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February 13, 2007




-It is now officially after midnight in Salem and Valentine's Day has begun. Hope is at home and she looks in on JT, who is not sleeping. Hope asks him what's wrong. JT asks her when daddy is coming home. Hope promises him soon and then tells him to go to sleep. She asks if he would like her to read to him and he nods.

Later, Hope comes downstairs and decides to call Bo, despite the late hour. She hasn't heard from him or seen him since he was released from the hospital and went back to his room above the pub. She dials the number. Bo in his room above the pub, unable to sleep and worried about his first hypnosis session with Dr. Harris that is coming up later in the day. he hears the phone and contemplates picking it up and, ultimately, opts to answer.

He is not to shocked to hear Hope on the other end when he answers. Hope asks him if he is ok. Bo says he is fine and that he just has alot on his mind. Hope asks why he never called like he said he would. Bo says he has had alot to deal with. Hope notices how cryptic he is being and finally asks him straight out when he is coming home. JT is asking about him and he hasn't even been by to see him. Bo says he isn't sure. He has things to handle first.

Hope asks him what things. His operation with Roman and Shane is over. Victor is gone for the moment. They were supposed to talk about their future and the future of their family and he is still pushing everyone away. Bo apologizes and promises her they will talk and he will be by the house soon. He begs Hope to bare with him and let him deal with some things. Hope reminds him that it's Valentines's Day. Bo says he knows and that he also knows she was hoping that maybe they could work things out by this point. He apologixzes but asks her patience and understanding. Hope asks him why he can't tell her what is going on. Bo insists she will have to accept that he can't go into things right now until he deals with everything he has to deal with.

Bo tells Hope he has to go but that he will be in touch. He tells her to tell JT he loves him and to give him a kiss for him. He tells Hope that everything will work out and to just give him time and space. Hope reluctantly agrees and says "I love you" as the phone hangs up. Hope gets depressed, thinking Bo hung up but not knowing the line just went dead. Meanwhile, Bo thinks that Hope hung up as well and quietly says "I love you, fancy face" into the phone.

At University Hospital, everyone continues to react to Cassie's miscarriage and the revelation of the bruises and marks on Cassie's leg that seem to be from a wheelchair. Abby explains that she accidentally bumped in Cassie with her wheelchair. She isn't used to it yet but that isn't when she fell. That was before that.

Max looks away, not knowing what to think. Jack asks Max if he is seriously thinking that Abby could have intentially pushed Cassie down the stairs. Max looks at Jack and then at a tearful Abby before going back in to see Cassie, just as Chelsea is walking out. Chelsea can't stop thinking about the ultimatum Cassie gave her: make Abby feel guilty over what happened to Cassie so she will push Max away or Chelsea's secrets will be exposed.

Billie comes over and can see that Chelsea is upset. She asks her what's wrong but Chelsea denies anything being wrong. She is just upset for what Abby and Max are going through. She excuses herself, saying she needs to go speak with Abby, as Billie wonders if something is going on with her.

Jack is comforting Abby when Chelsea walks over. Jack smiles at Chelsea and then goes back to join Frankie and Billie. Abby is feeling alot of guilt over what happened to Cassie and says she does blame herself and can see why Max does as well. She should've walked away or called a nurse to take her away or something. She wanted to end the conversation several times, especially when people began to stare, but she let it continue into the stairwell. Chelsea, whose eyes are welling with tears over the impossible situation she is in, then says:

Chelsea: Your right, Abby. You should've done all those things. You should feel guilty. You may or may not have pushed Cassie but you are still to blame for not preventing it. You know how she is and you knew she wouldn't stop so why didn't you stop it? Why didn't you wheel away before you both ended up in the stairway? There are nurses and doctors all around that you could've asked to wheel you away before you two even ended up in the stairway. No matter which way you look at this Abby you are to blame.

Abby: Wow...I agree I am to blame but aren't you supposed to be on my side, best friend Chelsea?

Chelsea: I am...but I have to be realistic and prepare you for what you are going to have to face. I have to bo honest Abby. Cassie is going to use this and the police will probably be involved as soon as Cassie can explain what happened and...

Abby: I know all that. I know what I am going to have to deal with from Cassie and...whatever. Look, I am only worried about Max. I need to make him see that this was an accident. I am to blame but I didn't push her. That is what I need to make sure he is convinced of.

Chelsea: Even if you convince him and he beleives you, can you two have a relationship? I mean, can you really survive something like this? You may not have pushed her but you were still partly to blame for the death of his child, Abby. That is something that is never forgotten. Max will have to deal with that the rest of his life. You will have to deal with it. I know as well as anyone because of...

Abby: Zack?

Chelsea: Yeah...do you see my point?

Abby: Yeah. So, you think even if he believes me that I didn't push her and forgives me for my part in this, that it always affect us? That it will always be there as a sore spot and will cause problems for us?

