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March 1, 2007




-Lying on the ground barely conscious and breathing shallowly, Stefano drifts in and out of consciousness. He drifts back to yesterdays past..........his childhood at his parents’ estate, life with his brothers, when his older brother was killed in an ambush, when he took over his father’s businesses and became the head of the family, his first meeting with Roman Brady, his battles over the years, his children.......Antony, Megan, Renee, Alexandra, Kristen, Peter & Benjamin.

And his undying affection for his Queen Of The Night, Marlena. His love for her has ended but he will always respect her and admire her, even if this is his last day on Earth. His mind continues to cycle though all of this as his eyes slowly close. He can barely hear Roman calling his name as he slips into unconsciousness once again. Victor, Abe and Shane run from behind Roman as he bends down over Stefano, checking his pulse as Abe calls for EMTs and back-up.

Other officers run up in the night and Abe orders them to fan out and find the gunman/woman who did this. Victor slowly bends down and takes Stefano’s hand, looking at his former friend and mafia brother, and hoping that if this is the end for him, he gave as good as he got. Celeste and Alexandra now run up with a police escort, having just heard about Stefano’s shooting. Celeste watches as Lexie slowly walks over and takes Victor’s place next to her father’s side.

Stefano is being worked on by the EMT team as he slightly regains consciousness. He slowly looks over to Roman, as he holds up his head, cradling it in his left hand. Stefano struggles to speak. He looks at him and, with one last breath, deeply says one word........


His head slumps to one side slowly as Roman looks at him in shock and places his head on the thin pillow that it was resting on. Roman then looks at a determined Abe as Shane stands next to him. Lexie cries out and is consoled by her mother. Celeste holds Lexie in her arms and rocks her back and forth as she tries to calm her down, every now and then taking a glance at this man who once loved so very deeply. Frankie, Jack, Billie & Greta now walk up quickly and survey the grisly scene. Greta gasps in horror as she is consoled by Frankie as he, Billie and Jack look on. None of them will admit it but they are not upset to see this scene........after everything The Phoenix has put them through.

And then...........as one of the EMTs shocks Stefano’s chest once again............Stefano takes one deep breath. His eyes open wide and he breaths deeply again. His eyes then close and his breathing is very shallow and slow but steady. Everyone looks on shocked. His family, and his enemies. They have now witnessed what many have wondered. They all cannot believe that........

Abe: The Phoenix Has Risen.........

Jack: AGAIN!!!

Everyone watches on as the EMTs load Stefano into the back of an ambulance as Celeste and Lexie jump in and they all watch it speed off into the night.

-In the hospital hallway, Austin is helping Carrie walk back to her room after loosening up her legs. Carrie sits down slowly on her bed and takes Austin’s hand, apologizing for all the bad mistakes she’s made since late last year. Austin tells her to calm down and sits next to her on her bed. He tells her that he loves her very much and that they will get through all of this together.......

No matter how long it takes. He then leans and kisses her on the hand and they both smile deeply at each other as the moonlight shines in on their darkened room.

-A mile in the other direction from the McCluer crime scene, James asks Alan if MPD is what is happening with Marlena. He says it could be. James then remarks that he is in so much pain he can’t even think straight. He doesn’t want to believe that this good woman would murder his people in such a manner. He then walks over to her and looks at her as Alan asks if she has been acting weird. James tells him that other than being a go-go dancer at the Cheatin’ Heart, trying to kill Roman in his hospital room, and saying that she is her dead sister, she’s just fine.

He then turns back to her and asks if she is ok. When he says her name, she looks disgusted, saying that her name is Marcy, not Marlena, and for him to get it right. She then tells them both that they are giving her the creeps and that she really doesn’t want to be around them right now while they ask her all these questions. She looks at them frightfully as she slowly starts to walk away. As she runs off, James tries to stop her but Alan grabs hin, telling him to just let her go. They have bigger problems. James says he doesn’t have any problems. He needs to talk to their boss.......

And get to the bottom of who killed his poor family.

