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S&L: Episodes 110-114



Secrets & Lies: Episode 110-114
Monday, January 29, 2007

Opening Video

- Mac and Lucky executed the orders Anna had given to them, and picked up Lorenzo. He was read his rights as they walked into the PCPD's squad room. An officer was already typing up the report as Lucky sat Lorenzo in the chair.

"Sit down ..." Lucky ordered as he shoved Lorenzo down into the chair.

"So what am I being arrested for this time?" Lorenzo asked.

"A whole list of charges, Alcazar. Do you want me to read them all?" Lucky said sarcastically.

"Yeah I would, then I want my phone call to call my attorney."

"Well let's start off with receiving stolen merchandise and possession with the intent to distribute said stolen merchandise...how does that grab ya?"

Lorenzo rolled his eyes at Lucky snarkiness. "Yeah, can I call my attorney now?"

"Well, see about that ... it might take a while to get you processed, you know fingerprints, pictures, and typing up the reports. Perhaps I can get you that phone call in a few hours."

"The caring from you, Lucky is astounding, you know that?" Lorenzo replied as Lucky grabbed his arm to stand him up.

"Come on, we're taking a little walk...and I don't need to hear your mouth."

- Looking at the young woman, the tall gentleman, Ric Lansing, immediately saw a familiar resemblance to her. “I don’t want to sound corny or anything, but have we met before?”

Sarah immediately smiled at his question. “I don’t believe so, but now that I think of it, you look familiar to me as well.” Sarah wouldn’t deny to herself that she thought this man looked invitingly handsome, and that there was something about him that peaked her curiosity.

As for Ric, it took only a quick moment to realize who she reminded him of. She looked so much like Elizabeth. “Can I ask you a question?” he said, clearing his throat. “You said you were going to look for your sister. Would that sister by any chance be Elizabeth Webber?”

A puzzled look came over Sarah’s face. “How do you know who I’m sisters with?” she questioned, taking a step back from him. “Who are you?”

Extending his hand to her, Ric gave a small smile. “I didn’t mean to scare you, but I’m Elizabeth’s ex-husband, Ric Lansing.”

Snatching her hand from his, Sarah glared at him. “So you’re the bastard that caused my sister so much pain.”

- Jason comes home to find Liz sitting on his sofa. Though he’s surprised to see her, he’s very happy that she’s there. Liz (obviously drunk) comes on to Jason very hard. In her inebriated state, her feelings for Jason pour out. He tries to calm her down, but she vents to him about everything: work, home, Lucky, the stress of being a mother and so much more. Without Jason’s friendship she wouldn’t know what to do. Feelings within Jason begin to come to the surface and he kisses her. He stops himself before they go too far, but can’t resist her. Liz pulls Jason into another embrace and they two make love.

- Maxie being computer illiterate asks someone she knows will be easy to manipulate into helping her get the files she needs from Dillon's computer. She asks a computer wizard, named Paul to assist her in her plans.

"I need you to do something for me." she flirts with Paul.

He not sure what she's up to, but enjoys the attention, nonetheless. "To do what? Is this another one of your brilliant plans again Maxie?" Paul hesitant to help her, not wanting to get caught up in all the drama that is Maxie Jones.

"I can't tell you. But I need you, Paul." Maxie replied as she turned on the charm. "I need you to hack into someone's computer and retrieve some files for me."

"Isn't that illegal?"

"It's only illegal if you get caught, and we're not going to get caught. Do you know why?"

"Why, Maxie?"

By now, Maxie is laying on the flirtation thick to get Paul to do what she wants, and he's a pile of goo in her hands. "Because you're just that good at what you do, Paul." she flirted.

Paul beginning to stutter and sweat, he's always had a crush on her but knew she'd never go for a guy like him. A computer wiz, smart, and intelligent. Not Maxie's type. But she could make him do just about anything for her.

"Where's the .... computer and .... what files do .... you need?" Paul stuttered as he conceded to helping her.

Maxie reached into the bag she had carried with her and pulled out Dillon's laptop. She had swiped it from Dillon earlier, she didn't have much time to get what she needed and get it back to Dillon before he'd begin to miss it.

"Here ..." she handed the laptop to Paul.

Paul opened it up and began to do what he need to do to find the files Maxie was looking for. "Why do want these so bad, Maxie?"

"Don't talk, hack ..." she replied and handed him a CD to use to put the files on that she requested.

Paul put the CD in the laptop and downloaded the files she wanted. Maxie grinned with glee as she saw the files being downloaded, but wanted Paul to work faster, she didn't have a whole lot of time.

