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January 25, 2007




In Bo’s hospital room, Caroline walks over to Bo as he stands at the window looking out. She wants to know the answer to one simple question:

Caroline: Bo, how much do you remember after the explosion of Victor's limo? Do you remember anything about the violent episodes youd had with Hope in the warehouse and here at the hospital?

Bo: Ma, I’m just fine, ok? I remember exactly what I told you. And now, it seems like you’re brow beating me because you don’t trust what I’m telling you.

Caroline: Bo, you listen to me. I just heard your brother admit to me and the family that you and him have been involved in some secret mission against the mafia underworld in Salem. So, please forgive me for bugging you about something that is obviously effecting you seriously enough to land you in the hospital......

And forgive me for loving you too.

Kimberly sits outside his room, listening to their conversation. Not only is she not buying his story to their mother, she wonders if he is getting closer to the truth.

Back inside, Bo responds to his mother.....

Bo: (Turning to face her) Ma, I appreciate everything you’re trying to do. I’m also sorry that Roman and I had to deceive you. That was not our intention. We were only trying to protect the family.

Caroline: (Placing her hand on his cheek) Is that what you’re doing now, son? Trying to protect me?

Bo: (Pausing, taking her hand and kissing her palm) You don’t need protecting. You proved you’re a strong lady, over and over again. (Looking down and then back at her) Let me handle this for right now, ok?

Caroline: But, Bo.........

Bo: And (Taking her hand) If I stumble on anything that is important, I promise to tell you before anyone. Deal?

Caroline: (Pausing, then sighing deeply) Ok. I’ll trust you to do the right thing and let me help you when you need me. And......you better keep that promise.

Bo: Oh, I will. I’ve seen you when you’re mad.

Bo kisses Caroline on the cheek and then goes back over to his bed. Kimberly closes the door before she is seen and wheels off uncomfortably, hoping that her and Roman can keep this under wraps before Bo does remember.......and does something foolish.

-Down in the cafeteria, Doug walks over to Hope, who is sitting on a couch looking out a window in the same direction Bo was looking into. He sits down next to his “princess” and she greets him by saying......

Hope: Hi, Daddy. How are you?

Doug: Oh, I’m fine, princess. You look very happy right now. Care to share?

Hope: Oh, I’m sorry. Must be grinning from ear to ear.

Doug: (Laughing) Yes, you definitely are.

Hope: Well, Bo gets out of here today. I’m just so happy that he seems to be getting better. Well.......except for these damn spells and so called nightmares we believe are behind the outbursts he is having.

Doug: Look, darling. All you can do is be there for him. He loves you more than anything and you know that. With everything you two have been through.......

Hope: And it’s been a lot.....

Doug: Yes, it has. He will need you when he feels like opening up.

Hope takes Doug’s hand and admits to him, in a deep, humble voice.....

Hope: You know, we were just getting past his mistakes that contributed to Zack’s death and now this. He kept from me and lied about his part in that tragedy now how do I know he hasn’t been lying about his condition after the explosion?

Doug: Everything you’ve said is true, my dear. But......that’s where trust comes in, you know? Julie and I are going through our own thing right now involving her defending Victor and it has made us say things we shouldn’t have. You have to let him know that as scary as it is for you to do after everything......that you trust him enough to do the right thing.

Hope: Oh, Daddy. I know you’re right. But, I hate all of this secret keeping between us.

Doug: Secret keeping? What secret are you keeping from him?

Hope stops before she answers, trying to think of something fast. She covers by saying.....

Hope: Oh, it’s just that........I don’t trust him as much as I say I do. I just found out what he and Roman have been doing and that just brings up bad memories from the past, that’s all.

Doug: (Looking into her eyes) My dear, that comes with the territory. When trust is shaken, it takes just that much longer to get it back. I know.

Hope: That’s good to know. I just hope......

Hope then has another flashback of remembering that Chelsea is her daughter and not Billie’s or Bo’s....

Hope: That I can tell him the truth one day soon. This is killing me. But, like you said, Daddy. It will get better.....in time.

Doug: Trust that it does, princess.

Doug takes his little girl in his arms and holds her lovingly, while Hope wonders to herself when the right time will come to let out this secret.

-Back in Alice’s living room, Alice talks over the recent events with Julie. She asks her about all the shootings and bombings and asks if things have finally calmed down. Julie tells her that she doesn’t think so. Victor may be dead but Stefano is still out there somewhere and Ernesto could rear his head at any moment. She sadly says, walking over to the fireplace, that things may not be quite finished with all of them.

Alice then says, speaking of being finished.......is her feelings for Victor finally finished for good now that he’s gone? Julie responds, saying that her brief dalliance with him was just one of those things. She just saw where he was coming from by trying to protect his family and friends. The same way Maggie does. Alice reminds her that he ordered for Roman to be shot, among other things. She asks if that is what Julie is talking about?

