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January 30, 2007




-At the warehouse district near Pier 9, Caroline returns to the site of the explosion where Victor "died." She bends down and recalls holding him at gunpoint and the many nasty things she said to him. Tears begin to stream down her face as she is finally hit with the reality of Victor being gone and how she acted towards him before the explosion:

Caroline: If I only knew about Bo and Roman...I hope you understand. You always told me to protect your family, especially your children, above all else. That is what I was doing. I hope you can understand that is why I treated you the way I did. I can't condone the actions you were taking and I think you know that. What I hope you know, and I'm not sure that you do, is that a part of me will always love you. Maybe not the man you were before Isabella's death....or before your life ended but I will always have a place in my heart for the man that I concieved a son with. For the man that I couldn't resist in that castle where we were held captive. For the man who would pour his heart out to me and be a loyal and caring friend and confidante.

Caroline places a single rose in the middle of the area where the explosion occured.

Caroline: I hope you can understand...I hope you can forgive me, Victor. May you...rest in peace.

Caroline gets up, wipes the tears from her eyes, and leaves.

- Roman is in his room, talking to a nurse about his being released tomarrow morning. He tells her he is excited and looking forward to getting back to work and to mending fences with his loved ones after what he put them through. Kimberly then bursts in and wheels herself right over to Roman's bed, saying they need to talk now.

The nurse leaves. Roman asks what the problem is. Kim tells Roman that Bo is closing in on the truth. He is up to something. She overheard Dr. Glancy making treatment arrangements with the psychiatric department for tomarrow. She thinks this means that Bo may be undergoing hynosis. Roman asks why she thinks that. Kim says that everyone thinks Bo has been having memories or nightmares about something very traumatic. They say that is what caused the outbursts he had at the hospital and with Hope at the warehouse. The others don't know if painful memories or nightmares are what really caused it but Kim is sure of it based on what she knows. She does know the field of psychiatry, afterall.

Kim also notes how she feels Bo is definitely hiding something. She reminds Roman that Hope mentioned Bo saying after Victor's explosion "I thought these were gone." She thinks he was speaking of memories from the past and that he is lying to those he cares about because he doesn't want to bring them in on it and worry them until he knows what is going on. Roman says that Bo would definitely do something like that. Kim thinks he must be going under hynosis. It makes sense given the outbursts.

Roman tells Kim that no matter what is happening with Bo, there is nothing that can be done. No matter what Bo is or isn't up to, it seems like it won't be long now before the secret is out. They will just have to deal with it and the consequences of it all. Kim tells Roman she is afraid of how this might effect Bo and their family. Roman takes her hand and tells her they will deal with the issue together and will get through this the best they can. He is hopeful they will get through this and that it will all work out. They will make sure it works out. They embrace as Kim tells Roman thank you and that she hopes he is right.

-Hope arrives in Bo's hospital room with JT. Bo is happy to see him and they share a loving reunion. Hope asks why Bo hasn't been released. Bo says he has but he is waiting for Dr. Glancy to come back for something. Hope tells Bo that they need to talk.

She wants to make sure that he is telling her the truth, without a doubt. She can't help but feel that he is holding something back and, if that is the case, she wants the truth about what is going on with them. She tells him that his family thinks he may be lying to protect all of them. He does have a tendency to withhold the truth to protect his loved ones. Bo denies doing that here and says he is telling the truth. He doesn't recall anything after the explosion that killed Victor. The last thing he remembers after that is waking up here. He doesn't remember any outbursts at all.

Hope mentions that they were all thinking the outbursts were caused by nightmares or some sort of painful memory. Bo says he doesn't recall the outbursts he apparently had so he can't say. He reminds Hope that he hit his head during the explosion so maybe this has something to do with that. Caroline arrives and Hope fills her in on what they are discussing.

