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Summary of Week: Feb. 12-16



Summary of Week: Feburary 12-16

Victor meets with Rae Cummings(Linda Dano). He tells her the patient is ready when Rae is. Rae asks Victor to give her the details on the patient. Victor tells her it is a split personality case, and the personality out right now is named Nikki Smith. He says the host is Victoria Lord. Rae is shocked! However she hides it from Victor, she tells Victor to bring Nikki by in a week.

Bo and Hope spend time with their daughters and mourn Shawn. Bo tells Hope they must get over this. Hope says it is too soon…..

Erin arrives at the Spears Mansion and barges in. Lilly asks Erin what she thinks she’s doing and Erin slaps Lilly. Erin tells her she knows she sent her those notes and then she attacks Lilly!

Lilly fights back and gets Erin off of her. She punches Erin and throws her on a chair. Lilly tells Erin she doesn’t know what in the world she is talking about! Erin says “Yeah right. You were so angry at me for spending time with Max. It would make so much sense for you to try to make me feel like I’m being stalked.” However, the person that was at Erin’s window the other day watches them from a window in the back……

Max takes a break from helping the police with the car Shawn died in and buys flowers for Lilly to try to patch things up with her. He heads to the Spears Mansion and once there he sees the door is open. He walks into see Erin and Lilly in a fight! He closes the door and asks what is going on and Erin tells Max Lilly is trying to make her think that someone is stalking her! Max is appalled. But Lilly says it’s not true! Erin doesn’t believe Lilly still. Max tells them both to calm down, and before anything else can be said something is heard at the door. They all open it to see another letter. It says the exact same thing the previous ones have and is still for Erin. Max tells Erin that wasn’t here when he got there. Lilly tells Erin she told her she was telling the truth. Erin scowls and reluctantly apologizes to Lilly then tells Max she wants to talk to him later. He tells her to just hold on.

Max and Lilly sit down once Erin is gone and Max tells her he wants them to patch things up. Lilly says she is not sure if they can. Max asks why and Lilly tells Max that he and Erin constantly spend time together. She says it would be ok if it was a friend thing…but she says when she sees them it looks like more of a love relationship. Max tries to deny his feelings for Erin, but on the inside he can’t. Max tells Lilly they just have to try, and she says they have tried! She says they have been dating for several months now but recently it all has changed. Max thinks for a moment and tells Lilly he really likes her, Lilly says she really likes him too. Max finally confesses to Lilly he does have feelings for Erin. He says they are small and him and Lilly could still work out though…..Lilly says both of them know that is not true. Max tells them he guesses that means they are through then. Lilly tearfully acknowledges it. Max kisses her on the cheek and a tear pours down his eye, he says “Goodbye Lilly.” and leaves the flowers on the coffee table. He then walks out the door and after it is shut, Lilly breaks down and whispers “Goodbye Max.”

The next day comes to Salem. Erin visits Max at the Pub. Max is just about to leave and Erin asks him how he and Lilly are. He says with some sadness they broke up yesterday. Erin comforts Max and tells her she is sorry.

Max eventually asks her what she needs. She says she has been getting notes lately, like the one she got yesterday at the Spears Mansion. She tells Max she might actually have someone stalking her! She tells him she needs his help to get rid of this person! Max tells her he is busy and she can go to the police. Erin says she doesn’t want to go to the police just yet and begs Max for his help. He finally agrees and she thanks him.

Lucas is walking through Salem Place and bumps into a woman(Bree Williamson). She tells him to watch where he’s going and he tells her not to be so rude. She then tells him “It’s a hard world for gals like me. Don’t make it harder.” Lucas asks her what she means. The woman says to just buzz off. Lucas decides to just drop it and he leaves.

Sami is out and she visit’s the place where her apartment use to be before Alan burnt it down. She notices that they are still re-constructing and learns from one of the workers that it should be finished by late-summer. She hopes she can pay her stay at the Salem Inn for that long. As she is leaving she bumps into EJ. EJ tells her not to worry about that, and that if she gets in a tight spot he will cover it. Sami begins to thank EJ but she sees Helena afar off glaring at her. Sami tells EJ she has to go and runs off. Helena smiles and says to herself “It is all working…..”

Lexie talks with Stefano. She tells him originally she wanted to stay away from him, but now she needs his help. He asks what that would be, and Lexie tells him that would be destroying all her enemies. Stefano smiles and says “You and I have something in common, Alexandra. Do not worry darling, soon we will all get what we want.”

Nicole and Willow run into each other at Chez Rouge. And, as they work, they begin to clash! Maggie watches and says “Oh dear…this is not going to be good….” she runs over and says to all the employees she has an announcement to make. She says tonight is the Valentines Dance at Chez Rouge! She says it will be big so she wants everyone at their best tonight!

Cassie is released from the hospital and John and Rex bring her to the Pub to re-unite with her family. She does and then a surprise happens when Steve, Kayla, Stephanie, and Kim all walk through the door! They re-unite with Caroline, Eric, and the rest of the Brady’s as well. Caroline is overjoyed. Cassie shares a small father/daughter moment with John. Kayla and Steve make the big announcement that Steve remembers everything about his life! Caroline has tears of joy in her eyes and says it is a truly great day.

Willow arrives while on her break. She and Cassie meet after Rex introduces them to each other. John watches and is suspicious of Willow…..

EJ meets the woman that Lucas ran into, Alexis Kefer, at the Salem Inn. He asks her “Where are your bags, Miss Kefer?” Alexis replies to him “Oh cut it EJ. I don’t have any bags. I am taking this job because it will get me money ‘cause I’m broke.” EJ says they should just move on to business, and he says that she will try to distract Lucas Roberts away from his girlfreind, Samantha Brady. She asks why, and he says to not ask why just do it. She then says “Ok, if it’ll get me the money, fine. But show me a picture of the guy first.” EJ takes out a picture and Alexis is shocked! She shakes her head and says “No, not a chance. I am not gonna “ do it” or anything else with that guy.” Then Alexis turns around but EJ grabs her arm and pulls her back around, he says to her “If you want the money you will do it!” Alexis tells him to get his paws off her and after he lets go she says fine, and then she heads to her room. EJ then vows that Sami will soon be his.

Sam and Kristen continue to plot and scheme on how to get rid of Marlena. They finally decide on something and go to her penthouse. Kristen is still unsure about it but she thinks to herself she will do it for revenge. She goes to her position on Marlena’s balcony, while Sam barges in the front door of the penthouse.

Marlena is shocked to see Sam and gasps, she asks “What are you doing here?! I had no idea-” and then she stops, she backs away and says “I know what you are gonna do. Stay back Sam!” Then Sam responds “I’m not here to kill you Marlena. I wanna talk.” Marlena asks about what, and Sam says “Your husband.”

Marlena asks “What about John?” and Sam says “About what happened to Roman when he was being held captive by Stefano after falling off the cliff.” Marlena asks what she means and how she knows Stefano’s name, then Sam says “I’ll tell you that later. And, while he was gone, you didn’t know what happened to him did you? If he fell for another woman, or-” but Marlena cuts her off, she says “John would never fall for another woman, and he was being held captive after all. What are you getting at?”

Sam then replies “What I am getting at is that you think you’re the only one who’s shared a bed with your husband?”

Marlena gasps and she yells “You slept with my husband! You little-” she yells but this time Sam cuts her off, Sam says “Oh don’t start with the insults sis. We already had a child!” and after that, Marlena attacks Sam and begins to strangle her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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