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study break

Ms. Walsh


It is 18* here, not to mention the wind which makes it feel like -40*.

I've been really good about my homework. All I have to do tonight is read, read, read, read, read, read.

Okay, what I don't understand is like if I say that I have a Spanish essay, isn't it implied that the essay is in Spanish?? I told someone that I was working on my Spanish essay, and then she looked at it, and was like, "Oh, it's in Spanish!" Hello!?!?! Why wouldn't it be in Spanish?? I mean, if it were an Intro. class and we have an essay in English, that's one thing. But I'm not in an Intro. class. We read short stories, poems, and essays in Spanish. How would I be learning Spanish if I weren't writing it?? Some people... :rolleyes:

We had a birthday party yesterday, and now I have tonight at 7. So I didn't go to dinner. Plus, I'm kind of getting sick of these people. Oh well...

Last night I went to bed at 11.30 and didn't wake up until 10.30...nice job! I must be the laziest person in the world.

I can't believe that the semester is about 1/3rd done! That's insane! Spring break is 3 weeks away, and since I'm going to be uber-busy until then, it should fly by.


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