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Episode 71








---Edmund wakes up in bed and sees Sophia sleeping peacefully next to him. He gently brushes her hair out of her face, causing her to twitch and flutter her eyes. She is pleases to wake up to the site of her husband staring adoringly at her.

"Good Morning, my love."

He leans in and softly pecks her on the lips. She smiles back and asks him if he slept alright, which he assures her he did. She smiles and leans in to kiss him again. As the kiss gets more passionate, Edmund pulls back and rises up out of bed, opening the drapes.

"Why do you do that?" she asks him, rising up out of the bed.

"Do what?"

"Pull away from me like that. Every time we've gotten intimate since I woke up, you've..."

"Yes, I know, but please, don't read into that. I just want everything to be........perfect, both for you and I. I just want to be sure that we're both ready."

"I'm certainly ready. It's been a while, you know.......Of course you know, what am I saying? This must have been torture for you."

"You don't know the half of it," he smiles as she puts her arms around him and plants another kiss on him. He again pulls away from her. "You've got to get dressed. I have a full day planned for us..."

"Oh you do?"

"Yes, yes, after we ride Addie to the Heathrow, I'm taking you to this....well, it must be a surprise........I thought it time that you get out of this stuffy old castle, no?"

She smiles and is thrilled by the prospect of spending the day with her husband. He calls to Christine and has her take "Loretta" to find something to wear. Christine smiles that she'd be happy to and walks Sophia down the corridor to her former dressing room. Sophia is overcome by the way the room is made up.

"My God!" Sophia exclaims.

"What? What is it Mrs. L?"

"It's exactly like the dressing room he had for me in our home in Santa Barbara."

"I know- isn't it remarkable? It was one of the first things Dr. L did when he bought the castle. Nobody, including myself, has been allowed inside since the renovations......well, until you started comin out of your coma Mrs. L. Then we all had to help fill the closet.....as you can see..."

Sophia smiles. "I owe him so much- just look at this! It's spectacular." She begins rummaging through the clothes. "Don't just stand there, Christine, I'm going to make this a day Dr. Lavery will never forget- so let's find something that will knock his socks off, shall we?"

"You're the boss Mrs. L!"

(EXT: The Ramirez House)

---Marta is angered by Eden's threats against her father.

"You B!tch! You're not doing ANYTHING to my father, especially after all he's done for the SBPD...."

"All he's done? What he's done, little girl, is make sure that their finest officer was killed mercilessly. And I want to know WHY. Why? Why did you do it Angel? After all Cruz was doing to help you- getting you out of jail, helping find your daughter- how could you set him up like that? How could you?"

Angel tells Eden to calm down and invites her to come inside to talk. Eden is only further enraged that he's telling her to calm down after what he did to Cruz. Angel explains that he didn't have any other choice- and that if she'll listen, maybe she'll be able to understand that.

"I doubt that. But talk- I'd certainly like to hear what you have to say for yourself."

Angel, Carla, Marta, and Eden walk inside the house and sit down around the kitchen table. Carla puts on a pot of coffee as Angel tells Eden the truth, explaining that Adriana was the intended kidnapping victim. Marta steps in, verifying that, and telling Eden how she was treated at first. She throws it in her face that the only reason that she ended up kidnapped is because she saved Adriana. When the men realized their mistake, she thought that they'd let her go, but they wouldn't hear of it. She says that they were going to kill her, so when she heard them talking about Cruz, she spoke up about Angel's investigation.

"Which would explain how they got their cover story- right from the horse's mouth!" Eden muses.

"What could I do? They were going to kill me Eden, and then come after your daughter. I had to do something...."

Angel continues, explaining that the kidnappers let him in on the secret, telling him that the only way his daughter was going to live was if he followed their instructions completely. Marta interjects that she had no idea that anything like that was discussed.

"You had no idea? This is the first I'm hearing of any of it- why wouldn't you confide in me mijo? How could you leave me in the dark when our daughter's life was at risk?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't go along with it- that you'd try to stop me or think of another way."

"And what does that tell you Angel?" Eden asks "If your own wife wouldn't approve of what you're doing....." she shakes her head in frustration.

"Yes, yes, I know, I went over it in my head a thousand times, but these guys.....I knew they meant business. They had no use for Marta and this was the only way to make her useful to them. If we didn't go along with it....."

"You could have told Cruz- You should have told him. He could have helped you- you guys could have saved Marta and-"

Angel cuts her off, telling her that was impossible. Marta was not to be released until Cruz was at the marina. He explains that he was forced to mislead the police- because if there was any trace of them at the marina with Cruz, Marta would have been executed; he comments that those were the exact words they use. He says that as things progressed with Cruz, he began to feel guilty, which is why he gave Santana the correct map. Eden says that Santana told her that he gave her both maps, but he explains that he had handed her the right one, but she second-guessed him when she found the decoy map as well. Angel insists that he didn't think that Cruz was going to be killed.

