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S&L: Episode 130



Secrets & Lies: Episode 130
Sunday, March 04, 2007

At Kelly's, Robin played with the leather glove, looking at it carefully. She knew for a fact she was not crazy. She saw Sam McCall with her very own eyes. The problem now was whether Jason would take her at her word. Looking at her watch, she hoped he would show up.

Jason, who was outside of Kelly's, kept thinking about his conversation with Sonny. He didn't like what he saw between Anna and Alexis, and he needed to prepare Sonny in case something went down. Peeking in the window, he saw Robin sitting at a table. Now, however, he had to shelve the thoughts of Anna and Alexis, and figure out what Robin had to see him about.

Opening the door, Jason made a beeline for Robin's table. "Robin, hey. You said it was urgent, so tell me, what's up?"

Gulping a little, Robin became hesitant in telling him about who he saw at the park. "I went to the park today. I had a lot of things to think about, especially where Patrick is concerned."

Holding up a hand, Jason immediately stopped her, not in the mood to hear about her love life with Dr. Drake. "I know you didn't call me here to talk to me about some problem with you and Patrick. I do have other things to do Robin."

Taking the glove off of the table, Robin proceeded to tell Jason what happened at the park. "Okay, as I was saying, I went to the park today. While I was there, a woman walked passed me and dropped her glove in the process, " she said, holding the glove in her hand for Jason to see it. "When I finally caught up with her, I told her that she dropped her glove....." She let the sentence trail off.

When Robin didn't continue on, Jason rolled his eyes a little. "Robin, can you please tell me what this has to do with me? So, you found some girls glove. Why am I here?"

“Jason, when she turned around, I was face-to-face with Sam. The woman I saw was a dead ringer for Sam." The whole explanation sounded so foreign to her.

It sounded foreign to Jason too, who sat dumbfounded at what she was saying. "Sam is dead, Robin. Maybe you thought you saw someone that looked like Sam, but Sam is dead."

"I wish it was that simple, Jason, but I am telling you right now, right here, that I saw Sam McCall," she whispered, making sure not to be overheard. "You said that Helena held her and Alexis captive, right? What if Helena is..."

Jason refused to let her continue. "There was no way that Sam could have survived. Robin, you're wrong." Standing up, Jason got ready to head for the door. Before he could, he felt Robin's hand grabbing him.

"Prove me wrong, then. You know deep down inside that I would never lie to you. Despite everything we've been through, I would never lie about this." Releasing his arm, her eyes met his. "All I'm saying is for you to prove that I am wrong."

Dillon was having second thoughts about going to the party. First of all, it was his first party since breaking up with Georgie; second, Lucas was, and it was going to kill him to see him with Brandon. Shaking off his nervousness, he made his way towards the beverage table, taking a cup of beer and chugging it down.

"Slow down or else you're going to pass out before the party even gets under way," Lucas said, chuckling a little bit. Closely behind him was Brandon, who nodded in Dillon's direction. "Man this is a big turn out, that's for sure," he said, looking around at groups of folks laughing and dancing. Seeing that his friend was a little down, Lucas playfully hit him in the arm. "Shake it off, Dillon. Tonight is about having fun, am I right?"

Quickly planting a smile on his face, Dillon quickly agreed to what he said. "You are absolutely right," he agreed, taking another cup of beer in his hands. His eyes zoomed in on Lulu, who was coming inside. "Lulu's here," he replied, pointing in her direction. "I'm surprised ole Luke Spencer let her out of his sight, " he quipped taking a drink of his beer.

All three of them made their way towards Lulu, who was looking around the room. When she saw them approaching, she smiled a little nervously. "Hey," I didn't realize that this was going to be the party of the century," she commented, looking at the crowd of college students that was quickly growing. "Have you guys seen Maxie anywhere?" she asked, searching out the room.

Lucas was the first to grunt in disapproval. "Who cares if Maxie Jones is here? Nobody likes her anyway, so she might as well save herself the trouble and just stay home." Tapping Brandon on the shoulder, Lucas opted for them to go in a different direction. "Brandon and I are going to talk to a few of the other guys here. We'll be back later," he said, leading Brandon in the direction of some of his classmates.