Chelsea: Yeah. I think that is what will happen.

Abby then breaks down in tears as Chelsea embraces her, in tears herself over the fact that she chose to protect herself rather then support Abby and Max.

Meanwhile, Max with Cassie. He strokes her hair and tells her everything will be ok. He will help her get through this. He hears her whispering Abby's name over and over, along with "Stop. Don't do this, Abby." Max is unaware that Cassie is awake and is saying that in purpose to turn him against Abby. A nurse comes in to check on Cassie so Max leaves. After he leaves and with the nurse's back turned, Cassie flashes an evil smile and says:

Cassie: If my baby had to die, I am taking Max and Abby's relationship down with me. I will get my revenge on you, Abby. You will feel the wrath of the Dimera's.

-Meanwhile, in another part of the hospital, Austin races in to Carrie's room to ask what is going on with Carrie. Roman, abe, and Caroline race in too and ask what is going on. Dr. Glancy walks in and informs everyone that Carrie got agitated over something and they need to sedate her. The nurse gives Carrie the sedative and she slowly passes out, murmuring the words, "my baby."

Roman grabs Alan and asks him what he said to upset Carrie. Alan says Carrie motioned for him to enter and she was upset about her child. He tries to comfort her and she just became even more upset. Roman doesn't buy it but Abe advises him to calm down. Dr. Glancy informs them all that Carrie will be sedated all night so they may as well all go home. Abe tells Roman he will be in toucn and will meet him back at the station. He also tells him he will update him on the search for Will when they get any new info.

Abe leaves as Caroline asks Roman what is going on with Will. Roman explains how Sami and Lucas told him about Alan raping Sami years ago. He then went to his room and, when Sami went to get him, he didn't respond. It appears he snuck out of his room via the fire escape and he is nowhere to be found. Caroline is upset and asks how much more can their family take. Roman comforts her. Caroline asks him if there is any word on Marlena. Roman shakes his head and says they have men all over looking for her and nothing. Caroline tells him not to give up hope. Roman tells her that he needs to call Belle and fill her in. He embraces Caroline and leaves.

-On the roof of the hospital, Sami is still begging an upset Lucas to forgive her. Lucas is silent.

Sami (crying): You know I have changed. Please!! I kept the secret to protect you and...Carrie wasn't here and..

Lucas: So...what? Carrie wasn't here so you, Austin, and my mother were just going to sweep it under the rug? You were never going to tell me until Carrie came back or she did it herself?

Sami: Lucas...it wasn't my place to tell you. You always wanted me to do the right thing and I think I did. It really wasn't by business so why should I have said anything? I stumbled upon it. I didn't use it to my advantage like I used to do in the past. I hate that I lied to you but...I felt it was for the best.

Lucas: Sami...I can't do this right now. I have alot on my mind...so much has happened.

Sami: I know. I feel the same. We can't let this destroy us Lucas. We have dealt with worse. I mean, think about it, I didn't do this for myself. I need you to understand. Please!! Don't let this destroy what we have. We were given another chance here and I don't want to mess it up. We dreamed of being a family.

Lucas: I know...I can't do this right now. I need to get out of here.

Sami: Ok. Fine. I will give you time to cool off and digest this and...

Lucas: Yeah but that isn't all I am doing. I am going out to find our son. The police are out but I want to look too. With everything that happened, we all got sidetracked so I want to check out some of his hangouts and...

Sami: Yeah, I agree. I am worried sick about him and have been thinking about him, along with everything else. Let me go with you.

Lucas: No. Stay here with your family or go home. The police are out there and with me looking there isn't a need. Your family may need you tonight.

Sami: Ok. We do need to talk, Lucas. I want you to understand so please call me or find me when you get back and...

Lucas: I will. This will give me time to think about everything. I need to clear my mind and just...think.

Sami: Ok. well, call me if you find Will or have an update. Oh, and Lucas, I do love you and I am so sorry.

Lucas: Yeah. I know.

Lucas leaves as Sami breaks down in tears, worried about her son and what affect the events of the last 24 hours will have on her relationship with Lucas.

-Caroline is on her way to her car outside the hospital when Hope calls her cell. Hope informs her that she just talked to Bo and asks how Bo has been acting around the pub. Caroline says he seems ok but like he has alot on his mind. She can't help but think he is definitely hiding something and is up to something. Hope agrees as he is being too cryptic. Caroline can't believe that he is hiding something again, especially coming off what Roman and him just put them through with the ISA operation. Hope admits to Caroline she is worried. She senses a fear in Bo's voice and is scared for what may be really going on.

Caroline says she has an awful feeling about something too. Hope tells her she hopes they find out what is going on so they can help or that Bo deals with whatever it is so it goes away. Caroline agree as she doesn't think their family can deal with anymore trouble.

