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Episode 287



TWOO Opening

Barbara smiles wickedly as she approaches Dana and tells the young woman her jig is up. Barbara notifies her that the Oakdale Police will be notified if she doesn't hand over the file immediately. Dana realizes she has no other choice and hands over the file. Barbara thanks her and walks off. Just then, Grant returns and finds Dana standing outside. He ushers his noticeably upset daughter back in the house. Dana changes the subject and tells Grant that she has finally closed the deal for his birthday party. Grant fakes excitement and asks his daughter what Millicent is doing back in town. Though she tries to avoid the situation, she ultimately tells Grant her mother is back in town to collect money from him.

Bob can't seem to tell Kim that Chris might have been involved in the mysterious death of an elderly patient at Windy Falls. He can't even bring himself to act normal around his son. Chris notices his father's tension and calls him on it. Bob just tells Chris that he's stressed and apologizes for being so short as of late. Later that night, Bob hears Chris moaning in his sleep. Then he hears Chris say something to "Mrs. Brown". Bob realizes that Chris is having nightmares of the incident and rolls over to find Kim sleeping peacefully beside him. "I can't tell her. It would kill her to know....Hell, it's killing me", Bob mutters. He finally rests his head on the pillow and stares at Kim for a long while before dozing off to sleep.

Emily tells Roxie to get away from her man now! Roxie stands shellshocked as to what just happened and warns Emily that she's playing with fire. A waitress who has noticed all the commotion notifies to the O.P.D. and pretty soon, Margo gets a call about a physical assault at Java. She's horrified when she realizes that it's Andy, Emily, and Roxie involved. An akward exchange of eye contact between Andy and Roxie keeps her from pressing charges. Roxie leaves in a huff. Andy tries to talk to Emily, but she just replies (comically, angrily mimicking Andy from earlier) "I'll be at my mother's if you need me".

Holden asks his son to sit down and talk with him. For the first time in Holden's memory, Luke snaps back that Holden isn't even his real father. Holden tries to reach out to Luke, but it's no use. He won't listen. Luke comes back downstairs after a while and hurriedly tells Holden that he's staying the night at Emma's before Holden can object. Lily comes in and asks what's wrong with Luke now, since he almost knocked her over outside. Holden breaks down, saying that he never meant to raise his hand to Luke. He never meant for it all to escalate like this. Lily calms Holden down and sarcastically informs Holden that their son's wayward behavior should be the least of his problems since she just obtained knowledge of the fact that he's working for an assasin...AKA...her mother.

Katie begs with Henry not to go, but Henry insists. He can't get off. "But I need you", she begs. Henry asks her to take care of Snickers and he'll be back in a few days. Katie breaks out in tears as Henry leaves and she phones Lyla. Lyla promises to be right over to keep her company for the night. As Lyla hangs up the phone, we see Mike standing beside her. Obviously, Mike and Lyla have been in some sort of conversation before Katie called. Lyla tells Mike that she'll do what she can, but she's not making any promises. Mike thanks her and scurries off, leaving Lyla to pray above to the heavens (and to Casey) that their baby girl has gotten herself in one hell of a bind. And it's gonna take all Lyla has not to just scream bloddy murder. Lyla packs up her bags and walks out the door, headed for Katie's.


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