I wanted to get some feedback regarding my blog. I would love any and all criticism. If you aren't a registered member here, and want to participate, email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
1) In this blog, what couples are your favorite?
2) What character or characters would you like to see more of?
3) What characters should I cut my losses with and move them to other storylines or even write them off the blog?
4) With Sam McCall back as a full Cassadine, where would you like to see her go from here? Do you want to see her as a bad girl or as a victim?
5) One of my focuses was to incorparate the Quartermaines and the veterans more. Am I acheiving this goal? If not, what would you like to see?
6) The main storylines going forward for the next few months will be the Spencers/Cassadines, Brenda and Ned's custody fight, Robin/Patrick/Sarah/AJ, the breakup of Lucky and Liz and Alan's rehabiliatation. The umbrella storyline that will incorparate most of the characters will be the Spencers/Cassadine. What storyline is your favorite and what is your least favorite.
7) Any characters that you would like to see fall in love or lust?
8) If you have any storylines that you would like to pitch, let me know, I may use them with your permission. In other words, what would you like to see happen? Tell me what you like in general and what you dislike in general.
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