Meanwhile, Bo looks out the window of his room, thinking about the nightmares/memories and worried about what may be at the root of them. He doesn't know what to expect or what he may find out, nor does he know if these are nightmares or memories. He wants answers but fears for what might come with them, especially if this reveals a long-buried secret he kept locked away in his own mind. He lays down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling and clearly worried about what is to come.

-At the hospital, Lucas bumps into Kate, who is on her way out. Kate asks if Sami and him are through. Lucas says he doesn't want to talk about what is going on. He is going to search for Will. Kate asks if he wants her to come along but he says no. Kate informs him that Carrie will be sedated all night so everyone is going home. She is taking the loss of the baby hard. Lucas feels bad since the child could've been his. Kate comforts him but Lucas interupts her and says he needs to go. Will has been gone for hours and he is not about to stand by and lose another child tonight. Kate wishes him luck.

-In Carrie's hospital room, Austin walks in and tells the nurse he will be staying with her during the night. The nurse smiles and leaves. Austin takes Carrie's hand and promises to help her through all this. He tells her they have alot to talk about when she wakes up and he hopes that, despite everything, they can still have a life together.

Outside Carrie's room, Alan is looking in as Sami goes by and asks what he is doing. Alan says he is worried about Carrie. Sami rolls her eyes and tells him to quit the act and asks what he is really up to. Alan smiles and asks Sami if she and everyone else is ever going to accept that he has changed. Sami shakes her head and says that nothing can convince her of that. Alan tells her that's a shame as he would like to mend fences with her and her family like he did with Carrie. He wishes her good night and tells her he is praying for her and her family.

Alan leaves as Sami looks in on Austin and Carrie in Carrie's room. She then tearfully prays that everything works out and that Lucas forgives her and Will is found.

-On another end of the hospital, Jack is talking with Billie and Frankie. He refuses to beleive that Abby pushed Cassie. Frankie and Billie don't buy it either but warn Jack that none of them can get involved. The kids need to resolve this themselves. They will only make things worse. Abby and Chelsea return to the group. Abby tells her father that he should go home. JJ needs him. Jack doesn't want to leave her as she needs him. Abby says she is fine. There is nothing he can do for her right now and JJ will want him home. He may be having trouble sleeping and the babysitter will have trouble calming him.

Jack reluctantly agrees but tells her to call if she needs him. He will check on her in the morning. Abby smiles and they embrace. Billie tells Jack she will walk out with him. Billie embraces Chelsea and reminds her if something is wrong she can always turn to her. She is her mother, afterall. Chelsea smiles and says she knows. Jack and Billie leave as Max returns from seeing Cassie.

Frankie asks how Cassie is holding up and Max says she isn't awake. Chelsea looks into Cassie's cubicle and can see that she is awake. Cassie turns and smiles at Chelsea, almost to remind her of what she asked her to do. Abby wheels over to Max and asks if they can talk since Cassie isn't awake.

Max: It's not a good time.

Abby: I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I want you to understand what happened and...


Abby (crying): I know but I want to make sure that you now I didn't force her to fall...I didn't..

Max: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! God, you are usually so selfless but now you are being selfish. Cassie just lost our child and all you are worried about is whether or not I blame you and how it will affect us.

Abby: Max, don't do this!! Please, Max. Don't!! Your pushing me away. Your in pain right now and it will be ok. You will help Cassie through it and I will help you through it and...

Max: ABBY!!! SHUTUP!! (clutching his head and pushing his hair back) I'm not doing anything, ok?! My child is dead. I need to grieve. Cassie and I need to grieve.

Frankie: We understand that Max and I'm sure Abby does too. You know, Abby. (puts his hands on Abby's shoulders and rubs them to comfort her) Just let her talk to you so she can tell you what happened.

Max: We know what happened. Cassie fell. Our child is dead.

Abby: And you blame me? Don't you. I mean, I am responsible but you actually think I forced her to fall. You think I wheeled my chair into her and made her fall, don't you? (looks at Max in tears) DON'T YOU??!!

Max looks at her, Frankie, and a crying Chelsea.

Max: I can't do this. Not now.

Max turns and walks away as Abby breaks down in tears. Frankie embraces and comforts her while a crying Chelsea, feeling guilt over being unable to help, looks into Cassie's cubicle to see her devilish grin as the screen fades to black.

On the next Salem Lives...

Cal to Katherine: What are you saying?

Katherine to Cal: I want more then what we have.

Kayla to Steve: I knew it. I knew this would work.

Austin to Carrie: We need to talk.

Sami to Lucas: Have you thought about it? Have you thought about us?

Jack to Billie (as they dance): Being in your arms, it's feels right.

Roman (in the park as Marlena hides in a wooded area nearby): Doc, are you there?


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Poor MABBY :(

Max turns and walks away as Abby breaks down in tears. Frankie embraces and comforts her while a crying Chelsea, feeling guilt over being unable to help, looks into Cassie's cubicle to see her devilish grin as the screen fades to black.

What a little b*tch!

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