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March 8, 2007




-At Lucas’s apartment, Kate bangs on Will’s bedroom door, trying desperately to get him to come out. He sits on his bed, refusing to even acknowledge her. All he keeps telling her is for her to leave him alone. Kate doesn’t want to hear that. She loves him so very much and knows something is bothering him. It kills her to see him like this, all cut off from his family, so if nothing else, she wants him to open the door so she can at least see how he’s doing.

Will slowly gets up, walks to the door, opening it up just enough for Kate to see his tear stained face. Now, he says, she saw him. Now he wants her and everyone to just leave him alone. He then slams the door in her face and she jumps back in surprise. Will then returns to his bed and Kate softly tells him, through the door, that when he is ready, she will be there, for him. Kate walks to the couch and sits down, leaving Will alone in his room to deal with his torment.

-Eric is drying himself off after taking a shower and sees Nicole walk back into their suite. Eric is glad to see her and gives her a kiss on the cheek, which makes her a little ashamed to accept it after what happened. She asks him how he’s doing and he says that with everything his crazy family is going through, he’s doing just fine, thank you. That makes her chuckle.

Then Eric asks her why she never told him where she was last night before she left the suite this morning. Nicole gets slightly defensive before saying that she just went for a walk to clear her head last night. He says he didn’t mean to accuse her. He just wanted to know if she was ok and if there was anything they needed to talk about. He doesn’t want her to worry about a thing. She says she won’t as he kisses her on her cheek and then goes into the bedroom to get dressed, saying that he has to run to work to handle something for Kate. She is left in the outer room to hope that everything will work out in the end. Eric comes out, kisses her goodbye and professes his love, and then leaves. Frustrated, she grabs her coat and decides to head out to Chez Rouge for a drink.

-Sami and Lucas walk through the parking lot of the hospital. They are happy that they and Carrie and Austin have decided to leave the past in the past. Sami says that she now hopes that Will can open up about what is bothering him. Lucas says he just might do that if they stop constantly asking him what is wrong and let him open up when he is ready. He hugs her as they both walk to his car.

-At Chez Rouge, Maggie is unconscious on the floor while Julie continues to scream for Maggie outisde the restuarant, in hopes that she is inside . When Julie sees smoke coming out of the windows, she gasps in horror and then tries to call for help. She throws her cell phone to the ground when she realizes that it is dead. She then looks inside the restuarant and around the outside, helplessly watching it burn.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Hope is looking for Maggie as well. She walks past one of the bars in the area and looks inside the window. She doesn’t find Maggie.....but does see Bo, who she hasn’t heard one thing from in quite some time. She watches him pour one drink after another down his throat, feeling like less of a man because of what he remembered happening to him and for being betrayed by his brother and sister. Hope realizes she is watching a man who is at war with the entire world.

-Back at Chez Rouge, Maggie is starting to wake up and notices that flames are all around her. She realizes what she has done, especially when a flame catches her clothing and sets them on fire, causing her to scream in pain. Julie hears this as she is running up to the restaurant and yells inside for whoever is there. Maggie screams back that it is her, as she puts out her burning clothes with her hands. As Julie tries getting her phone to work, she is gratefully surprised to see Doug running up behind her.

Julie tells him that Maggie is inside and that they need to get help to get her out before she dies. He pulls out his cell and throws it to Julie as he races around to the back door, trying to get it open. Julie yanks on the front door trying as well but both doors seem to be locked. As Julie follows Doug towards the back, he notices that the service entrance door seems to be ajar enouigh to pull open. Julie tries to stop him from going in but all Doug can say is....

Doug: If it were you in there, I would have just walked through the fire. Time is a wasting, my lady.

Julie can only cry, touch Doug’s face and say......

Julie: Thank you, my darling, for just loving me.

Doug smiles at Julie right before he disappears into the burning building. She tries to follow him once again but the door slams shut behind him. Julie screams out in desperation but then realizes that she must dial 911.