Lulu immediately saw the look on Dillon's face, and worried. "Dillon, stop moping around. Just because Lucas is in a relationship doesn't mean that he's going to stop being your friend," she said, hoping to cheer him up a bit. "You won't believe what I caught Maxie with. She had...." she started to say, but was cut off abruptly when Amanda came their way.

"Dillon, you came!" she squealed, latching her arm around him. "I knew that you would when I invited you," the girl cooed dreamily. "Oh, hey, Lulu," she said quickly, making sure her focus was on Dillon.

Seeing that Amanda wasn't about to leave anytime soon, Lulu opted to roam the room, hopefully to find Maxie and put a kink on whatever scheme she had cooking."

Outside of the frat house, Maxie huffed as she counted the money. "I told you that someone bumped into me, knocking the stuff you gave me out of my hands. I don't see why you can't just give me a freebie this time around," she whined, shoving the money in the guy's hand.

"Sorry, but I don't give out my good supply of Ecstasy to just anyone, I don't care if it was lost in the bushes. You still gotta pay, " Rico said, counting the money again. Taking the vial out of his pocket, he quickly slapped it in her hands. "I'm gonna split. The last thing I need is to be getting busted dealing with some cop's kid."

Looking at the vial, she made a face as Rico was leaving. "Let the games begin," she smirked, quickly putting the vial in her pants pocket, making her way to the door of the party.

It took all Dillon's strength not to push Amanda off of him. Smiling weakly, he mouthed the words 'help me' to Lulu, who just looked on, laughing. "Amanda, why don't you go and get us a couple of more beers," he suggested, in hopes that once she did, he could make a beeline to another location. When she giggled and went on her way, he quickly walked towards Lulu, who couldn't contain her laughter. "So, you thought that was funny, huh?" he said, scowling a little.

"I'm sorry, but that girl has got it B.A.D. for you," she said, starting to laugh all over again. "I saw Lucas and Brandon heading for the pool table in the other room. Maybe you should go there before Amanda comes back."

"Come with me," he begged, grabbing a hold of her hand. Maybe if Lulu was there with them, he wouldn't feel so out of place being around someone that he was trying to keep his feelings hidden from.

As the two made their way to find Brandon and Lucas, Maxie slowly walked in their direction, waiting for the right opportunity to set her plan in motion. Turning her head, she saw Amanda getting two cups of beer. "Hey, Amanda," she cooed, smiling at the obviously intoxicated girl. "Why don't you let me carry those for you? I think Dillon was heading in that direction," she said, making sure to point in the opposite direction of where she saw Lulu and Dillon headed.

Not fighting her, Amanda simply nodded and walked in the direction she was instructed. "Thanks, Maxie,"she replied.

Rolling her eyes, Maxie made sure that Amanda was out of sight. Sitting the cups of beer down on the table again, she looked around before taking the vial of powder out of her pocket. She was about to put the drug in both cups when she realized that Dillon would never accept the beer if it came from her. Quickly putting the vial back in her pocket, she sought out one of the sorority sisters. "I was wondering if there was beer in the room where the folks are playing pool at."

The sorority sister looked at her like she was speaking in a foreign language. "Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't there be?" she snorted, rolling her eyes as she made her way towards the group of girls waiting for her.

Huffing a little for being made fun of, Maxie walked towards the room where her main targets were in.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies….

-Patrick isn't pleased to see Steven's focus on Robin
-Nik's phone conversation with Lucky is overheard by someone


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  • Members

As I have said before, i love the teen storyline and i think its great that you have Dillon going through the process of coming out. Oh and I love that Robin is the one that saw Sam and is having to tell Jason

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  • Members
As I have said before, i love the teen storyline and i think its great that you have Dillon going through the process of coming out. Oh and I love that Robin is the one that saw Sam and is having to tell Jason

Things will continue to be presented to Jason..so keep an eye out :)

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