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Summary of Week: Janurary 28-Feb. 2



Summary of Week: Janurary 28-Feb 2

Kayla, Steve, Kim, and Stephanie all manage to make it back to the airport but all the thugs have united and are waiting for them. Steve tells Kayla to get Kim and Stephanie to the plane. Kayla doesn’t want to leave Steve but for the safety of her sister and daughter she does so.

Steve faces off with the thugs and nearly gets killed several times. He finds a gun and uses it on several of the thugs. After taking care of several he makes a run for the plane as shots are fired at him. However, once he gets out on the strip after dodging many shots, he sees the plane is about to take off and it is already running down the strip. Kayla cannot convince the pilot to stop so she runs to the stairs that are about to close and tells Steve to jump in. Steve catches up to the plane and jumps in, barely avoiding another gun shot! Kayla in tears kisses Steve, and the plane takes off towards Salem, leaving Llanview in shambles.

Marlena and John arrive at the police station and Marlena informs Faux Roman and Abe that Sam escaped from her Sanitarium recently and could be a suspect in Shawn’s murder! Abe asks Marlena what motive Sam would have, and Marlena says to hurt Belle or Roman, because they are Marlena’s family.

Abe and Faux Roman add Sam to the possible suspect list. John asks if he can help them investigate Shawn’s murder, and Abe tells him he will accept whatever help he can get. Faux Roman agrees, and Marlena tells John she has to go, but before she does she begs him to be safe. He says he will and she leaves. Then an officer comes in saying after investigating they have a new break in the Shawn Douglas murder case!

All three ask what it is, and the officer informs them that the car that exploded on New Years Eve, was not his car! Max suddenly comes in and says it’s true. He tells Abe, Faux Roman, and John that Shawn had turned his car into the garage a few days before he died to be fixed. John and Faux Roman asks Max if he knows what kind of car Shawn had after, and Max says he doesn’t know. Faux Roman, Abe, and John wonder if Shawn was not the intended murder victim.

Sam and Kristen arrive back in Salem. Kristen says she wants to see her father, but Sam refuses to take her to him saying they don’t need his help! Kristen asks Sam why she is so stubborn about it and Sam refuses to answer. She tells Kristen it is time to take care of Marlena once and for all! Kristen agrees but at the same time wonders if she should ruin her life all over again just for Marlena.

Rex and Willow go out at Chez Rouge. Willow had just gotten off duty and Rex asks if she likes her new job, Willow says it’s ok but nothing special. She and Rex spend a nice, romantic evening together. Once done, as Rex heads out to his car to get it ready Willow is about to follow but runs into Nicholas. Nicholas asks Willow what she would be doing at a fancy restaruant like Chez Rouge, but she tells him it’s none of his business and quickly runs out. Nicholas is convinced Willow is hiding something.

Helena barges into the DiMera mansion. The guards try to stop her but she just walks right past, not afraid. She walks into Stefano’s office and he is shocked to see her! He tells her to get out but she says not until they discuss a very important matter. Stefano asks Helena what that might be, and she says why he is trying to kill her. Stefano tells Helena she knows exactly why, and that is because he will not let her interfere with his plans! Helena tells Stefano she is in Salem to stay, and that whether he likes it or not soon his throne will not be his anymore. Stefano asks Helena what she means but she says in all due time he will find out. Helena threatens Stefano telling him that if she interfere’s with her plans his death will only come sooner than originally planned. Stefano tells Helena he is not afraid to fight her, and she says she is not afraid to battle with him. Stefano says it seems that a war has begun then.

A new day comes in Salem. Margaret sneaks into Belle’s loft and finds her purse, then she plants several explosives inside. She quickly leaves after hearing Belle awakening. Rex comes over and tells Belle he thought he saw someone in here. Belle panics because she thinks it could have been Philip or one of Victor’s men trying to take Claire. Rex says he might have been wrong, but he thought he saw someone climbing through the window on the fire escape and it looked like a woman. Belle begins to worry for Claire’s safety. She asks Rex what the woman looked like, and he said he didn’t see much but it looked like she had long, curly hair and that is all he saw besides regular everyday clothes. Then he remembers she did also have a purple coat on. Belle remembers at last Thanksgiving Margaret, Victor’s assistant at Titan, had a purple coat and that type of hair. She thanks Rex and he leaves. She wonders if Victor sent Margaret!

Forrest tells Vivian at the Alamain Mansion to meet him at Alamain later this morning. He says there is a new business partner he acquired that she might want to meet. Vivian is confused, and asks him why he would even let her have anything to do with Alamain. Forrest just smiles and leaves. Vivian says that Forrest is up this morning. Once Forrest is outside he calls Kate and tells her everything is going steadily!

Meanwhile, at some airport, a red haired woman is boarding a plane. A voice is heard over the speakers saying “Flight 2 to Salem is taking off now. I repeat, Flight 2 to Salem is taking off now.” as the woman gets on the plane, the woman is revealed to be Tracy Quartermaine!


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