Once again, back at the bar, Hope starts to walk up to Bo when she receives a call from Julie, telling her about her father and the fire. Hope knows she has to make a decision.....stay with her husband or race off to help her father. She pauses for a moment before hesitantly deciding to go help Julie and Doug at Chez Rouge. She looks at Bo desperately, hoping that he is still there, or at least in Salem, when she tries to find him again. She hangs up her cell phone on Julie and takes off towards the restaurant.

What she doesn’t see is Bo’s manhood being challenged by some drunk regulars and Bo jumps up, breaking a beer bottle and trying to pick a fight with the men. All they keep calling him is a sissy boy for using a bottle, which makes Bo more and more angry. Bo says he will show them a sissy and throws the bottle down, right before hitting one of the patrons with a right cross. It is returned and soon five men are fighting toe-to-toe with Bo. The owner of the bar then runs around the counter and orders all the men outside, telling them that his place won’t be used for a fight club ring.

When all the men get outside, Bo continues pushing the men until they all gang up on him and beat him to a bloody pulp, leaving him barely conscious on the ground.

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor and Nico go over plans on how to capture the MCF. Nico notices that Victor’s mind is not on work and tells him that he did what he had to do concerning Maggie. Victor thanks Nico and does remind himself that it was for her benefit. As they are conversing, Henderson rushes in and tells them that there is breaking news on the television. When Nico turns it on, the report about the fire comes blaring across the screen. Both men look at each other and then Victor tells Henderson that they will be at Chez Rouge should anyone need him. Victor and Nico then race out into the night, hoping that Maggie is ok. Victor can’t get over the fact that there is a report of a woman trapped inside the building.

Meanwhile, back in the Salem University Hospital parking lot, Lucas gets a phone call from Julie. She tells him that Maggie’s restaurant is on fire and that she is trapped inside. Lucas hangs up his phone in shock and tells Sami that they have to go. His Aunt Maggie is in danger. They jump into the car and speed off.

At the restaurant, Hope has just ran up to her half sister/stepmother, begging to know what happened and where her father is. Julie is crying, saying that she saw him run into the building and hasn’t seen or heard him since. Hope tells her that it is up to her and that she is going after her father. Julie tells her that she can’t but Hope looks at her, telling her that her daddy has always been there for her........and now is the time to return the favor. Hope runs towards the back as Julie looks on, helpless.

Julie is getting hysterical as she iswondering where the fire department is. Hope tries to calm her. Julie tries once again to convince Hope not to go in but she insists and goes around back to find a way in as Julie follows, horrified.

The MCF is watching from the shadows, clearly pleased at what he or she is witnessing. The MCF then says:

MCF (via voice changer): This gives me an idea.

The MCF takes out his/her cell phone and dials it.

MCF: Hello, Marlena. It's me. I need you to come down to Chez Rouge right away. Make sure you aren't spotted as something is going on here and there is likely to be alot of action. I will be around the area so just look for me.

The MCF hangs up the phone, laughing about how prime opportunities keep presenting themselves.

Meanwhile, Doug yells out for Maggie inside as the entire restaurant is an inferno. Maggie is trying to crawl her way to safety but finally succumbs to the smoke and passes out. Doug calls to her, with no response. He then hears Hope calling out repeatedly to him:


Doug is about to answer when a fiery beam falls on him, pinning him to the ground and knocking him unconscious as Hope's screams:



Hope and Julie's screams and pleas can be heard as the screen fades out on a split screen of Maggie lying unconscious amid the flames and Doug's lifeless body under the beam with flames surrounding him.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Billie to Jack (watching the fire): This has our cloaked friend's name written all over it.

Kate to Sami and Lucas: It's Will. He's gone.

Will (looking at something on the pier): Oh my...

Victor to Caroline: This is all my fault.

Julie to Hope: He has to make it...they both have to.

Roman (searching through the flames): Doug! Maggie! (a beam then begins to fall right above Roman)

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I have to say, I was at the edge of my seat reading as to what would happen in the Chez Rouge fire.....I at first thought that Julie would go running in there; and then Doug would have to save them both...but it's a twist to see that Julie and Hope are on the outside praying that their loved ones make it out safe.

My heart ache's for Bo....it seems like he is spiralling out of control and even Hope can't help him.

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