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March 12, 2007




-At Univesity Hospital, Max finishes watching the surveillance tape of the night of Cassie's fall as a nervous Cassie watches. Chelsea watches from outside Cassie's room, worried that Cassie will expose her secrets now that her secrets have been exposed. Max turns the tape off after seeing Abby run into Cassie's leg by accident with her wheelchair and then seeing Cassie fall on her own a few minutes later.

Cassie tells Max she can explain but he says it isn't necessary. Max gets in her face and says:

Max: I should've never trusted you over her. I know her and...I care about her. I betrayed Abby and I will never forgive myself for that.

Cassie (crying): Max! Please!!

Max: I loved our baby and wanted to give it a good life. You were the mother of my baby and I was going to do right by you but, now, I can't even look at you. You disgust me!!! YOU MANIPULATIVE BITCH!! You tried to frame Abby an, boy, you had it all laid out. You knew she would feel guilty and her banging into your leg with her chair...it all lined up perfect to set her up. You only had to get your hands on the surveillance tapeand alter it, which is what you were planning, isn't it? ISN'T IT?!

Cassie: Yes.

Max: I overheard two nurses talking about a guard in the hospital security headquarters being knocked out. It must be some Dimera lackey you hired. I am sure the police will be very interested in your actions.

Cassie: Max!! Please!! I need you to understand!! There is no need to bring the police into this or...

Max: Make you a deal. You leave my family and friends...including Abby alone. You do that and I make sure no legal action is taken and that you don't have any charges brought against you. How's that sound?

Cassie: Thank you, Max. I appreciate it but I need you to see where I was...

Max: No buts. Take the deal and stay away from me, Abby, and all those we care about or I will make sure you end up in major trouble with the law. Understood?

Cassie: Ye..yes.

Max: Good. Goodbye.

Max walks out as Chelsea races away from the door. Chelsea acts like she knows nothing and asks Max what happened. Max fills her in and says he screwed up and now Abby may never forgive him and he may never forgive himself.

-On the pier, Lucas, Sami, Kate, and Eric are searching for Will. A worried Sami asks Lucas where he could be and why he keeps acting like this and running away. Lucas says he has no answer and he embraces her, trying to comfort her. Kate then whispers to Eric this is all Sami's fault. Her scheming ways had such a bad influence on Will and then telling him about her rape all thsoe years ago...she pushed the child over the edge. Eric warns her to back off and not make trouble...or he will toss her ass in the river.

Meanwhile, further down the pier. Will is trying to wake a bruised and battered Bo up. Will begs him to wake up. Will hears Bo murmur something as Bo begins reliving the night his Uncle Eric molested him and then he recalls learning Kim and Roman knew and never told him. Bo screams out "Why?!" repeatedly as Will wonders what he is talking about.

-Back at University Hospital, Victor and Nicole are with Nico in the waiting area awaiting news on Maggie. Victor keeps hoping she is alright and continues to blame himself. Nico tells him he was only doing what he thought was best. Nicole then makes a snide remark about how she can't be blamed and warns Victor he better come through for her on all ends of their deal. She is not taking the fall for any of this either.

Victor tells her to shutup and be patient. He will take care of her needs once he knows Maggie is ok and things settle down. Nicole says he better. Victor turns around, giving her a cold and threatening look. He reminds her of who she is dealing with as Nicole's eyes widen and a look of fear becomes present on her face.

-Back at the Chez Rouge fire scene, Caroline is wondering where Roman, Abe, and Shawn raced off too. Meanwhile, Roman and Abe are searching a nearby wooded area for Marlena. Shane then meets them, saying he couldn't find her. Abe says he knows he saw her and some person called using a voice distorter. It was the same person who tipped them off to Victor and Bo's whereabouts. Roman says it must be the MCF. Marlena is listening from some shrubbery nearby and places a call to the MCF.

Marlena to MCF: You traitor!!! You betrayed me. This was all a setup. Getting me down here...I should've known. Why would you call me to an area full of people that could take me into custody unless you wanted to get rid of me? That's it, isn't it?

MCF (via voice changer): Oh, Marlena. You already know the answer. You know as well as I sacrificed need to be made at times for the greater good. I think we can both agree we are both out for ourselves and I did what was best for my plans. You were a loose cannon and now you will be taken care of. It was fantastic to work with you and have fun when they take you to the loony bin, doc!!! Adios!!

Marlena: You bastard!!

The MCF hangs up as Roman hears Marlena nearby and calls to Marlena to come out. He knows she is there.

Back at the fire scene, Hope and Julie continue to bed the fire chief to do something. He says he can't risk anymore lives. Hope insists that she just can't stand there and let father die. Julie begins to break down as Hope comforts her. Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Kayla, Steve, and Caroline watch the restaurant burning helplessly. Lexie and Celeste watch too and Lexie wonders where Abe raced off too. She goes off to look for him and Celeste follows, saying Lexie nor anyone should be alone with the MCF out there. Lexie rolls her eyes, reminding Celeste she no longer thinks of her as her mother, and walks off, with Celeste close behind.

The fire chief goes over to talk to some of his men and orders some other men to keep an eye on Hope and the other bystanders to make sure they don't try anything. Hope then tells Caroline that Roman, Abe, and Shane took off and the fire department isn't doing a thing so she will has to do something. Julie begs her not to as the building is ready to completely collapse. Hope says she must. The fire department won't and she has emergency training. She needs to try to save her father. She could never live with herself if she just stood by and watched him burn to death in there.

