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January 10, 2007




***ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to personal reasons, Salem Lives was forced to be preempted on Tuesday January 9, 2006. In response to these unforseen events, yesterday's episode will be posted today and the rest of the week will run one day behind. However, in an effort to catch up, we will post a special Saturday episode on Saturday night, which will be Friday's episode in reality. The SL Insider will be posted Sunday instead of Saturday and the promo for next week will be posted sometime after that. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and, hopefully, things will start getting back to normal soon. You will find yesterday's episode, really now today's. posted right before this note. Thanks to our readers, fellow writers, and all of SON for their understanding in this matter.***

-Cal wakes up as it is a new day, still reeling from his memory breakthrough the other night, and is hopeful this is the beginning of him getting his life back. He pulls himself out of bed and finds himself covered in sweat. Cal opts to take a shower to clean himself up.

Meanwhile, unbeknowst to Cal, Katherine has just finished the shower and is about to open the shower doors. Cal is right outside the bathroom and listens in to see if Katherine is in there. After not hearing anything, Cal decides to enter. He opens the unlocked door and enters, just as Katherine climbs out of the shower. Cal has his back turned as Katherine is getting out and undresses himself. Katherine finally looks up and is so stunned to see Cal she drops her towel. Cal turns to see a naked Katherine and smiles.

Cal: Well, Dr. Harcourt. This is a side of you I have never seen before. I like it...I like it alot.

Katherine (studying Cal's body as much as he is studying her's): Uh...um...stop it!!

Katherine quickly picks up her towel and covers up, finally realizing how embarassing the situation is. Cal smiles and says she has nothing to be ashamed of. Katherine asks Cal to cover up. She is his doctor only and she thought he understood that. She is pleased that they are getting along now but what is between them can't go beyond patient/doctor or friendship.

Cal smiles and says he understands but also knows that you can't stop what is meant to be. Katherine is silent and changes the subject to Cal and how he is feeling. Cal says he is fine and is very hopeful now for the future. He thinks the breakthrough he had will lead to him recovering his total memory and finally reclaiming his life. Katherine urges him not to get his hopes up and says she was concerned about him after he woke up from sleeping after having the memory flash and then immediately laid back down and seem to pass out. Cal insists he is fine. Katherine asks about what he remembered. Cal fills her in and Katherine worries about the memories being too powerful and too much for him. That may be why he passed out immediately after the memory flash.

Cal urges Katherine not to worry and that he is sure everything will work out now. She exits the bathroom so he can shower. He asks her to join him but she only smiles and leaves. After leaving, Katherine seems concerned and hopes Cal can handle whatever effect the memories have on him mentally and physically.

-At the Horton House, the doorbell rings. Doug answers and embraces Maggie, who says she has come to see Alice. Doug informs Maggie that Julie and himself are about to visit Lucas at the hospital. Maggie says she already has seen him and says he is doing well. Julie appears and asks Doug if he is ready to go. Julie embraces Maggie and asks how she is doing. She says she is fine. Julie can see that she is worried about Victor and reminds Maggie how resourceful and strong Victor is. He will find a way out of this and will be back before she knows it.

Doug is angered by the fact that Julie is encouraging Maggie's involvement wiht Victor. Julie tells Doug that Victor is a good man deep down but he will do anything to protect his family. It is that determination that has driven him to start this war. Julie acknowledges Victor has made mistakes but he has good intentions. Doug is stunned she would say that as so many innocent people have been caught in the crossfire because of his actions. Julie suggests they drop this and go to the hospital. They both embrace Maggie and leave.

Maggie enters the living room and sees Alice sitting in her chair. Maggie comes over and kisses her. Alice admits she heard the whole discussion that was going on in the other room. She can tell Maggie is conflicted about Victor and everything that has happened. Maggie laughs and says that it seems nothing ever gets by her. Alice laughs and says she knows her family and she can tell when something is wrong.

Maggie knows Victor is going about everything the wrong way but she understands what he is trying to do. He wants to protect his family and loved ones and wants revenge. She wants the same thing for Mickey's death. Alice asks if that is partly why Maggie is justifying what Victor is doing in her mind. Maggie thinks that could be it. She sees everyone, including Caroline, turning against Victor because of what he has done to Bo and everyone else but she can't. He has helped her get through so much and she cares about him. Alice asks just how much does she care for him.

