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The Guiding Light: Episode 050
Wednesday, February 28 2007
Written By: Josh Hawkins & Dan Gobble

  • Vera and Harley at the house sitting in silence. Harley is tucking in the boys when the telephone begins to ring, Vera answers and takes a message. She gives it to Harley who returns the call from Henry Coleman in Oakdale. Henry tells her that he worked overtime, which will cost her some serious coin. Harley tells him whatever he wants, just as long as he got the information. Henry tells her that he tracked down Alexandra to the Spaulding house in Bar Harbor, Maine. Harley thanks him and says he’ll be getting cash soon. After she hangs up the phone Vera questions who that was and Harley tells her it was an old friend from the police academy.

  • Lizzie enters Towers alone on Valentine’s Day, intent on having a dinner all alone. After she sits down and sees other couples enter the restaurant she thinks about her parents and upset at being alone. She goes to leave, but bumps into a very handsome man that is Dr. Braxton O’Dell. He tells her that they have to stop meetings this way!

  • Bill arrives at The Beacon front desk and asks if they have seen Michelle Bauer Santos. The clerk behind the desk hands him a key, after Bill is gone upstairs, Danny picks up something from the front desk…Bill arrives at Michelle’s room and she says that they have to talk and Bill says he knows…just then Danny and Marah enter the room, stunned to find them there.


    And Now "The Guiding Light"


  • Ed is preparing to leave the Bauer house when he sees Mel sitting in the living room alone. He asks if her and Rick have plans tonight and she says that they don’t have much to celebrate. Mel reveals that she told Rick everything and has come clean, Ed says he’s unsure of what that is but he’s glad she did. Mel thanks Ed for being there and sends him on his way. Later a delivery man arrives with roses, Mel answers and there is a note from Rick’s RX pad, Mel is moved to tears and goes into the living room holding the note. Through her tears she see Rick arrive, he walks over and takes her in his arms. She questions if they are going to be okay and he tells her he’s not sure, they have a lot of repairs to make but they’re going to make them together!

  • Danny and Marah quickly try to excuse themselves but Michelle is also anxious for them to leave, but Bill quickly puts a stop to them leaving. Bill then questions what Marah is doing with Danny and she is quick to remind him that is none of his business. Bill says that isn’t but what Michelle has to say will effective both he and Danny. Bill tells Michelle that he’s learned her secret, Danny questions what secret, Michelle is clearly upset and finally through her tears reveals that she has been keeping a secret, a terrible secret that will turn her life upside down and change one of their lives. Marah says she is sick of the dramatics from everyone and asks what the hell Michelle is talking about…Michelle reveals that she is pregnant and she is not sure of whom the father of her baby is!

  • Lizzie and Braxton decide to have dinner together. They talk and she learns he’s an intern at Memorial and she tells him that she is a senior in high school. Braxton admits that he knows that because they’ve met before. Lizzie inquires about when, Braxton reveals that he was her masked dancer during the Richard Winslow Benefit, Lizzie is embarrassed and then later leaves, but before she does she gives him her telephone number, Braxton insists on walking her to her car and Lizzie agrees. In the parking garage, Braxton kisses Lizzie before she leaves.

  • Ed arrives at Towers looking to meet Holly, even though she has stood him up again. He telephones her and leaves a message, as Ed is finishing his club soda he sees a woman walk across the restaurant and Ed pays close attention to her, he watches her board the elevator and whispers, “Maureen.”

  • Bill becomes angry that Michelle kept this information from him and storms off…Marah goes after him but Bill insists that she doesn’t want him to interfere in her life, then she needs to do the same and he storms off. Inside with Michelle, Danny tells her she needs to find as soon as possible and if the baby is his then he’ll do right by the child, but he’s moving on with his life and it’s one that includes Marah and not Michelle, just like she wanted. He storms out, leaving Michelle alone with her baby…she sees the courtesy roses from The Beacon in the vase on the dresser and throws them against the wall!

  • A-M, Lucy and Hope go back to their suite. Hope explains that Lucy called her because A-M seems to have been sucked back into Alan’s world at Spaulding and she wanted to make sure that he still had a level head on his shoulders. A-M assures her that he does and that it is late, Hope should head on over to the Bauer house and they’ll talk more tomorrow. Hope says she is tired and that will talk, because she’ll be back bright and early. Hope leaves and A-M and Lucy fight about getting her getting his mother involved, Lucy defends that she didn’t know what else to do. A-M tells her she could learn to like Springfield and respect his wishes, something that she hasn’t done in a very long time. Very bad fight…Lucy tells him to leave, but A-M refuses so Lucy leaves and goes to Harley’s.

  • Danny and Marah make love, despite everything that has just went down with Michelle.

- Harley & Lucy Find Alexandra.
- Shayne's world begins to change!

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Good stuff. The Bill/Michelle/Danny/Marah confrontation seemed like something Millee Taggart would write herself. I loved what she did with Bill/Michelle/Danny, and I'm loving what you are doing w/them. I'm intregued about the A-M/Lucy fight, seems like their marriage is falling apart.

Ed sees a woman and whispers "Maureen" hhhmm....

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