Episode 296
Mike and Katie enjoy their romantic honeymoon in Florida. Comical scenes and romantic lovemaking sessions. Mike and Katie have never been this happy.
Emma exhaustedly take osff her gloves and steps back. As she stares at the makeshift memorial to the horse that just couldn't stay around to watch her beautiful, bouncing baby colt born. Faith emerges from the house with Holden. It's obvious that she loved the poor, old horse. After a brief, impromptu burial service, Faith asks her grandmother how old you have to be before you die. Emma laughs the question off at first, but realizes now is the perfect time to explain to Faith the meaning of life and death. In a touching scene, Emma talks with Faith as Holden listens nearby while milking the new baby colt. Later, Lisa arrives and warns Emma that they have their hands full with this party. Dana isn't holding anything back. Decorations galore, this party is sure to be the talk of the town for ages to come.
Gwen thanks Maddie for meeting with her. Maddie brings up the subject of Luke before Gwen can share the good news of her pregnancy with her. Maddie admits to Gwen that she's scared of what Luke is capable of. He's slashed her ex-boyfriend Heath's tires, basically drove Heath to attempt suicide and leave town, and now...he's bullying not only her, but his parents. Gwen reveals that Will had a very intense talk with Luke and things should be shaping up soon. Maddie is relieved. Gwen then takes the time to tell her best friend that she's pregnant!
Kim finally calms down and pulls herself together after Bob gets her some water. Nancy comes into the kitchen and demands that Bob tell her what is going on with Chris. Bob and Kim sit her down and tell her how Chris was terminated from Windy Falls Medical Center because he was uncooperative in questioning regarding an edlerly patient's sudden and mysterious death. Kim stresses to Nancy that he was uncooperative in questioning, meaning that he didn't necessarily have anything to do with it. Nancy recalls Chris's strange behavior over the past few months. Kim begs her not to say anything to Chris until her and Bob can confront him. Later, all three receive invitations to Grant's birthday party at the Lakeview. As Chris enters the house, it fills with tension.
Lucinda meets with some board members and learns that Craig was threatening a lawsuit over a legal snafu that occurred in business with him years ago. Lily was only justifiable in reaching a bargain with him. Lucinda says she has every nerve to fire each one of them right now. Lily comes back in and pleads with her mother to hear her out. Lucinda agrees but not right now. She tells her daughter to come back in the morning so she'll have time to cool down. Lily thanks her mother and walks away. Later, Holden arrives and learns the news about Craig. Angry and determined to change Craig's mind for himself, Holden sets off to find the new half owner of Worldwide, Craig.
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