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S&L: Episode 122



Secrets & Lies: Episode 122
Monday, February 12, 2007

Opening Video

- At Wyndemere, Sam walked down the winding staircase, making her way to the master study. As she walked inside, she looked around a little, still in awe over how large the room was. Slowly, she approached a bookcase, looking at the various titles that were there. She made her selection and sat in one of the oversized chairs. Sam was preparing to read, when she heard a door slam. Quickly closing the book, she wasn't sure if she should make a quick exit, or see who was coming into the study. Her body relaxed when she realize it was Nik standing in the entry way of the study.

"You scared me," she said, continuing to relax some.

Smiling a little, Nik approached her, taking a seat across from her. "I'm sorry, I should have said something to let you know it was me," he apologized. "Did you rest well?"

Nodding her head, she placed the book on the coffee table. "Actually, I did have a good rest. I didn't think that I would be able to sleep, considering how large this place is, but I was surprised."

Scratching his eyebrow quickly, Nik wanted to let Sam know that he was scheduling another session for her with Lainey. "Sam, I called Lainey and we thought it might be time to set up another session," he replied, immediately watching for her reaction. When she didn't give one, Nik was prepared to continue on. Unfortunately, before he could, he heard his name being called.

"Nikolas, where are you? We need to talk," Alexis called out, making her way down the hall. She wasn't near the study, but her pace was bringing her closer with each passing second. "Nik, did you hear me?"

"That's Alexis," Nik whispered to Sam. "Here, go out this door until she leaves, okay?" Ushering her to make a quick exit, Nik hurried out of the study to meet Alexis before she approached.

"Why didn't you answer me when I called for you?" Alexis questioned, moving past Nik to sit on the couch in the study. "I need to talk to you, it's important."

- "Michael, I want you to take a few things down in the basement for me," Carly said, taping a few boxes together. "The sooner this stuff is out of my way, the happier I'll be."

Grumbling, Michael picked up one of the boxes, "I don't know why I have to be the one to carry them down in the basement, in a few weeks you'll be telling me you packed something you shouldn't have, and send me right back down for it again." When Carly gave him that motherly look, he quickly exited with the box.

Carly was taping her final box when the doorbell rang. Placing the tape on the table, she walked to the door. Her face immediately grew into a scowl at the person she was staring at. "What the hell do you want?"

"Can I please come in, Carly?" AJ asked, looking at her. "All I want to do is come in and talk to you for a few minutes. Nothing more, nothing less." He came all this way, the least she could do is offer him the time to talk, he thought to himself.

Shaking her head, Carly stood firm, not making a move. "If you want to talk to me, you do it right there. I don't want you in my house. In fact, after this conversation, I don't want to see you near here again."

Holding a hand up, A.J. didn't argue. "Fine, I wanted to talk to you about Michael. I wanted to know if it would be possible if I could spend some time with him; to start over again?"

"You're kidding me, right? You are not actually standing there asking me if I will give you permission to spend time with my son," Carly was growing livid, but making sure not to draw attention to herself, or have Michael overhear, she lowered her tone. "You're not coming nowhere near my son, you got that?"

- The camera cuts to Jason Morgan remembering his recent one night stand with Elizabeth. He appears to be in a trance while staring at the water. His thoughts are interrupted when Lorenzo appears with 3 men.

“It appears that you have some explaining to do Mr. Morgan,” states Alcazar with much intensity. “That little stunt you pulled is going to cost you.”

Not having any idea what Lorenzo is referring to, Jason blows him off. “I’m not in the mood to deal with you and your ramblings. Leave..now.”

Two of Lorenzo’s men get a bit too close to Jason. He throws the first punch, knocking one of the men on his ass. He’s then grabbed by the remaining two and restrained. Lorenzo grabs Jason’s shirt and pulls him in close to whisper something in his ear.

“Let me explain something to you Jason. This little song and dance that Sonny and I have been doing for the past 4 years is really beginning to get old. I am sick of the two of you sticking your nose in my business. I’ve had it. If the two of you don’t stay out of my business…..you’re gonna find your lives and the lives of those closest to you in danger.”

