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March 15, 2007




-At University Hospital, Victor returns to visit Maggie. He sits down at her bedside.

Victor: I just hope you can forgive me, my dear. I only did what was right. I needed to cut ties to you. I couldn't have you around. It's too dangerous and...if anything ever happened to you. God help me.

Maggie then begins to slowly wake up. Victor is pleased and smiles, welcoming her back. Maggie looks at Victor and coldly asks what he is doing there. She doesn't want him anywhere near her. She tells him to go back to his whore.

Meanwhile, Hope and Alice are in the chapel with Julie. They are saying some prayers for Doug's recovery. Julie decides to go up and see Maggie since she has yet to go up to see her. It may help her keep her mind off things. Hope asks if she wants her to come with her. Julie says she will be fine on her own.

-In the hospital psychiatric ward, Barbara has just finished updating Roman on Marlena's condition. Roman then talks with Belle and Sami. Roman tells Sami she can go home if she wants since Will is having issues. Sami says it's fine. Besides, Lucas told her that Will refuses to come out of his room and he can't get through to him. They will just need to give him time.

Carrie arrives with Austin and Eric. Roman is pleased to see her, as is Sami and Belle. Carrie admits it feels great to be up and around after being in the hospital for so long. She asks Roman how Marlena is. Roman explains that Marlena has MPD and that her personalites fluctuate. It seems what she was dealing with on the island before her "death" only worsened with time. Roman adds that they wish they knew where she was all those months. It might help explain what happened.

Carrie notes that they found Marlena near Chez Rouge and asks if Marlena had any role in the fire. Roman says he beleives she may have caused it.

-Back in Maggie's room, Victor tries to calm Maggie down as she is growing more and more agitated.

Maggie: You made me think you cared but you didn't. All this time...you were shacking up with that little whore, weren't you?!

Victor: Maggie...it's not...

Maggie: I don't want to hear it. Leave. I don't want you here. Wait...how did I get here? Why am I on the hospital?

Victor: There was a fire at your restaurant and...

Maggie: Wha...yes. I remember now.

Victor: Do you know who started it?

Maggie: I...

Maggie then sees Nicole roaming around outside.

Maggie: Speaking of your whole, here she is now.

Victor looks outside and is clearly angry.

Victor: I don't know why she is here. Maggie...

Maggie: Get out!!! I don't care. Just get out!!

Victor: Mag...

Maggie (crying): Go! Please!!

Victor: Very well. I never meant to hurt you. I am always here for...

Maggie: Go!

Victor: Goodbye Maggie.

Victor leaves as Maggie breaks down in tears.

Victor goes outside and demands Nicole tell him why she is there. She wants to make sure Victor will come through for her. Victor tells her Nico is working on it and to leave him alone. Julie then arrives and wants to know why they are there. Victor explains he came to see Maggie. Julie blames the fire all on them and warns that they will pay for what they did!!!

-Belle finds it hard to beleive that Marlena would start the fire but Sami reminds Marlena that this isn't their mother. She is fighting within herself and she isn't in full control of her mind. Roman agrees and says that Barbara has granted him special permission to go in and see her. However, none of them can go in yet but they will be able to soon. Roman tells them all that he will need them. Marlena will need them if she is going to beat this and come back to them. They will have to all fight together...as a family.

Barbara tells Roman that he can come in now. Roman goes with Barbara into Marlena's room.

-Back outside Maggie's room, Victor tells Julie to calm down. He feels terrible about Doug and everything else that happened. Julie says he should be and adds that she also blames Nicole too. Nicole reminds Julie that the plan was Victor's idea and begs Julie not to tell Eric or anyone else. Julie says why should she. Victor tells Julie it's not the time or place to go running her mouth off about any of this. Plus, Nicole and him never really had sex and Julie was the one that suggested he cut ties to Maggie. Julie admits he is right and also says that she never thought Victor would go this far.

Victor also reminds Julie that he has the goods on her as Doug would not be happy to learn that she came to see him and convinced him to come home to Salem. Julie asks if he is blackmailing her. Victor tells her to keep her mouth shut about him and Nicole and their plan. Julie agrees and then goes in to see Maggie. Victor asks if Nicole is pleased. She smiles and says very.

Victor asks Nicole if it's all been worth it. She asks what he means. He reminds her of how she changed and stuck by Eric's side and married him on his deathbed. He notes how she seems to be showing her true colors now and is reverting back to the Nicole that he knows all too well. Nicole says that she is just doing what she has to to get she wants. She wants to succeed and she wants that baby and Victor can get her both. She loves Eric and doesn't regret a thing. Victor smiles and says goodbye to Nicole.

After Victor leaves, Nicole thinks about what he said and begins to rethink her marriage to Eric and wonders if she rushed into it due to him dying.

-Meanwhile, in Maggie's room, Julie has filled Maggie in on the fire. Maggie is horrified that Hope, Roman, Steve, and Billie nearly died. She apologizes to Julie about Doug. Julie says she is more scared then she has ever been in her life. Maggie hates that it all happened because Doug and the others were trying to rescue her. She just wonders who caused it. Julie then looks down, knowing what shape Maggie was in prior to the fire and knowing she had a drinking problem, and pretty much gives away her suspicious as to who did this.

Maggie looks at her and asks what is wrong.

-Back in the psych ward, Belle reminds Sami, Eric, Carrie, and Austin of what Roman just said. They need to band together as a family so they can help mom fight this. Mom and dad need them more then ever. Sami and Eric agree, as do Carrie and Austin. Nicole then arrives and asks Eric how his mother is. He fills her in and asks where she has been. She explains she went to see Maggie and was helping Julie, who is a wreck. Eric is proud of her for helping those affected by the fire like she has. They embrace as Nicole looks on, feeling the burden of the lies she continues to tell.

In Marlena's padded cell, Roman enters. Barbara says she and an orderly will be outside if he needs them. Marlena just smiles at him and stays silent.

Roman: Marlena...I can't be in here long. I just need to ask you a few questions and then I have to leave. I would like to stay longer but I am told it's not good for you.

Marlena: Your right. I can't stand to look at you (laughs).

Roman (clearly hurt by those words): Marlena...I am just going to come out and say it. Did you cause the fire at Chez Rouge?

Marlena looks at him and begins to laugh as Roman looks on, wondering what she is thinking in that deranged mind of hers.

-Back in Maggie's room, Maggie asks Julie why she looked so upset when she asked about who started the fire. Maggie asks if it was someone they know. Julie looks at her, eyes welling with tears. Maggie then turns away and begins to have a series of blurred flashbacks to her drinking binge following finding Victor and Nicole together and then knocking over the candle in disgust and telling the restaurant to burn.

Maggie is appalled and begins to scream out in pain. Julie asks what is wrong. Maggie admits that she remembers.

Maggie: I remember!!! I did it!! I am not the one that started the fire. I caused all this pain and misery! Dear God!!! It was me!!!

Julie tries to clam a hysterical Maggie down as Victor watches from outside, clearly affected by the scene, as the screen fades out on Maggie's devestated face.

On the Next Salem Lives...

MCF (via voice changer) to James: You and me need to talk.


Maggie to Julie: I did this. I did this to all of you. Dear God, help me!!

Victor to Julie: We need to make sure Maggie doesn't go down for this.

Julie to Victor: I know what we must do.


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