A crying Julie understands and embraces her, telling her she loves her and her father would appreciate what she is doing and be so proud. A tearful Hope thanks her and tells Julie to distract the firemen somehow. Julie nods in agreement and then stages a panic attack, getting a good deal of the EMT's, officers, and firemen's attention. Hope takes off in the distraction as the fire chief notices her go in through the service entrance. One of the fire men asks if they should give chase. The chief says no...it's too risky at this point and they need to minimize loss of life. The chief says that woman made a choice and if she chose to go on a suicide mission, it's her funeral and there is nothing they can do.

Julie overhears as Greta comforts her. Kayla and Caroline are horrified at the thought Hope could die in there too. Meanwhile, Hope makes her way through the flames, calling out "Daddy!!" several times. She can barely see through the smoke and burning beams and debris are coming down all around her. She finally spots Doug and races over to him. She can't life the beam that is on top of him and wonders what she can do now.

Outside, Steve is just roaming around as he has no stakes in this. He doesn't remember any of these people and only knows what he has learned about them since November. He then spots something interesting from the side terrace door...he sees Hope and Doug!!! Steve feels like he should do something but knows the fire department won't do anything. There are flames everywhere and now blocking the service entrance. He realizes there is only one way in...to jump through the terrace door and through the flames.

Kayla looks for Steve and finds him just as he races back and jumps through the glass terrace door and the flames. Kayla screams out in horror. Caroline races to her along with a stunned Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, and Julie. Kayla cries out for Steve and is relieved when she seens him get up with only a few cuts and bruises. Steve makes his way over to Hope, who can't beleive what he just did. Hope mentions to him that he is more like the old Steve then he knows. Steve helps her life the beam off and helps her get Doug up. He tells Hope there is only one way out...the same way he came in.

The fire department tries to bring down the flames a little lower. Hope tells Steve that there is no way they can jump through there with her father. Steve says it's their only shot and they will do it together. Hope prays it works, as does everyone outside. Hope counts to three and Steve and her hold on to Doug as they make a running start and jump through. As they jump through the flames, a part of the restaurant collapses. Hope ends up on the ground outside with Doug without Steve. Doug is put on a gurney as Kayla cries out for Steve.

-Back at University Hospital, Chelsea tells Max to go to Abby and tell her what is in his heart. Hopefully, it will work. He thanks her and goes to Abby's room. Meanwhile, Chelsea goes in to Cassie's room. Cassie looks at Chelsea coldly and says she is going down now.

Max gets to Abby's room and knocks as he enters. Abby turns and reminds him that she doesn't wish to see him or speak with him. Max says it's important. Something has happened. Something good. Abby looks on confused, wondering what he means.

-On the pier, Will continues to try to wake Bo up and finally does. Bo is confused as to how he ended up there and figures it must have been the guys at the bar he fought with. He asks Will what he is doing there. Will tells Bo he found him. He then hears Sami, Lucas, Kate, and Eric calling for him. Bo asks what's going on. Will begs his Uncle Bo to help him hide and to not give him away. Bo is confused as to what is happening.

-Back at Univeristy Hospital, Victor reminds Nicole never to mess with him. She should no better. Nico watches and smiles. Nicole gets in Victor's face and tells him he may have scared her before but not now. Nothing scares her and she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She warns him to come through for her...or else. Rich then comes out and Victor asks about Maggie. Rich, Nico, Victor, and Nicole all look in on Maggie in her room as Rich says that he has some bad news.

-Back at the Chez Rouge fire scene, Doug is prepped and put in the ambulance. Hope tells Julie to go and she will meet her at the hospital. Julie says she will call Grandma and begs Hope not to go back in those flames after Steve. Hope smiles as Julie gets in the ambulance with Doug. Meanwhile, Frankie and Caroline comfort Kayla. The building begins to collapse as Hope says something needs to be done. The fire chief says that no one else is going in. Hope looks at a horrified Kayla and says,

Hope: The hell their not.

Hope then dives right back through the flames as the other watch in horror. Caroline and the others scream out for her but they can't see or hear her.

Nearby, Roman and Abe continue to search for Marlena with Shane. Lexie and Celeste join them as Abe asks what they are doing there. This could be dangerous. Abe fills them in on what is happening. Celeste then gets a vibe and says she can feel a presence...a confused one. The presence is nearby. Marlena is listening and worried and decides she needs to make a break for it. Abe's phone rings. It's the MCF!!! The MCF tells Abe to look behind the shrubbery to his right and to be quiet about it. The MCF hangs up as Abe looks at his phone in bewilderment.

Abe motions to Roman and Shane and sushes them. The three of them split up and surround the area the MCF hinted at. Marlena decides to make a run for it but, just as she does, she runs right into Shane's arms. He grabs hold of her as Abe, Celeste, Lexie, and Roman join them.

Roman: Doc...it's good to see you. Finally...

Marlena: Wish I shared those sentiments. Congrats Keystone cops. You caught me. Too bad your too late to stop hell from decending upon all of you.

Roman, Abe, Shane, Lexie, and Celeste all look on confused as the screen fades out on Marlena's evil grin.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Max to Abby: We can be together now. You and me.

Cassie to Chelsea: You find out who did this to me or I expose you.

Bo to Will: What is really going on?

Roman to Marlena: What are you feeling, doc? Tell me.

Victor to Maggie: You stay with me. You hear me?!

Kayla: Please God. Let Hope and Steve make it out. Please.


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Hope is many things. She is loyal to her family to a fault. She is also stupid to run into a burning building, but that is Hope! She is being written exactly the way Days writes her.

Marlena gets busted! I love it! She is going down!

I have the MCF narrowed down to two people. I have gone back and reviewed all the appearances and I am leaning towards one, but then a dark horse appeared. So now I am not sure. I am so intrigued and can't wait to see who it is!

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