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Episode 295



TWOO Opening

Lyla appears in the bridal room. She can't believe her little girl is finally getting married to the man of her dreams. She thought she'd never see the day. Lyla lectures Katie, saying they should have waited until Margo could come, but Katie insists that with her complicated relationship with Mike and all the things that have happened to them before, the sooner is the better. First, Mike and his best man Jack enter the church. As they stare out at the audience of some close family and friends, Katie enters walking down the aisle with Craig. Craig drops her off and Lyls stands as maid of honor. From the back of the church, a furious Maddie looks on. She plans to stop the wedding, but just as she goes to make a sound, someone grabs her from behind, covering her mouth and hauling her out of the church. She turns and is overjoyed to see Henry. Henry lectures to Maddie that now is Katie and Mike's one shot at happiness and not to ruin it. Maddie asks if Henry is still leaving town and Henry says that he was going to..until he saw all the cars at the church and he knew what was happening. Mike and Katie turn their head in just enough time to see Henry and Maddie taking their seats. The preacher asks them to exchange vows and they both exchange elaborate, beautiful, heartwrenching vows. As the couple kisses and the preacher announces them Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kasnoff, Maddie turns to see Henry crying but when she calls him on it, he makes up some lousy, comical lie.

Lisa stays with Emma after the service and they continue their ongoing coversation about Grant and Dana that they were briefly discussing in between pauses in the wedding. As Emma takes down the floral decor she helped put up, Lisa aids her newest confidante. The ladies laugh and giggle and Lisa makes mention that Grant is having a birthday party, but she's not attending. In a dramatic case of irony, Lisa's cell rings and it's the Lakeview. The party they're hosting: Grant's. Lisa is not at all happy and informs Emma that if she has to be miserable, then Emma has to be right there beside her. Emma agrees, but soon gets called away when Holden drops by on his way to the barn saying that the stable boy noticed a mare having a colt. Emma goes to assist Holden and the stable boy, leaving Lisa to pack up the wedding decorations all by herself.

Lucinda and Lily, who sat on complete opposite sides of the church, are finally forced to interact when Lucinda brings up Worldwide. Lily accuses her of starting to talk business just so they can talk. Lucinda informs Lily that she's just as disappointed in herself as Lily is with her. Lily confides in her mother that she doesn't ever remember not knowing who Lucinda was..until now. Lily tells of how much Lucinda has changed when it comes to Craig. Lucinda apologizes and it looks like their relationship might be recovering. Just then, Craig drops by Worldwide and slaps some legal papers on Lucinda's desk. Lily and Lucinda walk in and find theirselves face to face with Craig. Thinking that the papers are formal filings for a lawsuit, Lucinda chews Craig up and down, but before she can say anything else, Lily tells her mother to chill. Those papers are formal filings, making Craig part owner of Worldwide. Lucinda gows furious as Lily talks of how it was the only way she could convince Craig to back down from the lawsuit. Lucinda orders them both out of her site, violently slamming the door behind her. The door slamming cause an old photo of Lucinda and Lily catapulting to the ground and the frame shatters into a million pieces.

Bob, Kim, and Nancy arrive back from the wedding. Nancy says that she's glad Mike and Katie finally said their "I Do's" after all this time. It was a lovely service. While Kim goes upstairs to change, Nancy and Bob sit and talk a while over a cup of Nancy's homemade hot apple cider. Bob talks about Chris, which peaks Nancy's curiousity. Nancy says that Bob has been rather hung up on Chris these past few weeks and for the last week or so, he's been acting very strange, very tense. Nancy suggests Bob go see a doctor and get checked out but Bob assures his mother that he's perfectly healthy. Kim comes back and Nancy leaves to help Katie pack for her honeymoon and to drop off a special quilt she made for Mike and Katie's wedding present. Kim asks Bob what he thought of the wedding and Bob says that he's glad it happened finally. It seemed that every time that Mike and Katie were going to be married, an Aussie ex-husband or a nerdy psycho would come in between them. Kim notices Chris hasn't come home since last night and wonders where he might be. Bob, all the while, flashes back to Ben telling him that Chris was most probably involved in the death of a senior citizen and then Ben telling him to tell Kim quickly. Bob snaps out of it and tells Kim, whose in mid-sentence, that they need to have a talk. As Bob tells Kim all about Chris, she slowly drops her mug to the table. Her eyes become foggy from tears swelling over them and then an intense burning, an anguish...a cold angry feeling comes over her. How can he make up such lies about our son, she thinks. Bob tells Kim of how he asked Ben to check into it. Kim realizes that this is what Bob has been acting so strangely about for the past week or so. Angrily, Kim lashes out at Bob.

"Were you afraid I wasn't going to take it well? Is that why you waited so long to tell me? Beacuse I got news for ya, kiddo. I'm not taking it well! Who the hell are you to keep this from me about our own son? Our baby boy? Our Christopher? No! I'm not taking it well at all!! I mean, what mother in her right mind would take it well that her son quite possibly killed an elderly patient?...............Huh?!................"

Bob says nothing. He just stares down at the table, fearing that if he looks up, his eyes might drown from all the tears.

"DAMNIT! ANSWER ME!!!" Kim emotionally, furiously yells.

We see Nancy standing halfway down the stairs. Bob and Kim have no idea she's there. Nancy's been listening ever since Bob said that Kim needed to listen very carefully because they needed to talk. Tears running down her face, Nancy quitely whispers "No, No, No" over and over again.

The screen fades.

1 Comment

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Very,very good!

The wedding was great with all the drama going on. Loved Henry coming back for it.

The Lily and Lucinda stuff was good too! Criag is going to be part owner of Worlwide?Wow.

The Bob and Kim blowout was great.Ending on Nancy and her reaction was good too!

You have had a good week of episodes!

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