Caroline warns Bo that he better be telling them the truth after the ruse him and Roman pulled. Bo acts like he is scared and then says he hates that they put them all through this. They felt they had to do this. He promises to make it up to everyone. Dr. Glancy enters to tell Bo he is free to go. He also tells Bo that everything is all set for tomarrow. Hope and Caroline ask what that means. Dr. Glancy tells them that Bo will have to tell them. He leaves.

Bo explains that Dr. Glancy meant that Roman is being released tomarrow. Bo wanted him to tell him if everything was set for that because he told Roman he would be there. Hope and Caroline seem to buy the explanation. Bo hugs JT and tells him that he needs to get dressed so they can leave. Hope asks if Bo is coming home with her. Bo pauses and thinks it wouldn't be a good idea. They clearly still have alot to work out and he doesn't want to push it all aside, something that might happen if he comes home with her and they delude themselves again into thinking everything is perfect.

Hope understands but seems disappointed. Bo kisses JT and hugs him, saying he will see him tomarrow. Bo and Caroline say their goodbyes and Caroline says she will have his room above the Pub ready. Bo thanks her. Bo and Hope look at each other. Hope warns him that he better be telling the truth...about everything. Bo says he is. Hope tells him she will call him tomarrow so they can get together and talk. She leaves with JT. When alone, Bo vows to find out what is going on with him so he can stop the lies once and for all.

At the McCluer home, Renee is washing dishes when James Sr enters. Renee is still upset about what happened at lunch and tells James she feels he is holding back alot. James reminds her of his warning and says it's best if she just stops asking questions. Renee says it was bad enough before when she didn't know what he was doing for Victor but now the man is dead. What can he possibly be doing for a dead guy?

James tells her that even with Victor dead, there is still things to be done. His son is running things now. Renee sarcastically laughs and says it's great that he is working for a guy in his 20's. James asks Renee what she wants from him. Renee tells him she wants the truth. He lied before and he ended up in jail for nearly a decade. Now it seems like deja vu. She warns him that if he is involved in something illegal and dangerous that, this time, she will not come and visit him in prison when he gets caught. Neither will the children. If he gets killed, she isn't going to even attend his funeral, let alone have one.

Meanwhile, while all this is happening, JJ and Angel are listening in with Jonathan. Jonathan says he can't listen anymore and goes to his room to listen to some music. Renee explains to James that she gave him a second chance. He vowed to prove himself time and time again. James says he is trying and will prove himself. Renee is frustrated and tells James he doesn't get it. She knows when he is lying. He has done it too much in the past for her not to. She knows him too well. He has been lying since he got out of jail.

James: Renee, please...

Renee (crying): You know what James...I don't care if I get hurt but I care about our children. So, if all your promises are broken. If this all turns into one big mess, which I know it will, then you better explain to them. You better explain how their father is full of crap and that every single promise and vow...not to mention, every explanation you have given for all the times you never came home or worked until the early hours of the morning, is nothing but lies. I can't even look at you. I can see that I'm right. I can see it in your eyes!!! You disgust me!!!

Renee walks out and runs upstairs as James follows. A loud door slam can be heard. JJ and Angel stare at each other and talk about how they hate this is happening. She wants to beleive daddy is telling the truth and that he has changed from his old ways but it's so hard. He messed up before so who is to say he isn't doing it again. JJ says he wants to beleive dad too but it is hard.

He then tells Angel he has an idea. An idea that will prove once and for all if their father is lying. They can finally end all the fighting and tension. Angel asks how. JJ says that they need to investigate their father. He can use his internship at The Spectator and even follow their father around and, hopefully, prove that dad is in the clear. Angel is weary of the idea but JJ says it can't hurt. They will be extra careful and make sure everythin stays quiet.

He adds that Jonathan can't know. He never sides with their father and they can't have him helping if he is just going to twist everything. Angel agrees and says she will help in any way she can. If it means ending the fighting and finally having peace, she is all for it. JJ is pleased, saying he really needs her help. There is no one else for him to go to. Angel says she is happy to as it's the future of their family they are talking about. JJ tells her they should start right away. He grabs both of their coats as Angel asks where they are going. JJ says to "The Spectator."

