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The Storm - Episode 3



Elizabeth slipped on her silk robe and slippers and went downstairs to wait for Sonny and Carly. Max announced them as she was pacing the floor waiting for them.

"Sonny .. please give me good news. Please!" Sonny and Carly exchanged glances and she knew the news they had for wasn't what she wanted to hear. Sonny took her by the arm and asked her to sit down on the couch. Carly followed and sat on the other side of her and tried to be there for her when Sonny started to explain. Elizabeth's cries echoed through the apartment as she leaned into Sonny for comfort. He tried to reassure her that Jason would be alright, but Elizabeth wanted to see for herself. Carly helped her upstairs to get dressed, she was going to the ER to be with her husband.

Sonny called for Max to take Elizabeth to GH and to go in with her to the ER, he and Carly would follow them there. Max did as he was instructed and he escorted Elizabeth to the limo that was waiting for her in the parking garage. Max drove her there as fast as he could knowing that this night had to be one of Elizabeth's worst fears coming true.

He pulled up to the ER and tried to walk Elizabeth in, but she rushed passed him as soon as the automatic doors of the ER opened. She saw Monica and Alan tending to a patient and rushed up to them to see if they knew anything about Jason. Bobbie interceded and tried to keep her from pursuing towards the patient that laid still on the gurney.

Elizabeth didn't need anyone to tell her who the person was as she cried out for her husband. "Jason!!!" her legs buckled underneath her as Max was there to catch her before she fell to the floor. She leaned on Max as he tried to steady her against him. Sonny and Carly walked through the automatic doors of the ER and Sonny rushed to Elizabeth's side to help. He and Max walked her to the waiting area and sat her down on the couch. Elizabeth trembled as tears fell from her soft brown eyes, fearful for her husband, not knowing anything, she tried to get as close as she could to see him.

As she tried to rush to his side, she noticed her best friend Emily was standing on the other side of the nurse's station talking with her mother. Elizabeth wiped away her tears and composed herself the best she could and walked over to see if she could help. She was in no shape to help anyone, but she needed to be there for her friend.


Emily and Elizabeth had been the best of friends for as long as they could remember. It had been rough over the last year or so since Elizabeth had married Emily's brother Jason, Jason being Zander's adversary, it made things difficult for the two of them to stay connected. Elizabeth rushed to her friend's side and Emily fell into her arms, without a thought about why they were not close anymore, nothing else mattered. Emily needed her friend right now and she knew Elizabeth would be there for her.

"Oh my God, Emily!" Elizabeth asked as her friend sobbed uncontrollably. She held her like any friend would and tried to comfort her the best she could. "Come, let's sit down." Elizabeth took Emily by her hand as she wiped the tears from her eyes with a tissue from her pocket.

"Emily .. listen to me. We're gonna get through this. We're gonna do it together." Elizabeth trying to stay strong for the both of them as she saw Emily's parents walking towards them.

She stiffened and Emily felt her demeanor change as she turned around and saw her mom and dad approaching. Emily rushed the two of them as they drew closer and Elizabeth followed wiping the tears from her cheek and trying to compose herself enough to understand what they were about to tell her.

"How's Zander?" Emily asked as her mom took her hand and tried to steady her for the news she was about to tell her.

"Zander's in surgery. It will be a few hours before we know anything." Monica replied as Emily's fear worsened.

"Well, why aren't you in there with him?! I want ..." Monica tried to explain that he was getting the best care that GH could offer him and that she should try to calm down.

Elizabeth took Emily's hand in hers and squeezed it tightly. "How's Jason?" she asked as another doctor approached them.

"We're working on him ... I can't give you much more than that. I am so sorry. We'll know more soon, though." Alan replied as he and Monica tried to reassure the girls.

"I want to be with him!" Elizabeth insisted as she saw the gurney Jason was on being moved to an enclosed exam room. The curtain was drawn closed and she wasn't able to see what was being done to him.

"Give me a few minutes, okay. Then I'll let you see him." Monica replied as she turned and went to see what could be done for her son.

Emily and Elizabeth stood together watching as Monica went behind the closed curtain. What seemed like hours for Elizabeth, Monica appeared in a few minutes and led her to be by Jason's side. Emily sat in the waiting area with her dad and Devon as she anxiously awaited news about her husband.


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When Emily's demeanor changed, I thought at first she was going to lash out at Elizabeth for what happened.

The whole hospital scene was tense...both girls waiting for the fate of their husbands...I can see there will be major fall out; that can possibly put a rift in the solid friendship Emily and Liz have.

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Great Episodes so far, i love the character of Zander and i liked that you made him Frank Smith's son.

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