Julie says no. She doesn’t mean things like that. She loves Roman and the Brady's dearly. Sitting back down on the couch, she looks at her grandmother, telling her that Doug should also understand about not always doing things on the up and up, seeing as he was a con man. She just says she understands how Maggie feels about him and what he did, that’s all. Julie looks down into her lap as Alice sighs deeply, telling her to be careful with her feelings and reminding her of the really decent and good man she’s been married to for the last 30 years. Julie knows she’s very lucky and will take her words to heart as she takes her grandmother’s hand and pats it lovingly.

-At The Pub, Lucas sees Maggie walk in and invites her to sit down. When she does, he sympathetically ask her how she’s doing since Victor’s death. She says she is trying her best but she blames herself for his death just like she still feels she’s to blame for Mickey’s tragic death. When asking Maggie if she feels like drinking again, she answers, saying that she feels exactly now like she did then. Lucas, figuring that is she called him to meet with her, takes her hand across the table, telling her that he will always be there for his favorite aunt. After all, he says, Hortons stick together.

Maggie smiles at him, thanking him for sticking by her. She tells him that she feels a lot more comfortable coming to him than going to the others because she just thinks Doug, Alice and the rest of the family wouldn’t understand. She adds that she is so happy he was released from the hospital. It's good to have him around. Lucas thanks her for that and tells her that she helped him when he was tempted to fall off the wagon and now, it’s time to return the favor. She thanks her nephew once again and tells him that she will try her best to do right, even though she knows...............

That Victor is still alive, a fact she continues to keep private.

-Steve is in his hospital room, waiting for Kayla to return with news on his condition. While he lays in his bed, he hears a nurse in the hallway drop a bedpan and the noise triggers another violent memory.....

.....Of being strapped down once again on a gurney, laying inside a dark room. Steve is struggling against the straps, begging and screaming at the top of his lungs for his captors to......


Someone leans over him and tells him that they are going to inject him with a special medication, one in order for him to relax. Steve fought and fought as other men held him down and then, as the syringe is put into his arm.......

Steve jumps up out of the hospital bed, not knowing that Kayla is there, telling him everything will be alright. She reminds him of the Christmas that the two of them walked with Benji on the pier and called himself “Patchy Claus”. Steve’s memory flashes to that and it seems that what Kayla did is working because these memories are cancelling out the horrible memories. Once Steve comes out of it, he’s breathing hard and looks over at Kayla, thanking her for saving him once again. She tells him that she didn’t do anything special. But he disagrees.

Her love.....

Their love......is what saw him through once again. It allows him to fight off and overcome whatever was done to him while he was gone all those years. She says that her love for him is timeless and that he can always count on her. He tells her how hard it is for him to feel so damn.......vulnerable. She says she knows. That’s why it took so long for them to get together. He says how sorry he is for that. She tells him to stop that. She had some of the best years of her life with him, even through all of the turmoil and tragedies.

Which brings up an idea she has. He asks if it will involve shock treatments and she smiles, saying he has nothing to worry about on that end. She tells him that she was talking to a colleague of hers who suggested that since he seems to feel so comfortable with her, even when he’s under the grip of these spells, that they should go on a trip. When Steve looks at her like she lost her mind, she laughs and tells him to hear her out.

They will go to many of their old haunts. Special places to both of them that could very well help him jog his memory. He looks at her with a lot more confidence but with some worry, asking her if she can handle him if he flips out again and goes all Charlie Manson on her. She is sure she can. The goal is that, if he can trigger his good memories, it may go along way into releasing him from the grip of what has him and he may not only get his memory back, he could put these episodes behind him.

Steve sits up on the side of his bed, telling her he likes the idea. He takes her hand and says that he is willing to try anything to get back his life.......especially if it is with someone as beautiful and loving as her. Kayla blushes, saying that is the first romantic thing he’s said to her since he returned. Steve just laughs, saying that he’s a regular Clark Gable. She laughs slightly, telling him she will go and make all the arrangements. She kisses him on his cheek and, as she walks out, he looks at her kindly, thankful that he has such a wonderful person who wants to help a guy like him out. He lays back down and stares up at the ceiling.

-Sami sees Eric walking in the park getting some exercise and races up to catch him. When she reaches him, she asks:

Sami: Aye, big brother. How are you doing?

Eric: Oh, just fine. This walking is great. It maybe a little cold but I don’t mind it. Allows me to clear my head.

Sami: Well, that’s good. As long as you are taking care of yourself and not doing that stupid crap you did last time.

Eric: No.......MOM (Laughing),.........I’m watching what I do.

Sami: Speaking of Mom........

Sami goes and sits on the nearest park bench and, after Eric takes in the way she brung up their mother, he follows her and sits as well. She asks Eric.......

