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February 14, 2007





-At their cabin in the mountains, Cal and Katherine are sitting on the couch near the fireplace. Cal is upset that they are snowed in as it's Valentine's Day and he had hoped they could take a ride into the village nearby to that quaint little restaurant they saw. Katherine tells him it's ok that they are at the cabin. It's quiet and intimate. Cal wishes he could do more but says he does have something for her. He explains that he used her laptop and bought something for her online. Katherine is impressed and opens the box.

She is shocked when she looks at the contents" a charm bracelet. She smiles and tells Cal he should've have. Cal says he wanted he to have something. Katherine apologizes as she has nothing for him but Cal says it's fine. Katherine's then turns away as she fights back tears. Cal asks what is wrong. Katherine says there is something she has to tell him, something she should've mentioned some time ago. It's about their relationship.

Cal: What is it?

Katherine: I know that you look at me as more then your psychiatrist and friend.

Cal: Is it that obvious? (laughs)

Katherine smiles and laughs.

Katherine: I have always been driven by work and my career. There was never time for men or for love. I always told myself that I wouldn't know if I was in love if my life even if I was because I didn't think I would ever find it. I don't think I understood it or knew how I would feel if I was. I mean, it's funny. I counsel people and help people sort out their feelings and deal with them and I don't even understand or recognize my own. Anyway, God...how do I say this...

Cal: The best way is to just spit it out.

Katherine: Yeah. I guess it is. What I am trying to say...is...what is happening between you and me now...it isn't enough.

Cal: What are you saying?

Katherine (crying): I want more. That is what I am saying. Being here with you today, on this day. This day of romance. I know now...how it feels. To be in love. I know this is it. I know I said I didn't want to compromise our relationship before but I can't ignore this. I can't deny it anymore. I think I knew from the moment we met. Through all the fighting and all...I think it was just a cover. My way of trying to mask it or me just not knowing how to deal with how I feel. I mean, I never felt this way before about anyone and...

Cal: I feel the same way. You know that. Kat, it was you who came into my life at a time when I felt like I had nothing to live for. You gave me reason. You helped me look at what I had and to cherish it. You gave me hope and helped me look towards the future. If I remember my past, fine. I don't worry anymore about it. I have a life now. I have people in Salem who care about me, even if they aren't blood. You helped me see that and you gave me new life. You made me. After years of being someone else, you created who I am now. I don't know where I would be without you in my life all these months. Kat, I have fallen madly and deeply in love with you.

Katherine (in tears): And I you. What I am feeling right now has made me feel energized. I dream about you and I wake up so happy every morning now. I used to be miserable and used to think of my patients or what new treatment method I as going to use...you changed all that. You changed me. I...love you Cal. For the first time in my life, I have found love and it's with you. I don't want to deny it anymore. I don't want to lose it. I just want to be with you.

Cal: I want to be with you too.

Cal embraces Katherine. They then pull away while looking in each other's eyes. Cal tells her how beautiful she is and then they kiss passionately. He then slowly lays her down and they begin to make love in front of the fireplace.

-Roman arrives at the Salem Park. He is searching for Marlena and can't understand where she is. They have an APB out on her and they have been searching high and low for days. He wonders if she may have left the country. Meanwhile, Marlena is walking through the park nearby, wondering how long she is going to have to roam around Salem under the radar waiting for instructions. She looks around to make sure she hasn't been spotted and continues her brisk walk through the park. She then stops herself and hides herself in an area of bushes and shrubbery nearby when she spots Roman. She wonders what he is doing there.

-In Miami, Kayla is showing Steve around a marina. She explains to Steve that he was involved in some crimes for Victor in the Miami area way back. Steve says that none of the surroundings are ringing a bell. Kayla seems upset but recovers and says that's ok. They are hear to relax too. That will help his memory and condition more then anything. They walk by many boats and yachts. Kayla looks over at Steve as they walk and sees that he is fixated on something and keeps looking back. Kayla asks if something is wrong.

Steve points to a yacht they passed and says it looks familiar. Kayla looks at it too and doesn't understand at first but then realizes it resembles the yacht Steve and her married on. Kayla mentions this to him and walks him towards it. Steve wonders if it would be ok if he steps onboard. Kayla looks around and says she doesn't see a problem. Steve walks around and examines the boat. Kayla asks if any of it is reminding him of his past. Steve then has flashes to his wedding to Kayla and begins to clutch his head. Kayla holds him and tells him it's ok. She is here for him and will help him through this.

-At Billie's PI office, Jack and her are continuing their investigation of James McCluer. Billie thinks they should take a break. Jack is against it as they need to get going on this case as they lost some time when they got sidetracked with the Abby and Max situation. Jack thinks he should call to check on Abby again but Billie reminds him that Frankie and Chelsea are there and that Abby needs some time. Plus, the kids need to deal with what is going on by themselves. They will only make things worse. Jack reluctantly agrees.

