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Episode 284



TWOO Opening

As Dana comes to, Barbara scoffs at her obvious attempt at getting out of a heated confrontation. Dana tells Barbara she probably fainted because of the stress regarding the loss of her job at B.R.O. and her spending money on stuff for her dad's 65th birthday party next week...stuff that she doesn't have the money for now. Barbara, disgusted that Dana still won't produce the file, orders her out. When Dana persists for Barbara to listen to her, Barbara calls in security to escort Dana off the premises.

Lisa and Emma collectively sigh. "What on earth are you wanting now?" Emma asks him. Grant insists that he was just coming by to get some sugar from her. Emma innocently giggles when Grant puckers up to her, but quickly realizes what Grant's doing and vows not to be reeled back in. Grant has no idea what the two ladies have against him and he wonders aloud how they've became such good friends as of late when a few months ago, they were digging their claws in each other, fighting over him. Lisa fires back that they were a bit naive back then and they came to bond over their mutual disgust with Grant Hamilton's sneaky, slimeball ways. Grant playfully chides that that's not the neighborly attitude to have, but is stopped mid-sentence when Dana comes barging in. Emma scolds her, saying she has worse manners than her father...just walking into someone else's house unannounced and uninvited. Dana, with an obvious look of disgust directed towards Lisa and Emma, pays them no attention and orders her daddy come home right away. She has something to tell him.

Bob sits down with Kim at the dinner table and prepares to tell Kim what he has discovered about Chris. "How could my son, the person I raised from a baby boy to a grown man, be involved in such a horrid crime?" he thinks to himself. He imagines Kim's outrage once she learns that Chris might have played a role in the edlerly patient's death at Windy Falls. Back to the present, he listens to her talk about how good it is to have her little boy home and as she begins to describe what she thought when she first held Chris in her arms, Bob begins to rethink even telling Kim. Nancy even walks in the room, furhte rcomplicating Bob's already growing uneasiness. Eventually, Bob gets it out of his mouth that he wants to tell Kim something about Chris. Nancy and Kim listen intently, but Bob just...he just can't. Instead, he tells them that he's thinking of retiring from the hospital and he wants Chris to take his place.

Andy paces back and forth in front of the police station. Margo comes back from her lunch break and asks Andy what's been going on with him. "Why are you so nervous?" she asks. Andy replies that he's been thinking alot lately and he's finally come to a conclusion. He's not going to press charges on Roxie or John. Margo warns him that John might take this the wrong way, like Andy feels guilty about wanting to put his old man in jail. Andy replies that this is not about John at all. He knows that John had a major role in what happened, but he also is starting to see where Roxie's coming from. Margo, taken back, tells Andy that she'll make sure everything is taken care of...but warns her brother not to let John or Roxie get to him. He has a wonderful thing with Emily and he needs to keep that going.


Don't miss the last scene!! Beacuse that would just be downright rued.....

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Loved the continuing argument between Dana and Barbara and Emma putting her in her place.

The scenes with Bob not wanting to upset Kim were good too. Loved the Andy and Margo scenes.

I am looking forward to the next TWOO.Can't wait tosee what you have for that last scene!

Good job as always!!!

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