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Interviewer (I): Hello there. It's great to have you with us.

Bill Hayes (BH): Great to be here.

Susan Seaforth Hayes (SSH): Thanks for the invite. It's not often we do interviews for story purposes. It's been so long since we have had a story (laughs).

I: Well, since you mentioned it, how do you two feel about being back on the frontburner and what are your thoughts on your current story:

BH: Well, it's funny because Tim (Lowery, EP/HW) brought us back right when his reign began and we were tossed right into the island story. That felt like been there, done that because of the island story before. I understood where we were going with it and I loved it because it repaired alot of damage done to the show and started so many new stories. Then, Susan and I were used in family scenes and as supporting characters.

SSH: That is a role we have come to accept. People our age don't get much more then that anymore so it was great to just be used. We were a big part of the Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) story and I was pleased with the amount of airtime we were getting. We were used quite a bit in addition to the family events we always were used for. I remember telling Bill that it it was the most we were used in decades. Little did we know we had our own story coming.

BH: Tim called us in before the Christmas break and told us we were going to have our own story that would be spun off the Victor/Maggie story. We would still be recurring but we would have more screentime. He said Francis (Reid, Alice) would be onscreen more too. Susan and I were stunned. We didn't know what to say when we heard the story. It's the happiest we have been in years.

SSH: I remember telling Tim thank you and that I admire him and his team. You just don't see people our age in stories like we are. On Salem Lives you have Suzanne, Peggy (McCay, Caroline), John (Aniston, Victor), and Francis frontburner and now add us to the mix. It's unheard of in today's soap world. I also like that this story is rich in history. Tim told us he wanted to utilize Julie and Victor's past relationship and it's fun because we have brought up Doug's past as a con-artist too. Now we have Julie being driven to keep secrets and it's for good reasons. She took action to help her Aunt Maggie but her history with Victor set the stage for her lying to Doug and I just think it's wonderful. It's a good conflict and it's true to character. Julie has always had that wild, scheming side and it's making a bit of a comeback due to her wanting to help her aunt. I don't know if Doug and Julie will have an estrangement or even breakup but it creates good conflict and we have an actual story so Bill and I are happier then we have been in years.

I: It sounds like you are. Anything you can tell us about what is coming?

BH: Not really. We are being told to be tight-lipped about things. The whole show is being tight-lipped about everything.

SSH: All I can say is we both have lots of stuff coming and we will play a pivotal role in VENDETTA. I will leave it at that for fear of getting in trouble (laughs).

I: One thing I want to mention before you go...can you give us your thoughts on the death of Lanna Saunders (ex-Marie)?

BH: It's horrible. She was just a lovely person. Terrific actress. She will truly be missed.

SSH: I was shocked and I know she will be missed by all of us. I know we will be doing a special tribute to her coming up and that the show decided to have the character of Marie pass away (see article below). They want to honor Lanna and that will begin to be seen this week. Marie Cheathem did play the role as well but Lanna played it during a pivotal time in the character's existence. That is why I think we all feel the need to honor her and her memory in the weeks ahead.

I: Thank you so much for talking with us. Hope to continue to see more of you.

BH: Thank you. It was a delight.

SSH: Thanks. We look forward to continuing to deliver for the fans.



Salem Lives will dedicate two episodes to the memory of Lanna Saunders, who played the role of Marie Horton from 1979-1985. She was stricken with multiple sclerosis that progressed to the point where she was forced to end her run on Days in 1985. She passed away at 65. Salem Lives has also decided to have the character of Marie Horton pass away. This will be revealed on the March 19, 2007 episode when Alice (Francis Reid) recieves word that Marie has passed. "It was a decision that was hard to make but we wanted to honor Lanna," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "My co-Ep/HW, Patrick L Ewing, and I talked at length and thought this best. Marie Cheathem originated the role but Lanna played Marie during the character's glory days and during a very pivotal time for the character where marie was featured in stories that were considered by many to be the best stories she was ever featured in. We feel this is right." The special tribute episodes will be posted on Thursday April 5 and Friday April 6. The episodes will center on Marie Horton's funeral and fans will see the return of many Horton's for this event. "We will be bringing back many of those who returned last year for Mickey's (John Clarke) funeral," says Lowery. "It will be nostalgic and done with great respect." More information on this will be forthcoming.



Reminder: For those wanting to join in the VENDETTA game, the deadline for players is March 20. You must PM me or comment in the blog to let me know if you are joining. We need ten players. The first official VENDETTA clip will be posted on Tuesday March 20. Please let me know. This is a fun event and only requires that you read the blog everyday. For more info, check out the VENDETTA thread in the SONBC forums and the VENDETTA category to the right on the blog page. You can also PM me or ask a question via comment. TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!

Previews and Peeks into Wk of 3/19/07

-Alice gets bad news.

-Roman tries to reach Marlena.

-Kayla learns the truth.

-Julie and Victor take action to cover for Maggie.

-Steve tries to learn what is going on with him.

-Lexie decides to go to Europe.

-The Horton's mourn the loss of a loved one.

-Frankie and Greta evaluate their relationship.

-Jack and Billie get up close and personal on an undercover mission.

-Max seeks help from Chelsea.

-Abby is released.

-Cassie visits Stefano.

-Sami and Lucas take a new approach with Will.

-Cal and Katherine reach a turning point.

-Lucas and Will make a change.

-Nicole gets what she wants.

-Kate is warned by Lucas and later comes across a shocking scene.

-Philip goes too far with Belle.

-Lexie asks Victor for a favor.

-Eric and Nicole's marriage begins to crumble.

-Steve has a shocking meeting.

Red Letter Days!!!

Monday March 19: Kayla learns the truth!!!

Thursday March 22: Jack and Billie find their attraction hard to fight.

Friday March 23: Eric and Nicole's relationship begins to crumble. Meanwhile, Steve meets with a shocking person on the pier.

Next Week: Cassie's mysterious meeting takes a shocking turn. Lexie, Abe, and Celeste head for Europe. Steve learns the truth behind his lapses. Cal looks to the future and makes plans for Katherine. Nicole leaves Eric. James lures Jack and Billie into a trap. Philip lashes out at Kate as Belle gets the upper hand. Abe and Celeste bond.


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