-At Chez Rouge, Maggie has finished the bottle of Dom Perigon she was drinking. She regrets drinking it but it made her feel so much better. She sees all the bottles behind the bar. The tempatation is so great but she has overdone it already. She gets up but can't stop staring at the bottles. She slowly begins to walk over to the bar when Doug and Julie walk in. Julie looks at Maggie and asks if there is something she wants to tell them.

Maggie is worried they have seen the empty bottle but is releived when Julie comments on how she changed the seating layout. It looks great. Maggie asks what they are doing here. Julie responds that they are worried about her. She has been through alot and the way she took Mickey's death makes them concerned about how she will deal with Victor's. Maggie says she is fine and feels great keeping busy.

Julie looks at the bar and says she still hates the idea of her being around so much liquor. Maggie says she has hardly thought about drinking. She had some of the staff handle the bar anyway. Like she told Julie on the phone, she is still going to AA and has Lucas on speed dial if she gets the urge. She begs Julie to just trust her and appreciates all the concern. She loves them for it. Doug says that they all just don't want her to shut them out and fall into a depression like after Mickey died. That is what led her to fall off the wagon in the first place.

Maggie insists she has her bearings and won't do that this time. She promises. Julie says they would all feel better if she stayed at Alice's. Maggie refuses, saying Doug and Julie are there and she feels comfortable in her own home. It's for the best. She thanks them for the offer. Maggie then tells them that she has a meeting with a customer who wants to have an event in the restaurant so she needs to lock up and get going. Doug and Julie take their cue and leave. They tell Maggie to call if she needs anything. She says she will and embraces both of them as they leave.

After they leave, Maggie looks at the bar and then walks by it, only to turn back around to look at it again. Outside, Julie calls Alice to tell her Maggie is fine but that she still is going to be checking in on her alot to make sure. Alice urges her not to push it because there will only be problems if they act like they have no trust in Maggie. Julie says she will be careful. She just wants to make sure there isn't a repeat episode of what happened after Mickey died because she fears, if that happened, things would end up much worst then they did then.

Back inside Chez Rouge, Maggie is trying to fight the temptation to drink at the bar. Her hands are shaking and she is clutching her head, trying to resist the urge. Finally, she says:

Maggie: The hell with it!!

Hands shaking and tears steaming down her face, Maggie opens the battle and takes large sip after large sip as the screen fades to black.

On the next Salem Lives...

Greta to Frankie: This is going to be so much fun.

Jack: Time to find out who my new boss is.

JJ (with Angel) to Billie: I think you could help us.

Alan to Carrie: Are you sure you will be fine?

Sami to Lucas: I want you. I need you.

Sami to Will: There is something you should know.


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I might have to backtrack, but what exactly is it that Bo is trying to remember?

I love the whole fallout of the explosion and the angst that Bo is having with all the nightmares; plus, seeing how Roman and Kim are reacting to the possiility that Bo could remember something has me all the more curious.

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I love that Maggie has fallen back into drinking,, it has opened up so much story possibilities for her. Nice way to draw Lucas into a story away from Sami, I hope this gets explored.

Not sure what to make of Kim. I don't know if she is keeping the secret from Bo for selfish reasons or to protect him. I hope it is to protect him. Seems more like her, but the way you are writing her makes it go either way which is great. Keeps us on our toes and is less predictable. Love it. Great episode!

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I might have to backtrack, but what exactly is it that Bo is trying to remember?

I love the whole fallout of the explosion and the angst that Bo is having with all the nightmares; plus, seeing how Roman and Kim are reacting to the possiility that Bo could remember something has me all the more curious.

Bo has been having flashes since he was shot in November in Sydney. He isn't sure if these flashes are actual memories or something else. They went away for a bit but returned after the explosion. It is clear something traumatic is causing them and that is why he had those outbursts two weeks ago but what exactly hasn't been revealed yet.

Kim and Roman know what this is all about and are preparing for the truth to come out, which it will during sweeps ;)

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