Billie suggests they take a break and go out. It's Valentine's day and they have all been under stress lately. Jack's face turns somber as he realizes it's his first Valentine's Day without Jennifer. Billie then gets up and tells Jack she will not have him sit there and feel sorry for himself. They are going out now. She throws him his coat and pulls him up and out the door with her.

Later, they arrive at the Cheatin Heart. Jack asks Billie why they are there. Billie reminds him it's a great place to unwind but Jack points out Billie's past drinking problems. Billie insists she is fine and has been sober for a long time. She can be in a bar and not be tempted. Billie orders a club soda and Jack orders a scotch on the rocks, saying he needs something to take the edge off today and hopes Billie doesn't mind. She shakes her head. They then sit silent for a bit before Jack mentions the James McClure case.

Billie interrupts him and says there will no mention of work or what Abby and Max are going through. They are out to have fun and relax. Billie recomments playing some pool and places a bet: loser buys lunch. Jack is reluctant but then agrees at Billie's urging, saying he guesses he could go for a free lunch. They both laugh.

-At the hospital, Austin is still by Carrie's side when she finally wakes up. Carrie asks what happened. Austin says she had some much needed rest. Carrie looks at him and asks if he was with her all night. Austin nods and Carrie says she could hear him talking to her and feel his hand holding hers. Austin smiles and says he vowed to be there for her and he is going to make sure he keeps that vow. A nurse comes in to check on her as Austin steps out.

Later, when the nurse leaves, Austin asks if Carrie is ok. The nurse says that Carrie is very relaxed and doesn't seem to recall the "death" of her child and everything else that happened. Austin asks if that is cause for concern. The nurse says she may have blocked it out due to the trauma of it all or it could be she is still groggy. She will need him, though, when it comes back to her. Austin says he will be there.

Austin re-enters the room and sits by Carrie, taking her hand. He says they have to talk...about their future. Carrie agrees. He asks her if she remembers admitting everything to Lucas last night. Carrie says she vaguely does. Austin confirms that she did and fills her in on how Lucas gave him his blessing so that Carrie and him can be together. Austin tells Carrie that Lucas realized he belongs with Sami and that he belongs with Carrie. They were mismatched and it wasn't right. Carrie agrees and adds that she realized the same thing when they made love behind Lucas's back. They belong together and Sami with Lucas.

Carrie apologizes to Austin for staying away for so long but promises to make up for it now. They can now have a happy life and mend fences with Lucas, Sami, and anyone else that was hurt. They can be a family-him, her, and their baby. Austin realizes Carrie still doesn't remember the baby "dying" and thinks it is alive and in the hospital. Austin simply smiles, not wanting to upset her.

Carrie: It has always been you. You have always been my one true love. You are the only one that is in my heart, now and forever. I am so happy to be back here, with you and in your arms. So, if you will have me and if you can forgive me for everything that has happened, I want us to make another go at this. I want us to be together again. What do you say?

Austin: You already know what I am going to say. Carrie, I have been with other woman but none of them had thesame affect on me. None of them held as big a place in my heart as you. I will never feel as strongly and passionately about another woman like I do you. I love you and that is something that will never change so, yes, if you will have me, I would love for us to make this work this time...for us to finally do this right and make it last this time like I should.

Carrie: You mean...you can forgive me...

Austin: There is nothing to forgive. It's ok. It's all ok and I don't want to look back. I want to look forward to our live, together.

Carrie: Oh, Austin!

A tearful Carrie and Austin embrace and hold each other lovingly. They then pull away, look into each other's eyes, lean in and kiss.

-At Lucas's apartment, Sami is pacing the floor, waiting for Lucas to arrive home. He has been searching for Will all night and was upset with everyone because of learning of Carrie and Austin's affair and the "death" of his child. She is also worried about Will, who has been gone for nearly 24 hours. The police and Lucas have been out looking for him and she is really worried. She look at a picture of Will and hopes he is alright.

Later, Lucas arrives back at the apartment. Sami races into his arms and asks if he found Will. He says no and is frustrated. He can't understand where he is and why he would run off like that. Sami says it's her fault, she should've never agreed to tell him about Alan raping her years ago. Lucas tells her not to blame herself.

Sami explains that she is right to blame herself. She is to blame for Will being missing and for Lucas being hurt. She should've told him about Carrie's affair and that the baby could be Austin's. She tells Lucas that she has already accepted the fact that he is going to leave her now. She promises to change and then all this happens. She tells him she will pack her things and go live with her dad until her apartment is fixed. Lucas grabs her arm as she gets up and tells her not go anywhere. They need to talk and he has made a decision.