"Oh, come ON, Angel, what else did you think they were going to do to him?"

"I don't know- kidnap him, rough him up, negotiate with him- honestly, I never thought that he'd end up dead...."

"But he did end up dead, didn't he? And you didn't do a damn thing to stop it- not that you didn't have the opportunity. You CHOSE not to help him and for that, I'm gonna make you pay!"

Marta interrupts her, telling her that Angel felt awful- so much so, that they turned around and headed for the marina. She says that he was devastated when they saw the scene- the exploded boat, firetrucks, cops, rescue workers. They took up in a hotel and when they got definite word that Cruz was the man who was killed, they went to the investigators in Mexico and told them everything they knew- just this morning, in fact. Eden asks why Angel isn't under arrest then and he explains that he told the authorities that he didn't know the map that he was giving them was a decoy, having never seen the map that Cruz had given him. Angel begs Eden not to say anything. She ignores him and begins to walk out.

"Eden- Eden, WAIT! What are you gonna do? Please, I'm begging you...."

"It's going to take more than begging to make up for what you've done to me. Why don't you beg Cruz? He's the one you helped MURDER!"

She gets in her car and hurries off, leaving a nervous Ramirez family in her wake.

(EXT: Plane flying overhead)

----Augusta sits on her flight, reading a magazine article. The pilot comes on the speaker, saying that they're making their descent into Heathrow. The flight attendants walk down the aisles, making sure everyone is buckled in. They stop at Augusta's row, in first class.

"Mrs. Lockridge"


"I'm sorry to bother you ma'am, but the captain is about to land. All seats must be in the upright position."

"I have a back condition and it's bothering me terribly. Couldn't you make an exception?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we're landing. All seats must be upright, no exceptions...."

"It's a matter of two inches...(she squints to read her nametag) Tracy (;) ) I really don't see why you're making such a fuss."

"I'm not the one making a fuss Mrs Lockridge. I'm simply doing my job..."

"You do many things simply, don't you Tracy? Simple hairdo, simple outfit, simple occupation, simple vocabulary..."

"Simple solution." she leans down and presses the button on Augusta's chair, catapulting her upright. "See you on the ground Mrs Lockridge" she says as she takes her seat, leaving an annoyed Augusta behind.

"That girl's probably never been in an upright position in her life!"


---Edmund, Pamela and Sophia arrive at the airport. Sophia is wearing an ice pink sleaveless sundress, smiling arrogantly at Pamela. The driver takes Pamela's bags to check-in and Edmund offers to walk her in. Pamela says that she'll be fine, but Sophia gets out of the car and insists on it, saying that they'll both see her off. Edmund tells Sophia that it isn't necessary that they both go, but Sophia won't have it.

"That's alright Edmund. I'm happy to see your friend Addie off..."

"Thank you Loretta. I must say, you're looking especially lovely today. Special occassion?"

"Yes, actually. My wonderful husband here has an entire day planned for us, isn't that right dear?"

Edmund nods and Sophia gives Pamela a confidant smile.

"That should be just lovely," Pamela says, as they walk toward the door, "I couldn't be happier for the both of you, I truly do mean that Loretta. I know we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but after seeing how happy you've made Edmund and the joy you've brought to his life.......well, if Edmund's happy, then I'm happy for him. I do hope that someday we might become friends..."

"Perhaps" Sophia replies curtly.


---Augusta at baggage claim with her driver. She is annoyed when the cart stops rotating before one of her bags has arrived. She asks the attendant if the machine is stuck, but he informs her that all of the luggage from her flight has been unloaded. She tells him that's not possible because one of her bags is missing.

"Believe me, it's not only possible, it's reality. What's possible is that your bag got lost. Take it up at the counter."

"What is it with the people that work with this airline? Don't they teach you how to treat your customers?"

"Yeah, lady, they teach us, only they don't tell us that we're going to have to deal with 100s of people like you every day. Good luck findin your bag. Have a nice day. "

An annoyed Augusta heads up toward the information counter. When she reaches the apex of the escalator, she glances to her left and is stunned by what she sees- There, in the flesh, is her nemesis Sophia Capwell- alive and well. She looks at who she's with and is stunned when she sees Pamela and Dr. Lavery.

"My God- it can't be.....Sophia? What's she doing with Edmund Lavery?"

THE END.....................for TODAY

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Nice job! Loved Eden going off like that. A ticked off Eden makes for a dramatic and interesting scene. Augusta and Stewardess Tracey were a riot and I can't wait to see what she does/thinks about what she saw. Looking forward to the big reveal tonight and I hope to stay awake for the radio show tonight.


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