Maggie says they are close friends. Alice reminds Maggie that she has followed Victor into some dangerous situations, including Sydney and the shootout on New Year's. Alice says she has seen the way Maggie looks at Victor and she believes this could be something that goes well beyond friendship. Maggie denies that notion but Alice notes that Maggie may not realize just how strong her feelings for Victor have become. Maggie looks at Alice, wondering if she may be right.

-At the hospital, Kate is with Lucas. She tells him about Chelsea knowing about her condition and about Austin thinking he saw Carrie. Lucas doesn't buy that as Carrie would make herself known to them all. She is too caring a person to lurk around and then run away when someone she cares about saw her. Kate agrees and thinks Austin thought he saw her in the heat of the moment or something.

Sami arrives with Will and asks how Lucas is feeling. Lucas embraces Will and says he is fine and will be ok in no time. He does have something he wants to tell them all. Lucas admits that his being shot made him realize what he was doing to all of them. He wants to protect them but he also doesn't want them worried sick or to suffer thinking about him involved in shootouts and dangerous operations that he really has no business being in. He has decided that he will no longer be a part of Victor's operation. He will find some other way to settle the Carrie situation and get her back here.

Austin is just about to walk in when he overhears. He bursts in, furious with Lucas. He reminds Lucas that he is the reason they both got involved in Victor's organization and, if he thinks it will be that easy to just up and quit, he has another thing coming. Lucas says he wants things to go back to normal. He wants to be with his son and family. He just now realizes his place is with Sami and he doesn't want to lose all that. Kate rolls her eyes as Sami and Will both smile.

Doug and Julie both arrive and embrace Lucas, happy he is ok. Lucas fills them both in on what is going on. Austin asks about Carrie. Lucas says they will just have to find another way. He wants her and his child back but not at the risk of his life and the risk of destroying his family's lives and futures. Austin understands but warns it may not be easy to break away from Victor, especially with Lucas still working at Titan. Lucas understands but says he can soften Victor by offering to aid him in any way via his job at Titan. He can do some legwork or take care of the company or something while Victor focuses on other things. Austin thinks that may work.

Kate asks Austin if that means he will be ending his involvement with Victor too. Austin says if Lucas is, he may as well do so too. Kate embraces him, very pleased. Sami does the same and only wishes Uncle Bo would've quit too before it was too late.

-Kimberly and Kayla are talking outside Steve's room. Kimberly still can't understand what is going on with Bo. Kayla admits that she can't either. Kayla notes how hard things are for the family right now with Bo on the run, Roman shot, Chelsea being hospitalized, and what is happening to Steve. Just when things were finally better after what happened with Eric, all this happens. Kimberly comforts her and asks how Steve is doing. Kayla says that all his tests came back fine. He has nothing wrong with his brain or anything else. She is so worried about him and doesn't know what to do.

Kim says she is doing everything she can and asks if she called Stephanie. Kayla says she won't call her until she knows what they are dealing with and then asks Kim what if what they are doing isn't enough. He has been ill for a few days so clearly something is wrong but the tests so nothing. He can't get any help until they find out what is going on and they may not find out anything until it is too late. Kim embraces her and says they will get through this and that it will all work out.

-Meanwhile, in Steve's room, Shane is visiting with Steve. Steve knows Kayla is worried about him and admits he is worried too. He doesn't know why he is feeling ill and why he had those headaches and that violent episode he had at the ball. He just had that memory flash of men all around him and he was trying to fight them off but couldn't. Shane wonders if either Lawrence or Stefano did something to him while he was in captivity. Steve thinks that is what he is remembering.

Steve regrets coming back to Salem from Sydney with Kayla but he had to. She had gotten shot and he couldn't just leace her. He had called both Kayla and Jack by the nicknames he had for them so he thought, like Kayla said, that he was making progress. Having Stephanie back really helped and he felt comfortable, so comfortable that he felt "right" holding Kayla in his arms. Shane says that is good. Steve admits he is afraid of what he might do to Kayla if he has another memory flash and goes crazy like he did again. He asks Shane not to tell Kayla or anyone else what they have discussed, especially the details about the memory flash.