Sami: Eric, have you seen or noticed anything.......well, wrong......with Mom?

Eric: What do you mean, sis?

Sami: Well, she’s been snapping at Belle and me, getting real snort. And, she’s so damn secretive. She gets all defensive if any of us ask her anything about where she was when she had been gone all that time we thought she was dead. On top of the fact......Daddy has even said that she has been acting really weird with him. I was just asking if you saw the same things we have.

Eric: Well, no. Remember, sis, I was in a hospital room recovering for most of the end of the year into the New Year. I’ve missed all of her recent behavior since she’s returned. What do you think we should do?

Sami: Keep an eye on her, that’s what. I guess she feels that we are all trying to gang up on her but.....I don’t care. She’s my mom and I love her too much to watch her harm herself......or someone else.

Eric: You know.....it’s really good to see you like this, sis. I’ve always loved you, even when you did that silly, hateful crap. But now......you are really turning into a splendid person.....

And one I’m now proud to call sister.

Sami smiles and then looks away as a tear falls down her face. She tries to wipe it without Eric noticing but he does. He smiles as well, knowing he touched her by his kind words but makes a joke out of it by saying.........

Eric: Now, if you start that crying, your face might freeze.

Sami: (Chuckling) Oh really. Well.....what better way for it to freeze......than for your favorite brother to tell you how proud he is of you?

Eric: (Sitting closer to her) Sis, you keep being the person you are now.....and you’ll never have to worry about my love. Deal?

Sami: (Pausing) Now that’s a deal. (Wiping her cheek) And Mom?

Eric: We’ll just have to keep an eye on her....and then tell Dad about what we have found out. But, we keep this between me, you & Belle. No need calling Jonathan and telling him or the rest of the family until we know something concrete, ok?

Sami: You got it.

They both then get up and walk in the sunny, cool air towards the water fountain, both silently hoping that their mother will be ok.

-In a cheap motel room on the outskirts of town, Marlena wakes up with a screaming hangover. She blocks the sunlight coming through the window with her arm and jerks her head away. But, that is the moment when she notices just how bad her head is hurting her. She lays it back down when she notices that she is not alone.

She has a visitor........and that person is..........

Marlena: James. What in the funky ass hell are you doing here?!

James: Well, after almost getting my tail kicked saving you from being the main course at a group thing, I brought you here after you eventually passed out. By the way.....what the hell were you thinking taking your damn clothes off and doing a striptease on top of a bar stool?!

Marlena: Look, partner. (Getting out of bed) I know what I need to do and when I need to do it....and don’t need any god damn lip from you about what I do in my off hours, got that?

James: No, it doesn’t work that way, lady. We are a team, remember?

Marlena gets a cup of coffee that James bought and takes a sip of it. She can barely stand, with her head feeling like the Super Bowl is being played inside of it at that very moment. She then slowly sits back down and says to him.......

Marlena: Look. All you need to do is stay out of my way. I’m enough of a professional to not mess this up, ok? And I don’t need a damn partner treating me like he’s my father, alright? Nothing gives you that right. Now.....if you don’t mind, I’m going to wash up.

Marlena slowly walks around the bed and to the doorway of the bathroom but then stops. She turns to James and sexily asks...........

Marlena: Want to join me?

James: No, thanks. Just go get yourself cleaned up so we can get out of here.

Marlena: (Looking him up and down) Suit yourself. (Pausing) Your loss, I guess.......partner.

When she comes back out, Marlena seems more refreshed. She is already dressed again and prepares to leave. When James gets up out of his chair asking her where she’s going, she tells him that she has unfinished business to attend to, if that is alright with him. He grabs her by her arm, telling her that the next time she wants to be a porn star, he might not be there to save her ass. She responds, saying who does he want to save her fine ass for........him? She laughs as she snatches her arm away from him.

Then, suddenly, she stops laughing, taking a step forward, and getting in his face. She reminds him that she takes her orders from the big deals and that he would do kindly to remember that before he has more to worry about than that. When James asks if she is threatening him, she responds, saying.....

Marlena: What in the [!@#$%^&*] do you think?!

She then picks up her purse, looks back at him, smiles, and then saunters out, leaving James to look at the ceiling, asking.......

James: How much worse can this thing get?

The screen freeze frames and then slowly fades to black on his worried expression.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Alan to Carrie: Have you made a decision about the baby?

Will to Kate: Why don't you just leave my parents alone?

Austin to Nicole: Are you jealous of Eric?

Philip to Lucas: Sorry bro, your fired.

Sami to Belle: I am worried...our mother needs help and fast.

Marlena (On her cell phone): Don't you there scream at me, you got that?

James to Renee, James Jr, Jonathan, and Angel: You all have to stay out of this or there is no telling what trouble you will bring.


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