"Hurry up, Paul. I don't have a lot of time! Doesn't this thing go any faster?"

"Patience, my dear .... patience."

Maxie was getting antsy, she needed to get Dillon's computer back to him before he started looking for it. The download was finally complete and Paul removed the disc from the computer.

"Here you go ..." he said as he handed the disc to her.

"Thank you ... a million thank you's." she said as she snatched the CD from his hand.

"Anytime ..." Paul said as he smiled and got all dreamy.

Maxie grabbed the laptop and put it back in her bag, and put the disc into her purse. "You're the best, you know that?" she said as she complimented him and then left, leaving him still wondering what she needed the files for, but really didn't care, he just enjoyed the feeling of being needed by Maxie Jones.

Sam found herself wanting to breathe some fresh air, she had been cooped up in the apartment for far too long. She made her way to the rooftop of the apartment building and breathed in the air she so desired. She didn't know how long she was up there, but it didn't take her long to lose track of time as she started to fantasize about what life would be like with Lucky. They had been spending a lot of time together, and being in close quarters, feelings for him were starting to develop for her. As she sat wondering about what could be, she was startled back to reality by Nikolas, who came looking for her.

"Hi .... I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." he said as he approached her.

"Hi .. I was just ...."

"Daydreaming? Yeah you were pretty deep in thought."

Sam smiled and blushed a little at the thought of Nikolas knowing who she was daydreaming about. "What are you doing here?" she asked as Nikolas came and sat down beside her.

"I came with a proposition for you." he said as her eyes widened.

"A proposition?"

"Yeah. You've trapped in that tiny apartment for too long, and I think you'd more comfortable at Wyndemere. You'd have the entire island to yourself. Lucky can move in too if you want. I mean, if that makes it more comfortable for you that he is there."

"It was too good to be true. A situation like this doesn't fall into your lap every day," she thought. "Can I think about it?" she asked.

"Sure ... the offer stands, and you can move in whenever you're ready to." Nikolas smiled.

"Thank you for offering Nikolas, and I’m not trying to be rude. But why are you doing this?" Sam questioned his motives.

"Because I want to. I see how you are here with Lucky. You need room to stretch your legs, besides, Wyndemere is much nicer then the apartment you live in now. And it's away from everyone on the mainland. Like I said, you'd have the entire island to yourself."

“But what if someone sees me. Lucky tells me that you’re dating umm….what’s her name….Carly?”

“I’ve already informed the guards that if anyone who isn’t Lucky, I or Lainey arrive, we are to be warned before hand.”

It didn't take Sam long to figure out this offer will only come to her once. She agreed to move into Wyndemere with Nikolas, but on one condition. Lucky is part of the deal.

- As they walked down the hall to booking, Lucky had Lorenzo by the arm, he still in hand cuffs. Lorenzo saw her coming. The infamous Anna Devane, she very much intrigued him. He eyed her up and down as she approached them. She stops them to get the report on Lorenzo's arrest.

"Everything went smoothly, I assume ..." she said to Lucky as they stopped to talk in the hallway.

Lorenzo smiled as she stood before him, not paying him any mind. "Yeah, smooth as silk. I'm taking him down to booking now. We'll get all the formalities out of the way, and then I figured you wanted to have a chat with him."

Anna looked up at Lorenzo. "I do indeed ..." she smirked and Lorenzo smiled in return.

Anna walked passed them and Lucky continued walking Lorenzo down to the booking area of the PCPD. They needed to this by the book if they wanted the charges against Lorenzo to stick this time. He was looking at prison time if Anna had her way. And Anna Devane always gets her way.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-

- Skye is furious when she has to bail Lorenzo out of jail and is taunted by Tracy
- Carly and Sonny discuss how to handle Michael (who’s been acting out in school)
- Liz doesn’t regret making love to Jason
- Someone watches as Nikolas & Sam bond while she’s being moved into Wyndemere
- Lucy meets with Kevin & Monica at the MetroCourt


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Loving that Anna is bringing the heat on Lorenzo and will be doing the same with Sonny/Jason...Excellent storyline for her.

Also love that Sam is developing something for Lucky....can't wait to see Liz's face, as well as Jason's face when they both learn that Sam is very much alive and that she's with Lucky.

Maxie is trip....Turning on the charm to get what she needs to mess with Dillon/Lucas... Lucas has enough to deal with regarding Bobbie, now he'll have to deal with Dillon's feelings and what lengths Maxie has gone through to mess with them both.

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  • Members

Again great episode. I love the Sam/Nikolas/Lucky storyline a lot more than I thought. Liz and Jason are awesome together,I love them together. Very intriguing episode.

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