Shane says that Kayla was right there in the ballroom when he got hysterical so she may already know what is going on. Even if she doesn't, she has a right to know as his wife and as a doctor. She could have Kim, who is a therapist, help too. Steve says no and begs Shane to stay silent, at least for now. Shane reluctantly agrees but makes Steve promise to tell Kayla if he gets worse. Steve agrees. Shane privately wonders if he can keep Steve's secret on top of Carrie's. He worries about how the Brady's will react about his deception.

-Belle is outside Philip's hospital room, clearly afraid and hesistant to enter. The nurse asks if she is ok as she notices Belle shaking. Belle says she is fine. The nurse says that her husband has been wondering where she was as she has yet to come see him since he was admitted yesterday. Belle says she was just worried about her mother and father and there was just so much going on. The nurse understands and is sure Philip will too. Belle quietly says "don't be so sure." The nurse asks what she said but Belle says it was nothing.

The nurse adds that Philip will need Belle with his father on the run. Belle smiles and just nods. The nurse leaves as Belle realizes she has to face Philip sooner or later. She is about to enter his room but then becomes hesitant. As she shakes, tears fall from her eyes and she opts to turn back and leave. As she is about to walk away, Philip yells out for her to come in. He says is awake and that he is fine. Belle peers in from behind the door and asks if Philip is mad. He says he isn't and says he knows about what is going on with her family. He understands but he needs her and wants to see her.

Belle slowly walks over to Philip and smiles. He smiles back and asks how she is. Belle says she is trying to be strong but her mother is acting weird and they all think she is still not right. Her father is in ICU and her Uncle Steve is ill. Philip assures her it will be fine. Belle says he must be relieved about Lucas and Austin being ok. Philip nods and says it would've been nice if his wife was with him and there for him during all this. He needs her now with his father on the run. Belle apologizes and says she knows but her family needs her too.

A nurse then comes in and says that her grandma Caroline is looking for her. Belle thanks the nurse and says she is on her way. Belle tells Philip she must go but assures him she will be back soon. Just as Belle is about to walk away, Philip grabs her arm hard. Belle tells Philip he is hurting her but he becomes enraged and says:

Philip: You go where I say you go. You do what I say you do...you...[!@#$%^&*]. Is that understood?

Belle throws Philip's hand off of her and tells him to go to tell. She then walks out. Philip throws a vase at the wall. The nurse races in and asks if he is fine. He says he is and it was just an accident. His wife moved the vase and his leg must have knocked it off the tray table. The nurse goes to get something to clean it up as Philip says:

Philip: You will pay for this, Belle. I warned you to obey my rules...MY ORDERS!! Your beloved family and friends have been far too suspicious of our situation and I don't like that and...now...you leave me...after not coming to see me since I've been here. You will pay for your disobediance my precious Belle. Mark my words YOU WILL PAY...

The screen then fades out on Philip's sinister grin.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Alice to Maggie: Folllow your heart, dear.

Maggie to Alice: Even if that leads me to Victor?

Caroline to Belle and Hope: I am mad as hell and have had enough!!!

Kayla to Roman: So, how long do we keep up this charade?

Roman to Kayla: Long enough to accomplish what we need to.

Victor to Bo: We both need to get out of here now.

Bo to Victor: I'm not so sure.


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Great episode. Loved the scene with Cal & Katherine. It was very very hot and nice. Love Josh Taylor and love that you give him something to do.

Loved the Alice, Maggie, Doug & Julie scenes. And love Victor & Maggie so much. I just hate that some see him as too old to be involved in a story like this with the love story and the excitement too. Alice and Maggie have always been wonderful together.

And loved the scenes in Lucas's room too.

Very well done.

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Loved the scenes with Maggie, Julie and Doug, but I especially enjoyed the Maggie/Alice moments. Love them together. Cal & Kathereine were....interesting to say the least. I can totally picture Josh Taylor flirting with Terri Garber though. And wow, has Philip "flipped" or what?

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