Lorenzo snaps his fingers and Jason is hit in the stomach with a pistol. The men walk off with Lorenzo, leaving Jason clutching his stomach.

- Outside, Sam could hear what was being said. As she listened, she sensed that her voice sounded very familiar to her. Trying not to make any sounds, she stood by the door to hear their conversation.

"So, what's the matter, Alexis? Tell me what's going on," Nik demanded, hoping that his aunt's stay wasn't long. The last thing he needed was Alexis discovering that Sam was there; the last thing he needed was to explain everything that was going on. Damn him for going along with Lucky in this whole mess, he thought to himself.

"Yesterday, I went to go pick up Kristina from school. Imagine my surprise when I get there," she said, still upset by what happened. "Helena was there....with Kristina, Of course when she saw me, she 'played' nice."

Nik focused his attentions on what Alexis was saying. "Did Helena say anything to you? Make any kind of threats of any kind?" he asked, deeply concerned that something could have happened to Kristina if Alexis had not arrived on schedule. "Did Kristina tell you what she said?"

Rolling her eyes out of frustration, Alexis, stood up from the couch. "Of course not. It doesn't matter, the point is that this does not sit very well for me. Helena having complete access to my daughter like that. What if I hadn't gotten..." she broke off her sentence, shaking a little. "What if I hadn't gotten to her on time? Helena has put me through hell with all that she's done. When she locked me and..." Before Alexis could finish her sentence, her cell phone rang.

Walking towards the exit that Sam went out of, Alexis took the phone call. "Okay, fine, I'm on my way. You know that you are putting me in at real inconvenience, don't you by waiting until the last minute." Closing the phone shut, she tossed it back into her purse. "I have to go, but I want you to keep your eyes on watch for Helena. I know she's up to something, and God knows, I don't want Kristina to be a one of her pawns," she said, grabbing her coat and making her way to the door.

Once she was gone, Sam made her way back into the study. She didn't let on to Nik that she heard their entire conversation.

- Monica walks into her office after a long shift and is surprised to see David Hayward in her office. She questions him as to why he’s in her office, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead…..he takes out a folder from his briefcase and tosses it her way. As she opens the folder, she is shocked by all the pictures of her and Kevin making love! In the supply room, in her office, in his office, in his suite at the MetroCourt. How could David do this?

While Monica’s mind races, David leans back in her chair and poses a question.

“So tell me Monica. What’s it gonna take for me to be quiet about your little extramarital activities?

- Back at Carly’s, frustration set in for A.J. "You can't deny me from seeing him, Carly. Yes, I made mistakes, but I want to be a part of his life again. I want to do right by him. That is all I want to do," he replied, pleading his case to her. "Can't you let him make the decision on whether he wants to spend time with me? Why do you have to do it?"

Gripping the doorknob, Carly kept her tone as low as she could. "This isn't a decision that I'm going to let him make. I'm making this decision for him, and the decision is no. I don't want him near you. You've hurt him enough...I won't let you do it again."

Before he could continue talking, Carly pushed the door closed and locked it. Turning her back, she ignored his pounding on the door. Taking the tape from the table, she went back to taping up the remainder of her boxes.

Coming into the room, Michael stared at his mother, "Mom, who was that at the door?"

Without even looking up, Carly gave him her answer. "Nobody you should be worried or concerned about. Come on and let's get the rest of these boxes downstairs."

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies….

- David’s plans for blackmail are revealed
- Luke and Tracy fight about Skye
- Alcazar makes deadly plans for Sonny
- Georgie breaks it off with Dillon


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Top Two Things I Liked About the eppy:

1. Monica getting blind-sided by David...Here she thought it was Ms Lucy Coe, but didn't even think that David would have the upper hand...Question is? What will she do to keep David's lips sealed?

2. The Lorenzo/Jason /Sonny saga...Anytime I can read where Jason is getting bitch slapped a bitch, I'm happy.

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