-The EMTs wheel Stefano into the emergency room as everyone follows closely behind. Lexie demands to get in to see her father but is being held back as she is reminded that she is no longer on staff there. All everyone can do is look through the window as they work on Stefano before they close the drape. Celeste leaves Lexie in the care of Frankie as she walks to the other side of the waiting room to talk to Abe and they both hope that this is the end for Stefano. Celeste feels his influence will be over when he dies, to which Abe concurs.

Roman, Victor and Shane also feel that it would be best if this is Stefano’s final day. Victor remarks that even though they started out as friends and comrades, he doesn’t know what happened to Stefano that has turned him to this point in his life. Shane says that maybe if that was known, the rest of this madness from him and his family would be put to rest. Roman agrees, saying that between this and the MCF running loose..........

There is no telling who is next on the list.........to die.

They all turn around when one of Lexie’s nurse friends comes out with news on her father. Greta, Frankie and Billie listen as Jack wonders why the MCF would target him, of all people. Does this person realize who they are picking a fight with? Billie doesn’t think so. To also go after Victor, which makes Greta grimace, is shocking as well. Frankie wonders if Stefano has maybe stumbled on to something to become a target of this psychopath. Billie says she was thinking the same thing.......

And hopes he doesn’t die before he tells someone what that may be.

They stop talking as Lexie and Celeste listen to the update. The doctor joins them, telling his family and everyone else that Stefano has a collapsed lung and has lost a lot of blood. He is holding on but his blood is so rare that they are having trouble getting more. Lexie steps forward, as Celeste looks on in worry, and everyone is shocked when Roman steps forward and also volunteers to give blood.......to save his greatest enemy’s life. Roman says as much as he would like to see him die, he needs him alive in case he knows something about the MCF.

Lexie is then allowed to see Stefano and the doctor reminds her that she doesn’t have long. He is on his way to surgery. She walks into a slightly darkened room and sees her barely conscious father fighting for every single breath. She slowly walks over to him as he holds his hand out. She takes it and starts crying, telling him how glad and happy she is that he is not gone just yet. He smiles ever so slightly and then, softly, speaks to her. He tells her that she has to know that........

It was the MCF who did this. And the person also told him that they have something that belongs to him. She gasps in horror. When she clutches his hand tighter and asks him who this person is.......Stefano slowly loses consciousness and the medical team rushes in, with Celeste and Victor coming in behind them. Alexandra breaks down as they wheel her father out past her and everyone in the outer room. Roman comes and stands at the door, looking in on the scene as Celeste and Victor try to calm Lexie down. Victor asks her what did she ask Stefano. Lexie is unconsolable at this point as everyone reacts to what has happened. The scene goes to a reaction shot of each and every person and when the scene reaches Victor, Celeste and a crying Alexandra...the scene slowly fades to black.

The scene slowly fades back in. We are now in a wooded area. Someone opens up a cell phone and calls an associate.

The caller...............The Mysterious Cloaked Figure.

The person being called is only being seen by the very expensive cufflinks they have on their suit coat. The MCF wants to know.........

MCF: How are they?

Associate: Resting comfortably. No problems at all.

The scene shifts to a darkened cell room where the Associate is communicating with the MCF. The Associate turns around and faces the glass on the cell surrounding it.......

MCF: That is excellent. No need to reveal what is at stake until the right time.

Associate: I agree.

MCF: Make sure they are comfortable and at peace........until the time......

That I want to make their presence known.

The Associate takes his orders and, as the camera watches him, he stares at these two sleeping people.

A man and a woman. Lying in two very comfortable beds, unconscious and breathing quietly. The Associate walks into the cell room and stands at the feet on the beds holding both people Shocking Two Prisoners as he starts to chuckle in glee. The scene freeze frames on these two captives as the scene slowly fades to black.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Victor to Nico: I think I know what I have to do. Even if it hurts Maggie. I have no choice.

Maggie (watching TV): Oh my God...Victor!!

Doug to Julie: You never did tell me what you did on your little trip.

Nicole: I can't depend on you, Eric. I will have to go to an old friend for help.

Greta to Frankie: I am worried. Worried about what is to come.

Roman to Lexie: What did your father tell you in there?

Billie (crying) to Jack: It's all my fault!!

Jack to Billie: No, it's not. You did nothing wrong. You understand?


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