-Back at the Cheatin Heart, Billie and Jack have just finished playing pool and are now having their drinks at the table, laughing and having a good time. Jack can't believe she beat him. Billie says she will expecting her lunch tomarrow. Jack tells her her will pay up...hopefully. They laugh and he thanks her for doing this. If it wasn't for her, he would be secluded from the outside world and holding up at home or at The Spectator. He tells her he doesn't know where he would be without her these past few months. Between helping him with Jen's death, pushing him out of the house to live and work again, helping with his family...he thanks her for everything. Billie thanks him for everything too. They then toast to their friendship.

A song, "Living to Love You" by Sara Connorsthen plays on the jukebox. Billie then orders Jack to get up. It's Valentines's Day and she will be damned if she isn't going to share a dance with the handsomest guy in the room. Jack thanks her for the compliment but Billie asks him how he knows she was referring to him. They laugh as Billie gets Jack up and they begin to dance.

Jack: You know, being in your arms. It feels right.

Billie: Yeah, it does. I guess we are such good friends it makes us feel comfortable together.

Jack: Yeah...that's it.

Jack and Billie continue to dance as the scene shifts to...

Steve and Kayla in Miami. Kayla is telling Steve to relax as his head continues to ache. He then has more flashes of his wedding to Kayla on the yacht and yells "I remember!!!" as an elated Kayla begins to cry tears of happiness.

The scene then shifts to...

Lucas's apartment, where Sami awaits Lucas's decision.

Sami: What do you want to say? What have you decided?

Lucas: I thought about everything you said and...it's about us.

Sami: Oh..

Lucas: We are all going through a rough time right now and we need to stick together and...

Sami: I agree.

Lucas: Please don't interupt me...you know what? Never mind. The easiest way to do this is to show you what I decided.

Sami: Show me? Why the hell would you want to...

Lucas then kisses Sami passionately. She eventually pulls away and asks what is going on. Lucas just kisses her again and says as he keeps kissing her:

Lucas: I think you know what is going on and what my decision is, baby.

Sami: So, you forgive me?

Lucas: Does it seem like I have?

Sami: Yeah.

Lucas: Then I have. I need you, Sami. I love you and I need you right now, so much.

Sami: I love you too and you have no idea how much I need you right now.

Lucas then picks Sami up and carries her into his room, where he lays her down and they begin to make love.

The scene then shifts multiples times as Cal and Katherine make love at the cabin, Jack and Billie dance at the Cheatin Heart, Austin lays down near a sleeping Carrie in her hospital bed and holds her in his arms, Sami and Lucas make love and then the scene shifts back to Miami where a tearful Kayla says:

Kayla: I knew it. I knew this would work. This trip...I knew it would jog your memory. It's just the beginning, Steve. You are going to remember everything soon and all this will be over. We are going to get our life back. I know it.

Steve (crying): For the first time in a long time, I believe it will happen, baby. I'm remembering. I remembered our wedding...how I felt. The love I had for you. My sweetness...it's all coming back. The feelings...everything.

Kayla: Oh, Steve!!

Kayla jumps into Steve's arms as they celebrate his big moment and the progress he has made.

The scene then shifts back to Salem Park. Marlena thinks Roman has left and that the coast is clear. She makes a move but then hears Roman yell out "Who's there?" Roman yells out that he heard someone moving in the bushes and tells whoever it is to come out. He can tell they are afraid of something and aren't a normal park goer as they would not be sneaking around and hiding if that weren't the case. Roman then wonders if it could be Marlena nearby.

Roman: Doc, are you there? If you are, please come out. You know me. I love you. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm your husband and I'm worried so, if it's you I heard, just come out.

Marlena (whispering): I'm sorry, Roman. I can't. It has to be this way.

Roman: Doc...please. if you are there, come out. What is going on? Why are you avoiding the people you love? I'm worried as hell about you....doc. Please come out.

Marlena: (beginning to clutch her head and now in tears, trying to fight the tears back): I can't...I won't...It's not right....

Roman: Please, doc. It's Valentine's Day. We shared so many memories on this day in the past. It would be another nice one if you revealed yourself and everythint got sorted out. We could go back to our lives and...

Marlena: Roman!!!

Roman turns around and is stunned to see Marlena reveal herself from behind the trees and shrubbery. They look at each other, Marlena in tears and Roman's eyes welling with tears. They run into each other's arms as the screen fades to black.

On the next Salem Lives...

Billie to Jack: I'm worried, Jack. What if this cloaked person learns that we are all on to him? JJ and Angel could be in danger.

Jonathan to JJ: What is going on? I want the truth.

Sami to Lucas: Everything isn't perfect yet, Lucas. There is more we need to talk about.

Roman to Marlena: Please, tell me. What is going on with you?


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