie doesn't know if she can live with this guilt combined with the guilt she still feels over Mickey's death. Julie says she has to and that she and her loved ones will help her along the way. Julie promises her that everything will be ok...it has to be as it can't be much worse then this.

-Back at the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor asks Kate what makes her think he is involved with Nicole. Kate says she just knows he does and that he has been helping her. She knows he pulled strings to help her get her baby and she knows he gave her Lucas's old Titan job. She asks Victor what their deal was. They hate each other so it had to be a good one. She asks him what she gave him in return. Victor tells Kate to get out.

Kate says she will get out when he tells her if everything she has said so far is true. Victor says Nicole is working at Titan now. That will be public knowledge soon anyway and he did help out with the adoption of the baby but that's it. They wanted to start anew with each other so there was no deal. Kate doesn't buy it but Victor doesn't care. He orders her gone. Kate agrees, saying she got what she came for and probably as much as she will get anyway and she doesn't want Philip to see her there. Kate walks out as an angry Victor asks himself why Kate can't mind her own business and why he ever got involved again with Nicole in the first place.

Meanwhile, outside the mansion, Kate knows Victor is leaving out alot about what is going on with him and Nicole. She knows he wanted something from her as he always wants something from someone when he helps them. It's how he bargains. Kate vows to find out the truth as to whether Nicole's baby is Carrie's or not. This is about her grandchild and her sons, Austin and Lucas, and she needs to find out the truth for their sakes.

-Back at Salem Place, Austin tries to calm Carrie down and asks her to let him have the baby. Carrie tells Austin that she knows he has been waiting to hold what could be his son and she tells Lucas and him they will go to the hospital and do a paternity test ASAP. Austin takes the baby and gives it right back to Nicole. Carrie asks Austin what he is doing. Austin grabs Carrie and tells her that Evan is not thier baby. He is the baby Eric and Nicole found. Their baby is dead.

Carrie: No!! Our baby is not dead!!

Austin: You told me he was...

Sami: Austin...you have to get her out of here and out of public.

Lucas: Yeah. She is only making a spectacle out of herself.

Austin: Your right.

Austin takes Carrie and guides her as they walk. Carrie is breaking down in tears and is inconsolable, still adamant that Evan is her baby. She tries to break free of Austin but she can't and he pulls her along, telling her it's ok. He knows her baby dying was hard. He tells her they will get through it together. Carrie looks back at Nicole with Evan and cries out for her baby as she walks off with Austin.

Sami and Lucas feel horrible. Sami feels like this may be too much for Carrie and that she may have completely lost it. Lucas fears the worst too. They embrace and comfort each other.

Nicole holds Evan tightly and tells him that mommy is never going to let him go again. She says she is glad he didn't get scared and says to him:

Nicole: Not to worry. Mommy will always take care of you. She will never let you go. No one will take you away from me.

Nicole then leaves with Evan as Eric watches and asks:

Eric: What are you hiding, Nicole? Whatever it is, it's going to come out. Whether you like it or not...it will happen.

The screen then fades out on a split screen of Eric, Nicole, Austin holding Carrie, Lucas holding Sami and Evan's little face in the middle.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Cal: I hope this works. This may be my only chance.

Katherine: What the hell could he be doing?

Sami to Lucas (and Eric): Carrie may end up right next to mom...in the psych ward.


Carrie to Austin: NO!!!!

Kate to Nicole: Hello, Nicole. My, have you been busy.

Victor to Philip: You agree to Belle's demands or you lose everything. Your choice.


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Great episode! I love Nicole but Carrie needs her baby back. Its a heartbreaking story but so riveting.

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Loved the ALice and Hope part. So sad.

Seeing Maggie and Julie team up was awesome! Julie really knows how to pull a guilt trip.

Carrie and Evan, so sad. When and if the truth is revealed, it will be heartwrenching for everyone involved. Great storytelling!

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