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Chapter 12 - Episode 3



On the docks --

Faith surprised to see Trevor, her first instinct was to rush into his arms, but she thought better of the idea. She and Trevor had had a long on going relationship, both business and personal, but both had cooled off over the past few years. Trevor had divorced from his wife many years ago, it had been said that Faith was the reason for shambles their marriage was in, though in reality there was a lot more to it.

"Long time no see, Faith." Trevor said as he approached her.

"It sure has been a while, Trevor. As always, it's nice to see you again." she purred.

The initial encounter was a little awkward, she unsure of herself and her feelings she still had for this man she had once called her partner in crime.

"What can I do for you, Trevor?"

"I have a business proposition for you Faith."

"Oh you do, hmmm .. is that all you have for me?" she flirted.

"I'd be lying to you if I told you I didn't come here to see you for a more personal reason, but there's a time and a place for everything, Faith. Now's the time for business, pleasure will come later."

She flashed him a smile that would make any warm blooded man beg for mercy. "What is it that you want, Trevor?"

"I want you to stay away from my family, Faith."

"Or else what? You're going to kill me?"

"You will be swimming with the fish before sundown." Trevor threatened.

"Now is that anyway to treat the best lover you've ever had?" she replied as she tried to seduce Trevor by rubbing her hand up and down the front of his chest.

Trevor grabbed her hand and squeezed. "I never said you weren't a smart and sexy woman, Faith. But my family comes first."

"That's funny because you never thought of them before..." she reminded him of their past together.

"Well things change, Faith. Ric is all I have left and I am not going to stand by and let you of all people ruin his life."

"No Trevor, you did that a long time ago." she replied and then her lips pressed against his. "Remember ..."

"Yeah I remember, you're pretty hard to forget."

"Don't worry, Trevor. Ric won't be harmed unless he gets in my way. I just want what he has. And if he gives it up without a fight, I might let him live long enough to enjoy that family of his." she threatened.

Trevor grabbed her arm and squeezed it tight. "No, you listen Faith. You come anywhere near Ric or his family, you will pay dearly. And you know me Faith, I don't threaten, I make promises. You will not live to see the sunrise. You got that?"

Faith knew Trevor didn't make idle threats, he meant every word he said and she knew she'd be as good as dead if she harmed Ric or the family.

Trevor released his grip on her when he saw she got the message loud and clear. "Now you need to get this straight Faith, Ric and his family are to be left alone, and you will take your sexy little ass back to Miami within the next 24 hours, or I will be paying you another visit. And next time, I will not be so gentle with you."

"Oooh, promise..." she replied trying not to let on he shook her with his threats.

Trevor grabbed her arms with both his hands and pulled her to him with one quick jerk. "Promise ..." he replied and then pressed his lips hard against hers, leaving her a bit breathless and shaken.

Trevor turned and walked away from her, leaving her standing on the docks alone, and weak in the knees. He was a man of power and at that moment, she was left feeling she had no other choice but go back to Miami to lick her wounds. At least she was alive to fight another day. She would get her hands on Ric's territory, she just needed to take Trevor out first.

At the PCPD --

Durant entered the squad room with warrants in his hand. He came upon Mac, Lucky, Zander and Jameson who were still discussing their strategy to bring in Sonny and Ric. Durant slapped the warrants down on the desk.

"Here are the warrants, now go and bring the two of them in!" he ordered as Lucky picked up the warrants and handed the warrant for Sonny to Zander.

"Here, I'll let you do the honors ...." Lucky said as he patted Zander on the shoulder.

"Be careful, Sonny and Ric don't play games. They are to be considered armed and dangerous." Mac said concerned for his men as they went out after the two mob bosses who have run amok in Port Charles for far too long.

Durant approached the holding cage where Carlos Escobar was still waiting for someone to get his statement. "You, I want to talk with you ..." Durant said as he pointed at Carlos.

Another officer unlocked the cage and Carlos was handed over to Durant. "We're going for a little walk ..."

"Ooh where are we going? Carlos asked as Durant took him by the arm and shoved him in the direction he was suppose to go.

"Never you mind where we're going ... walk ...." Durant ordered as he and Carlos headed down the hallway towards his office and gave Carlos another shove.

"Hey, you know this is police brutality?!"

"Shut up and move ...." Durant replied getting annoyed with Carlos' back talk.

They walked down the hallway and stopped at Durant's office door. Durant opened the door and pushed Carlos inside the room.

"Take a seat ..." Carlos did as he was told and sat down in the chair in front of Durant's desk.

"You know you should be extra nice to me if you want the information I have that can put Corinthos away ..."

Durant sat down behind his desk and glared at Carlos. "What is this information you say you have? Perhaps we can make some kind of deal."

"Now see, I don't like to make deals without my attorney. And well, since I don't seem to have one here at the moment, I don't feel oblige to tell you anything.... you know just so I don't incriminate myself."

"Well, why don't we just chalk this up to a friendly conversation off the record. Start singing!"

Carlos didn't see any other choice, he obviously wasn't going to get anywhere with Durant. It wasn't in his best interests to talk, but he knew maybe if he talked he could make some kind of deal later, a deal that would exonerate him and hang Corinthos.

Little did Carlos know but Durant had started to record the entire conversation they were about to have.

At Greystone --

Two patrol cars pulled up outside Sonny's estate, Zander and Jameson were sent there to do a job and they were going to execute the warrants they had been given. They waited till more back up arrived before entering the premises. Once more patrol cars had arrived, the two emerged from their car, guns drawn before they hit the front door of the mansion. No guards at the front gate which seemed a little odd, and the two approached the situation with caution.

As the two stormed the house, they found no one on the inside, an empty house was all quiet, little did they know they had tripped an invisible wire when they opened the front door. A keen eyed Jameson noticed something on the far wall of the foyer.

"Everyone out! Now!" Jameson grabbed the back of Zander's jacket and pulled him back out the front door.

Before anyone knew what had hit them, the mansion exploded. Jameson and Zander fell forward from the impact of the blast, landing close to the patrol cars, face down in the dirt. The other officers took cover behind the patrol cars to protect themselves from the explosion.

Coming up --

- Faith leaves town

- Ric hears of the explosion at Greystone

- Jason escapes capture

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WOW!.....Trevor and Faith had a thing going on too? This was an excellent scene to actually visualize them out on the docks.. :)

Durant is just so smarmy and I absolutely love it.

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