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News story - Johnson out; Brandt in



The Tattler

We just recieved juicy news that Jay Kenneth Johnson is leaving Days of Our Lives and Kyle Brandt is coming back! Details are sketchy at this time but an insider says a fight (instigated by Jay) erupted between Jay and a long time male co-star last week. They were apparently fighting over a woman they were both acquainted with. So don't be surprised if you see one of the male actors sporting a bandage on his nose.

New headwriter and executive producer Boobsie McGee took quick action. She pink-slipped Johnson and gave a warning to the other star that his ass would be grass if he was ever got into another fight on the set. If that seems unfair, that's because it is.

Because the role of Philip is central to the current storylines playing out on screen, McGee quickly put in a call to Kyle Brandt asking him to come back, even if only for a short time. Brandt agreed as we hear he has been looking for other acting jobs without success. We assume that he will be getting combat pay to come back to Days on such short notice. Kyle's scenes will begin airing by the end of March or early in April. No exact date is availble at this time.


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:lol: Loving the reason behind the firing! I want to know who he fought. Eww to Kyle Brandt coming back. I never liked him.
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