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Recently Returned Actor OUT! And storylines TWEAKED!




Jensen Ackles, recently returned Actor, O-U-T!

It comes as a shock to many fans, that Jensen Ackles who recently returned to LIS, has been fired!!!!!!! But LIS says it is true.

"I spoke to Jensen in August," the headwriter says "We sat down and I asked him if he could come back to the show. He said it depends because he recently got a gig on the TV show "The CW" and also he would not want to sign a contract for too long. I told him that I had an eight-month contract in mind, however I was un-sure if his story would be shorter than that and how long it would take me to get him back on LIS. He told me he would agree to those conditions and signed. That would mean since he signed in Mid-August, his contract would end in Mid-March. His story has been extremely sluggish and I have apologise for that, and I know also Eric has not really dealed with the fact John is Roman, his father. But that will be addressed in the coming weeks and was purposeful. Eric was never when I brought him back meant to be a character that lasted for over a year. If it were August 2006 right now I might not even asked him back because I regret trying the Greta/Eric/Nicole triangle again especially since it has been so backburned. But he was needed and crucial to the story I have planned out for Greta. It might have been able to have been set up without Eric but it made more sense with him here and readers will see what I mean when her new story happens."

Also: The storylines that have been tweaked have been the Steve/Kayla story and the Forrest/Kate/Vivian story. Originally, Michael Sabatino was set to reprise his role as Lawerence Alamain and get involved in both of these stories but the headwriter thought it over and due to the budget and how the cast is so bloated it would be unnecssary so he has been cut before airing.

Here is an updated list on what the Casting Bloodbath in LIS has hit:

Brandon Beemer(Shawn Brady)

Christopher Gerse(Will Roberts; character recast)

Rachel Melvin(Chelsea Benson)

Brandon Tyler(Jeremy Horton; character recast)

Heather Lindell(Jan Spears; exit temporary but considered a cut because gone for over a month)

Amanda Tepe(Colleen McHenry; never announced but was cut)

Annie Burgstede(Willow Stark; planned for the role to be temporary and announced in November but LIS considered to ask her to stay but decided against it)

Jensen Ackles(Eric Brady)

Michael Sabatino(Lawerence Alamain; character never aired but was set to return but plans changed at the last minute)

Stay tuned to see who the next person will be that gets cut on Life in Salem!


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